
Dimensional Overhaul

What was the gods' best creation? Was it man? Could it be the stars that we all gaze upon? Planets that hold life? Or probably the various dimensions that hold all? The answer is simple, the universe! The same universe that comprises all these wonderful creations. The food we eat, the people we look up to, and the mountains which stretch beyond the clouds are all part of one universe. And among the variety of races, one stood among them all. A race yielding the strongest type of magic, black magic. They were the Genois race. The fact that they were the strongest clouded their minds, why not unify the universe? They thought. During their rein, they forcibly made other races kneel before them and those who resisted were killed. Upon a mountain of bloodshed, a single man rose to the task of defeating the Genois race. Some called him a 'reaper', others 'a savior' while others squandered his name calling him a murderer. The single man possessed a special type of visual prowess known as Tsujigens. The five Tsujigens: Tsujigen of force, Tsujigen of space, Tsujigen of time, Tsujigen of power, and the Tsujigen illusion made him an unstoppable force. With this power, he wiped out the Genois race leaving none. Blessing other races with freedom. He was hailed as a god! Mysterious as a ghost! Yet still a lone man. Alas, not even his mortal body could handle his power causing him to erode. Before his death, he shared his Tsujigens for the next generation in hopes of his resurrection. In the present, a boy awoke in an unfamiliar world, with no memories of the past, and is left with a symbolic tattoo on his arm which possesses odd powers. In a universe where magic is the norm, Kevin travels to different worlds, unique in their way, to reclaim his lost memories.

DymenS · Fantaisie
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98 Chs

Sparring match

'That is pretty bold of him, challenging me while still in a duel,' Kevin thought as he stared blankly at Gary.

"You do not have to do it," A female spoke gently to Kevin.

"Remember, you also have the option of-".

"I accept!" Kevin said, not hearing the rest of the young girl's words.

Everyone spectating gasped at Kevin's decision while Gary now had a sinister smile on as he continued with his duel.

'Why is everyone acting like he is going to kill me? It is just a duel, plus now I can kill some time,' Kevin naively thought.

"Angela!" Lilith greeted the young blue-haired girl who attempted to warn Kevin.

"Lilith, how are you doing?" the young girl replied.

"I am great. Let me introduce you to Kevin, as you can see he is as brave as they get," Lilith said, bursting into laughter afterward.

"Angela here is going to be the next village Chief. She is going to be elected as the new Chief, all thanks to having superior magical abilities," Lilith said introducing her to Kevin.

"Umm, nice to ..... meet you," Angela said in a shy tone.

"You too!" Kevin replied, trying his best to weave a smile. Losing his memories, it was only natural that he forgot how to smile and yet, oddly remembered some things such as his name.

The girl Angela, just like other residents had blue hair and pupils with an oddly small figure. At least from Kevin's viewpoint, she has a long way to go before she becomes the chief of anything.

Now that greetings were out of the way, Lilith left to deliver the Zeal fruits leaving Kevin and Angela to spectate Gary's match. For a young lad of maybe eighteen to nineteen years, he showed remarkable sword skills completely overwhelming his opponent. The reasons he did not quickly finish off his opponent, was to gain the attention of females and strike fear into his competitors.

'Is he going to be okay in the duel,' Angela stared at Kevin, worrying whether he could hold his own against Gary.

"Have you ever fought with a sword," Angela asked hoping to confirm whether he at least had experience?

"Nope! I have amnesia, so I don't think I've ever fought with a sword," Kevin said shattering her hopes. The worst thing was that he did not know about the trouble he had invited upon himself.

'Wait he was the one with memory loss, the one Lilith told me about yesterday?' Angela thought in a worried manner, that not only was he going to lose but might also get injured. As for dignity, he might already have none.

Before she could talk him out of it, Gary's match had concluded. It was now time for Kevin to go, which he did eagerly expecting to have a fun time.

"How long do you think he is gonna last?"

"Hmm, maybe a minute at best,".

Whispers were told among the crowd, most opinions were against Kevin based on Gary's skill set. Everyone was quite confident in Gary's sword skills.

Reaching the middle, Kevin was given a wooden sword. He tried making a few swings, testing the practice weapon.

"Let's have a nice match," Kevin said while performing some stretches.

After a few seconds, a ball was tossed into the air signifying the start of the match.

Quickly taking the offensive, Gary swang his sword at Kevin who stood there preparing to block. Kevin was not familiar with the use of any type of sword, so using this moment he studied Gary's moves while staying on defense.

