
Desert Reincarnation

Having an egoistical , care free and narcissistic personality , with a near infinite reserve of power to back it up , Narc Auxford exists as the pinnacle of ethereal warfare . At ten years , he was reincarnated as a Nurbian , a race of special people who could manipulate life energy, inhabiting a planet similar to earth but light years away . Growing up in this new environment , Narc had to navigate through the challenges of being overpowered right from the start . Many saw him as more of a weapon than a human , while others developed an unexplainable insurmountable amount of fear for him .Every action he took had to be thought through , especially now that the planet of Nurbia was starting to face ancient primordial threats that had long since been buried in history .

Eren_2227 · Action
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11 Chs

Nurbian Desert ( Buried )

 " What do you think happened to this scout , his arm is completely gone . Do you smell that burning flesh , it seems likely that his whole hand was burned clean right through . It explains why he was not able to use soul energy to heal himself , the damage was just too great and it's like it all happened in an instant . Narc, excluding you , there are only a handful of people in Nurbia that I know who can produce fire power powerful enough to cause this level of damage , do you think the anti-life creatures are getting stronger ? " Mina asked Narc as she started doing first aid on the injured man . Narc had responded quickly , going over to the man and bringing him back to the truck so that Mina , who was also a trained military doctor , could attend to him. 

 " He will be able to tell us that and also what happened to the other scouts once he wakes up . Can you save him , " Narc placed his index finger on the man's neck to check for a pulse . Confirming that it was still there , he then started doing a visual screening of the injuries the man had sustained . They were strange and unusual , since most Nurbians that could draw supernatural energy from the ethereal domain were only able to enhance their physical combat abilities . The only reasonable explanation was the anti-life creatures, but then again they weren't known to be powerful enough to burn clean through a person and the scouts were already equipped with radar gear that could warn them when they were approaching an anti-life creature . 

 " He will not survive this Narc , the readings indicate that his connection with the ethereal domain has been affected and he can no longer draw more soul energy . He will be dying in the next two minutes and twenty five seconds ," Mina sadly announced , folding up her first aid equipment .

 " How long will we have if I channel my own soul energy into him ? " Narc asked , already folding up the sleeve of his left hand and placing his palm on the scout's forehead .

" From his condition , foreign soul energy can only buy him three more minutes . Be careful Narc, even though we have never truly known the limits of your soul energy reserves , transferring soul energy is a very inefficient and wasteful procedure that leaves you bleeding out massive quantities of your own life force . It should only be done with medical machines , " Mina let him know her reservations even though she had complete confidence in his abilities .

 Narc nodded and then proceeded to flood the unconscious scout with a tremendous amount of soul energy to jumpstart his system .

" Director Auxford , quickly , we have to warn everyone in Nurbia . The prophets , they have doomed us all . We have to flee Nurbia , everyone has to leave this planet , " the scout screamed the moment he was brought back to consciousness. He wanted to jump to his feet and make a run for it but Narc easily forced him back down with his other free hand .

" You're on borrowed time soldier , the moment director Auxford physically lets go of you you'll run out of soul energy and die , " Mina explained as she knelt next to the scout .

" So the best you can do now is answer our questions . Let's start with what happened to your teammates , why are they not with you ? " Narc picked up from Mina .

 " Is that so , well , I guess this is it for me huh ? Director , I want you to know that it has been an honor to serve under you for the past two years . You have taken our small regiment to heights no other director could ever have managed . Please director , listen to me and heed my warning , everyone has to leave Nurbia . The prophets , the group that we have been tailing for the past month , have finally achieved their goal . They have gotten their hands on the ethereal compass , " the man managed to say before his breathing started getting out of control .He immediately went into cardiac arrest prompting Mina to quickly pull off Narc's hand from the scout .

" You said he would have three more minutes , " Narc complained as he watched the soldier die without telling him what he wanted to know .

" He had anti-life in his system , you know the risks involved if you get infected , " Mina raised her voice , angry that his eagerness had led to carelessness .