
Desert Reincarnation

Having an egoistical , care free and narcissistic personality , with a near infinite reserve of power to back it up , Narc Auxford exists as the pinnacle of ethereal warfare . At ten years , he was reincarnated as a Nurbian , a race of special people who could manipulate life energy, inhabiting a planet similar to earth but light years away . Growing up in this new environment , Narc had to navigate through the challenges of being overpowered right from the start . Many saw him as more of a weapon than a human , while others developed an unexplainable insurmountable amount of fear for him .Every action he took had to be thought through , especially now that the planet of Nurbia was starting to face ancient primordial threats that had long since been buried in history .

Eren_2227 · Action
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11 Chs

Dawn of Calamity ( Grimburgh )

" Thank you for the comprehensive explanation director Arizawa . Now I would like to invite director Narc Auxford , one of the three directors in the offense division , to brief us on Grimburgh , the ancient deity that Nurbians fought a ten thousand years ago and managed to seal off in the ethereal domain , " General Carbury continued to lead the meeting , giving Narc the spotlight .

" Sure thing old man , here's what we know about Grimburgh . Legend has it that he was the first Nurbian to ever resurrect . He was the greatest ethereal fighter of his time , with his mastery of the ethereal domain going beyond anything imaginable .

 Starting out as a mortal ethereal fighter , Grimburgh honed his abilities until he was finally able to rival the deities themselves. It is recorded that in the famous Grimburgh war , many deities who had achieved immortality by having mastered their connection to the ethereal domain were slaughtered , killed and butchered by one man alone . Grimburgh became so powerful that even the deities were unable to kill him. 

 To save their honor , these remaining deities agreed to work with human ethereal hunters so as to seal Grimburgh in the only prison they knew could hold him , his source of power itself . This was a dangerous move , because if Grimburgh were to escape , he would come back bathed in so much ethereal energy that he could end all existence . Because of this , the deities created anti-life creatures , beings whose existence was the inverse of reality . While we exist and move by being alive , they exist and move by being dead . These anti-life creatures were the key to making sure Grimburgh never escaped , though no one really knows how .

Years later after the establishment of the modern day Nurbian empire , there arose a divergent group that still clung to the old way of doing things . The Prophets were old retarted dust brains who thought that the only way to bring back the fallen glory of Nubia was by freeing the person who was the perfect embodiment of Nurbian supremacy , the man who had risen to challenge even the deities themselves . Their efforts have grown much bolder after the recent invasion of Nurbia by the planet Earth , since the Prophets believed that it was because of the weaknesses of the modern era that Nurbia was almost conquered by a foreign race . 

 Yeah I think that about sums it up old man , the Prophets are now bolder than ever , willing to risk everything to ensure the return of their so-called savior ," Narc explained , never bothering to stand up in respect but willing to place his boots on the table and cross his legs over it .

 " To be perfectly honest , I still find it hard to believe that Grimburgh is an actual person . But still , on the off chance that he may be real , do you think that such a man would be interested in helping out the Prophets ? Judging from his actions , he seems like the sort of man whose only concern is himself . Kind of like this brat , " Rollins was always ready to give his unsolicited opinion , and as he did so he grabbed his baton and used it to push Narc's feet off the table . The force that he used was so great that Narc spun in his seat and almost lost balance .

 As the room warmed up with laughter from that scene , the general cleared his throat loudly and took command ,

" Well I think it is time the directors of the Ethereal Guard finally got active . Gentlemen , and of course lady , it has been quite some time since the anomalies of the ethereal domain gave us a challenge , and many of you may have already forgotten how to properly wield a weapon . Mobilize and alert all troops , they should be ready for deployment at any time when called upon . The offense directorate will take charge of monitoring and suppressing the Prophets and should they pose a great challenge , we will just send in our heavy hitters , Rollins Major and Narc Auxford . Though I highly doubt it will reach a point where the two directors will have to get involved . The first order of business will be the retrieval of the ethereal compass , hoping that the prophets haven't yet started using it . And with that this meeting is adjourned , the directorates shall receive further briefing in their respective offices . "