
Dimensional Overhaul

What was the gods' best creation? Was it man? Could it be the stars that we all gaze upon? Planets that hold life? Or probably the various dimensions that hold all? The answer is simple, the universe! The same universe that comprises all these wonderful creations. The food we eat, the people we look up to, and the mountains which stretch beyond the clouds are all part of one universe. And among the variety of races, one stood among them all. A race yielding the strongest type of magic, black magic. They were the Genois race. The fact that they were the strongest clouded their minds, why not unify the universe? They thought. During their rein, they forcibly made other races kneel before them and those who resisted were killed. Upon a mountain of bloodshed, a single man rose to the task of defeating the Genois race. Some called him a 'reaper', others 'a savior' while others squandered his name calling him a murderer. The single man possessed a special type of visual prowess known as Tsujigens. The five Tsujigens: Tsujigen of force, Tsujigen of space, Tsujigen of time, Tsujigen of power, and the Tsujigen illusion made him an unstoppable force. With this power, he wiped out the Genois race leaving none. Blessing other races with freedom. He was hailed as a god! Mysterious as a ghost! Yet still a lone man. Alas, not even his mortal body could handle his power causing him to erode. Before his death, he shared his Tsujigens for the next generation in hopes of his resurrection. In the present, a boy awoke in an unfamiliar world, with no memories of the past, and is left with a symbolic tattoo on his arm which possesses odd powers. In a universe where magic is the norm, Kevin travels to different worlds, unique in their way, to reclaim his lost memories.

DymenS · Fantaisie
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98 Chs

survival of the fittest

Usually, one putting on a brave front while being unable to make a complete sentence would be a funny sight. However, how he knocked down one of the men placed a pinch of fear in their hearts.

Seeing the unconscious body with a possibly fatal injury, Kevin did not feel an ounce of sympathy. After all, he lost his memories, he could not recall what it meant to feel sympathy, sadness, or compassion, especially for those who attack him willingly. Those were just emotions he had to regain all over again.

"We were just gonna teach you a lesson for stealing and get the gem back. But.. now your dead!" the man yelled out as he pulled out a knife.

Instead of attempting to clear the misunderstanding, Kevin encouraged their behavior. He was curious to know the capabilities of his body. So far he was able to tell that he was as fast as a four-legged creature and strong enough to bash the skull of a normal man.

"Die! You piece of shit," the man shouted, slashing his knife fiercely at Kevin.

swerve! swerve!

Although Kevin had no fighting experience nor training, he still had incredibly fast reflexes allowing him to react fast enough to the non-stopping barrage of slashes. Throwing out a sloppy punch of his own, the man responded by raising his arm to block.

Crack! The sound of his arm breaking echoed through the area, even managing to startle a few birds.

"AAARGH," the man shouted in pain, using his remaining arm to throw the knife at Kevin hoping for a bullseye.

Contrary to his expectations, Kevin spun around to his left, dragging his feet through the snow before launching it at the man's temple.

Like a bird, the man was sent flying face first into a tree, splattering blood against the tree trunk.

'one more!' Kevin inwardly reminded himself.

"huh?" looking forward, the last of the men were gone.

Click! Kevin suddenly felt a metallic object pressed against the back of his head, followed by the sound of a barrel reloading.

"Do not move or else I will blow your fucking brains out!" the man ordered while holding a revolver adding a threat towards the end.

Kevin did not know anything about firearms which made him wonder if it was a bluff. However, the speed and the confidence his words carried, told tales of the situation being the real deal.

"Your fighting style is wild but you have good instincts. It's quite unfortunate you cannot utilize magic. In a world full of magic users, physical training can only take you so far. Tell me where is the gem?" the man said in a tone devoid of any emotions.

'Magic?' Kevin thought, 'Can this magic be how he came behind me so fast?'.

Kevin kept silent not responding to him. What was he supposed to do, miraculously produce the gem they kept demanding.

The silence soon became overbearing resulting in the man asking one more but this time in a bit of rage accompanied by shouts. Yet Kevin said nothing, he knew the man was not going to take 'i don't know' for an answer.

Releasing a stressed sigh the man said, "I guess I have no use for your alive".

Before he could unload his bullets into Kevin's brain, a roar echoed through the area shaking the ground.

"Oh shit, they know we are here!" the man said.

'Who knows? Is someone com-'.

His train of thoughts was disrupted by a dark shadow that loomed over the both of them. Looking up, a thick tree came flying towards the both of them threatening to crush them under its weight.

They did not hesitate for a second before rolling out of the way.

Bam! The tree crashed onto the snow, causing snow to scare everywhere. While on the ground, the man began to load more bullets into his revolver preparing for the upcoming enemies.

Three beasts, covered in white fur, similar to a gorilla yet stood firmly on their back began to run towards the two of them.

"Fucking yetis," the man said as he began shooting non-stop.

Bam! Bam!

The bullets were rather effective on the beasts, killing them with a single shot on the head.

Just when he killed all and thought he could stop and catch his breath, the heavy footsteps plagued their ears as another one of them reared its body approaching with every step. Unlike, the others this one was easily the size of about two men combined and wore an odd-looking mask on its face, covering its facial features except for the eyes.

The beast let out an almighty roar striking its chest with its fists.

"Fuck my luck! A Yemen in this area?" he cried out throwing his pistol away, knowing it's not gonna be of much use due to the creature's hard skin.

He dashed towards the beast, swiping his arms in the air forming a visible blade made entirely from the air itself, and then launching it in the beast's direction.

"How did he do that?" Kevin blurted out at the scene.

Seeing the beast come out unscathed, he lost his desire to face it, resulting in him fleeing. It did not take long for Kevin to follow as well along with the fox that nibbled its way out of the net. If the man could not kill him with his so-called 'magic' then neither could he.

Seeing his prey flee did not sit well with the beast. It grabbed a rock and hurled it towards the man, instantly knocking him out.

The man fell to the ground, bleeding profusely while still unconscious. The beast's eyes then shifted to Kevin who was still running, before giving chase.