Gary had skills but Kevin had unbelievably fast reflexes, more than enough to dodge and block his attacks.

"Your pretty good at blocking, you cowardly piece of crap!" Gary shouted as he increased his striking speed.

Seeing Kevin still blocking, he hurdled another insult."Shithead, fight like a real man. Why does Lilith like a moron like you?"

"You call this sword skills, your crap!"

In frustration, Gary kept throwing out more insults which gradually began to piss off Kevin.

'Is this a sparring match or a dissing competition?' Kevin thought inwardly, lowering his sword.

Seeing Kevin drop his guard, Gary was more than delighted to take a swing at him.

"How boring!" Kevin muttered, before his arm moved like a blur, hitting his sword against Gary's face which sent him flying before he could even react.

"What the hell!" everyone watching replied in unison, watching Gary fly as majestically as an Eagle.

With a thud! Gary landed face first into the ground, with blood leaking from his forehead.

"Sorry the match was kind of boring, so I ended it," Kevin said, kinda hoping the match was going to be more entertaining.

"This concludes the ma-"

"Fuck off!" Gary shouted in rage, how could he let Kevin who looked like a fifteen-year-old, beat him with a single swing.

The air around Gary became intense as he raised a finger at Kevin's head.

"This is supposed to be a non-magic match!" a man yelled.

"No! Stop," Angela shouted, wanting to stop Gary after realizing his intentions.

"Calm down, Gary," his friends shouted in unison, wanting to prevent him from making a big mistake.

"Water bullet," Gary shouted as water particles began to form into a bullet shape.

Bam! The bullet took off aiming to cleanly take off Kevin's head. Seeing this, Kevin simply tilted his head to the side a bit causing the bullet to pass by grazing his cheek.

Everyone stared at him in bewilderment including Gary, wondering how he did not die. Meanwhile, a creepy smirk formed on Kevin's face, as blood began to trickle down his cheeks.

'So this is what it feels, like to get excited,' Kevin thought, dashing toward Gary. The sparring match was getting more enticing.

Quickly gaining back his composure, Gary fired off three more water bullets. Using his sword as a shield, he blocked one bullet resulting in the wooden sword's destruction leaving him the option of dodging.

"What race is the black-haired boy? He is this fast without magic? Is he a werewolf?" a boy shouted as he spectated the match.

"No! You idiot. Werewolves have to transform before exhibiting such speeds," a young female corrected him.

'Since he is using magic, I will respond likewise,' Kevin thought as he threw the broken wooden sword at Gary.

Using his left arm to cover his face, he blocked the sword while preparing an attack with his right.

"The idiot threw his swo-".

As soon as he removed his left arm from his face, Kevin was before him, thrusting his palm into Gary's chest sending him flying once more.

Everyone gasped as they saw the lightning flickering around Kevin.

"A lightning user!" a boy shouted.

"Wow! it's my first time seeing lighting magic,".

Gary was furious, not only did how people ignore him while he got beat, but Kevin was now stealing his thunder.

Water particles began to form around his wooden blade making a whip type of weapon.

"FUCK YOU!!!!" Gari screamed at the top of his lungs, lashing out his whip at Kevin.

"Things are getting interesting," Kevin smiled as he dodged the whip moving like a blur back and forth.

If they were not impressed previously, now they were as they watched Kevin dodge all the whip attacks without even acquiring a single scratch.

Striking his foot on the ground as hard as he could, debris and snow were lifted into the air. Without a second thought, he kicked a rock toward Gary.

"Oh shit!" Gary said as he formed a shield of water blocking off most of the attacks.

"Oh my God!" almost everyone shouted in shock watching Kevin's next move.

A dark shadow loomed over Gary as everyone witnessed Kevin mid-air, slamming Gary's face into the ground. Debris and snow went flying everywhere from the impact of the slam, also causing a cloud of dust to form.

"What power!" Angela exclaimed.

When the dust settled, Gary could be seen unconscious on the ground with blood oozing from his face, as well as Kevin who stood there with lightning flickering around him.

The fight may have taken a turn for the worse, but at least ended with no one dying although Gary may have been close to heaven's gates. The match was so enticing earning shouts of praise from most people.

"Wow, Kevin your strong!" Angela said running to him.

"It is not much, I-".

Before Kevin finished his sentence, a familiar pain struck him at once making him lose consciousness.

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