
Demonic Samsara

[Disclaimer: There are swear words in this novel. You have been warned.] «Check out my other book, Mana: The Land of Magic! It's new!» In 2030, the amount of hikikomori increased and I, Tatsuya Kimihiko, am a hikikomori in 2042. One day, I'm visited by my sister and her husband. I was offered a job but declined it. And that stupid thing led me to death. Oh, but what's this? I'm not dead yet? I met a god-like being, and I reincarnated into another world, but as a child-like Demon. Can I live successfully and strong in this world, while protecting those close to me? [Cover image does not belong to me, I simply edited it.] NOTE: ~I try to make every chapter 1000 words or above, however, this may not include prologues and epilogues, which could have around 800 or 900 words. ~I try to post everyday, except for when I'm tired and just need to rest. ~Hope you can enjoy my book. Feel free to skip Ch. 20 to Ch. 22–and Ch. 23, if you want–I feel like those are just there for the fun of it. ~Because of my other book, updates here will be less frequent.

Hxvok · Fantaisie
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55 Chs

The Name of Sakurako

It's been two days ever since my fight with Carlos and when the whole village condemned me for hurting Carlos. We're now travelling on the go for the nearest village, which, to Ai's sources, is the city of Reil.

I, now, can understand their fury. When I overview the situation from their eyes, it would look like someone hurting someone else on purpose. Since it was a communist society, no one was in charge and everyone did their part. No one commits crimes in a village like that.

Before I got killed, Sakurako held my hand tightly and we high-tailed it out of the village. We flew out of there with Sakurako's wings. I even gained a Gale Resistance skill from it. But it's not exactly wind.

What I was most pissed about was my weakness. The fact that I faltered once the situation became familiar to me. Getting accused of hurting someone else didn't help at all either. The fact that I wanted to run away at that moment pissed me the fuck off even more... Change to myself can't happen even if I live a different life. Seems like change to myself can only be brought about if I bring it myself.

Maybe Kei-nee was always right when she beat me up. Ah, what am I doing?! I'm starting to regret things that happened in my previous life! I shouldn't do that. I need to look forward focus on what's ahead.

'Alty! I'm hungry!'

A pink-haired Dragonoid ran towards me. Though, somehow, she looked different. She wore a fresh black cloak with white bottoms and brown boots. She was taller and her hair was longer–Sakurako also looked older. Sakurako was now taller than me, but only by an inch or two.


'Yeah, I am!'

Her speech seemed to improve too. She's not referring to herself in the third person anymore. Ai, tell me, what happened to Sakurako?

«The subject you call, Sakurako, has evolved into a Dragonewt. The evolution of some species changes their appearance, height, and, sometimes, weight. These rules do not apply to you.»

Wow, thanks for shattering my confidence, Ai.

«You're welcome.»

Gah! I can't even joke with her since she's like a machine. Takes everything literally. I should probably teach Ai some things about sarcasm.

'So, you evolved into a Dragonewt, did you?'

'Yup! I'm bigger than you now!'

Albeit Sakurako evolved, her childish way of speaking will never change, huh?

Anyways, let's look at her stats now.


[Name: N/A

Lvl: Level 15

Age: 17

Race: Dragon

Evolution: Dragonewt

Skills: Impede, Strength Enhancement, Molten Lava, Flame Magic, Fire Magic, Dragon Magic, Iron Heart, Physical Enhancement, Kinetic Flow, Space Manipulation, Dragon Armour, Claw, Bloodthirst, Sixth Sense, Third Eye, Quasar, Conceal, Dragon Aura

Ultimate Skills: Dragon King Fafnir, Rage

Resistances: Poison Resistance, Corrosion Resistance, Fire Resistance, Flame Resistance

Favourability of you is satisfactory with the subject. Would you like to establish a contract?


Now Ultimate Skills section has been added. Seems like whenever I use my Identify skill, something new is added. Oh, she's gone up three levels and gained two new skills. An Ultimate Skill, [Rage] and a skill, Dragon Aura. Wait, did a skill disappear from Sakurako's status?

«Assessment. The Race Skill, Dragon Scales, evolved into the Race Skill, Dragon Armour.

Dragon Scales → Dragon Armour.»

So, skills can evolve just like how they do in fantasy RPG games. Oh, since looking at her status reminded me, I want to ask her if I can make a contract with her. I don't know the advantages of making a contract, but I feel like making it will be a huge benefit to my life in general. I don't think Sakurako will leave anytime soon.

'Hey, Sakurako.'


'Would you form a–'


Eh? She answered me even before I said it. The smile Sakurako had on her face was feigning ignorance and full of innocence. I think I'll say it again.

'Would you like to–'

'Yes. Do it.'

'But, I haven't even said that I want to form a contract yet! Why're you randomly saying "yes," this could change your whole life.'

'If changing my whole life means that I can still follow Alty, then it's fine.'

Seriously? What type of logic is that...

Ignoring the idiotic logic from Sakurako, I could tell that she was serious from her eyes. The look in her eyes was different from her words. She was ready to accept anything that would happen. Well, I guess I have to try.

I opened up her status once more and clicked on "YES." I couldn't see it, but, from her actions, I could tell that a screen also opened for Sakurako. She clicked the air. Then, a screen showed up.

[The subject has agreed with the contract. It is up to you to decide what type of contract you would like. The choices are:




Please choose.]

Oh, then if it's from these choices, I'll choose equals then. I seriously have no idea why they would even list the first two. They're the same things, aren't they? As I took out my arm, Sakurako bumped into me and my finger clicked the "MASTER AND SERVANT."


I pushed Sakurako slightly away from me and grabbed her shoulders. I then proceeded to continuously shake her and scream. This girl just ruined her own life!

'What have you done?!'

'What have I done?'

'You made me press the Master and Servant option instead of Equals! You just–'

'That's what I wanted. That's why I bumped into you.'

Huh. What now?

'Alty is too kind, that's why I bumped into you to throw you off. I did it on purpose.'

I let go of Sakurako and looked back at the screen. There was no point in scolding her with something like this. I knew that she would simply play it off as a joke. Well, she brought it upon herself.

[Your servant does not possess a name. Enter a name for her.]

Underneath that prompt was an empty box with a keyboard underneath. It was in English, luckily I have the Auto-Translate skill, which even works on writing as well as it does with speaking. A name... I mean, the only name for her is.



'Sakurako. That's your name now.'

'What do you mean? It's always been. Anyways, Alty, I'm hungry! I want food!'

'Alright, alright, I'll get us some wolves.'

Even if she is now my servant, her attitude toward me hasn't changed one bit. It's irritating... And even more so when you look at the master and the servant. It almost looks the other way around. I'll scold Sakurako later when I know it will work. For sure.

This is where the cast starts to expand.

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