
Desert Reincarnation

Having an egoistical , care free and narcissistic personality , with a near infinite reserve of power to back it up , Narc Auxford exists as the pinnacle of ethereal warfare . At ten years , he was reincarnated as a Nurbian , a race of special people who could manipulate life energy, inhabiting a planet similar to earth but light years away . Growing up in this new environment , Narc had to navigate through the challenges of being overpowered right from the start . Many saw him as more of a weapon than a human , while others developed an unexplainable insurmountable amount of fear for him .Every action he took had to be thought through , especially now that the planet of Nurbia was starting to face ancient primordial threats that had long since been buried in history .

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Dawn of calamity ( Ethereal Guard )

 Mina Arizawa leaned on the cold wall as the hot shower trickled down her body . In her hand was a black beaded necklace which she unknowingly started squeezing till her palm hurt . The pain freed her from her trance and brought her back to reality. 

 " One of these days I might stop coming back , " she opened her hand and looked at the plain and featureless necklace . It was the last memory she had of her family , given to her by her brother on the day Nurbia first went to war with planet Earth . Back then she was still just a little child who believed her brother's lie .

 " It is okay little Mina ,big brother will be back before supper and we will finish making that necklace together , now go get back inside , " Malek Arizawa had lied to her on that beautiful morning as the massive propellers of military aircraft started swinging and lifting up the massive vehicles . Her tears had started clouding her vision , making it hard for her to see her brother wave at her as the plane he was on gained altitude .

" Fifteen years and I still remember it as if it was yesterday , " Mina forced herself to smile as tied the necklace back on her neck . 

" Director Mina , kindly proceed with the mission report , " general Carbury started the security council's meeting . All ten directors of the Ethereal Guard had convened for an emergency hearing called in by their leading general Carbury Oswald . It aimed to address the issues raised by the scouting program which had led to the death of one soldier and the disappearance of the rest of the regiment out in the vast deserts of Nurbia . The mention of the ethereal compass alone had already been spreading widespread panic amongst the other defense institutions including both the army and airforce . The Ethereal Guard , tasked with handling security threats linked to the supernatural ethereal domain and anti-life creatures , was trying its best to contain the commotion , but they were at their wits end if what the scouts in the desert had witnessed could not be found .

 " Thank you , general . Fellow directors of the Ethereal Guard , I am director Mina Arizawa incharge of the health department . Two days ago , I was leading a scouting expedition accompanied by director Narc Auxford into the northern desert in pursuit of the extremist group known as the Prophets . We had reason to believe that the Prophets were still conducting illegal reincarnations in collusion with the leaders of planet earth with the aim of spreading their influence offworld , " Mina started addressing the ten men gathered around the long table of the conference room .

" Wait a minute , I will have to interrupt you , director . Would you first of all tell us why the health directorate would be chasing down dangerous extremists . That is a job for the offense directorate , not feeble doctors in clean lab coats , " one of the directors at the table , Rollins Major , aired out his displeasure .

 " But I agreed with her plan . Tell me Rollins , are you trying to undermine my judgment? We can always take this outside you know , " Narc Auxford , who was seated opposite director Rollins,addressed him , already pointing at the door .

" Alright boys , settle down . We must not let our main objectives elude us . Director Arizawa , please continue , " the general calmed the two men down , deep down pitying Rollins who everyone knew Narc would mop the floor with if it ever came down to a one on one fight .

" As I was saying , we were in pursuit of the Prophets , they had been successful in masking their operations from the eyes of the Ethereal Guard for a while now and we wanted to find a way to put a stop to that . We believe that this same extremist group somehow got wind of our operations and were able to capture our scouts . One was lucky to escape and it is through him that we learned of what was actually happening . The Prophets have finally gotten their hands on the ethereal compass , the powerful ancient relic that was once used in sealing the false gods of Nurbia . Working with what our history books tell us , the Prophets' next course of action may be to use the compass to take them to the place where Grimburgh was sealed , " Mina paused after Rollins raised another interruption .

" Director Arizawa , the ethereal compass has long since been deactivated and locked away in the national catacombs . There is no way in the ethereal domain and in Nurbia , that the Prophets could have ever gotten their hands on it , " he spoke casually since this was common knowledge for everyone in the room .

To silence him , Mina took out envelopes from her file which she distributed to everyone at the table . They contained pictures of the national catacombs , specifically new tunnels that had been dug through them . The last envelope was reserved for Rollins , and she threw it straight at his face .

" I hope your eyes work, director . That is the latest photo taken from the national catacombs where the most dangerous ethereal artifacts are kept . The catalog number for the ethereal compass is five , and as you can see , item number five is nowhere to be seen . Evidence confirms that the scout was not lying , we should be grateful we have learned of this development before any real damage has been caused . I thank you for your time General Carbury , that is all I have to say ," Mina finished her briefing and took her seat.