
Dead Dreams

During the year 2037, on the day of the 'September Eclipse' 7% of the population reportedly passed out at the same time. A month after that mysterious creatures started to appear. Elicit and her friends try to survive in this unusual world as the government opts to kill them. Are they in danger or are they the danger?

Ludicrous_life · Urbain
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6 Chs

CHAPTER4- What was that

"Hm? What are these?" Ryan asks picking up a weird looking hardcover book from the pile of board games on the floor.

"Oh that's a story book. I read some of them before, I'll tell you one of my favorites since I'm generous like that haha." She said casually but my gut was telling me she was up to something.

"Why'd you pick this one? The cover is so ugly It reminds me of Rein." Ryan says mimicking the sour face Rein makes on a daily basis and comparing it by swinging the book by his face.

{Note-The figure on the cover was a weird combination of the guy from the painting named the scream and what looked like slender man?} 

"That is his book bro and You know he'd sulk for a month if he heard you but honestly I see the vision." Elicit laughs.

"Oh makes sense. His book collection always has weird covers." 

The next thing you know It was getting late, the dim red light started looking ominous, there was no sound of wind, no movement of animals. The only thing that could be heard was a calm slightly hushed voice from inside the train. 

With a candle lit in one hand Illicit dramatically says, "The little boy was finally lost, everyone knows children should never go into the forest at night, the forest takes pleasure in playing games with their little minds- in simpler words the boy was about to witness the true nature of the dark forests. As he walked hoping to find the end he started hearing the crunching of leaves resembling footsteps."

"Was It a person?" Ryan asks looking very invested in the story. 

*tap* *tap* She lightly taps on the metal seats.

"The footsteps grew closer, the boy felt goosebumps all over because he knew even the adults tend to avoid the forest at night. He started running, he ran even though he wasn't sure where the sounds were coming from, he ran until he couldn't run anymore. He hid in a small hole under the oak tree. The footsteps stopped right above him. His heart beating so loudly he prayed to every god to not let it hear him. "

Ryan was visibly on edge at the pause.

"Seconds went by then minutes the boy heard nothing, It was too quiet now. Just as he was about to relax for a second..."

*THUD* She slammed her fists on the floor 

"Eeek what! what is it?!" 

"It was a body...a body of a moose 4 times the size of the boy, all covered in blood, half of it's neck was gone as if bitten by a large beast. before he could process what could have done something like that-"


"The sound came from right next to the boy." 

Ryan's mouth was open, his face looking as white as a ghost. As if he was in the shoes of the boy himself.

"He made eye contact with its large bloody teeth and then....



"And the monster ate him :) the end!" Elicit excitedly concludes.

"What the fuck kinda story is that?!" Ryan screams.

"What it's one of my favorites haha~ always manages to get people invested." she laughs. 

"ugh-lets do something else, that. Lets start playing that now." He randomly selects a game again. 

"Its fine to be scared you know."

"Scared? who's scared? I am not scared at all." Ryan retorted defensively.

"Sure sure whatever you say haha." She still wouldn't stop laughing.

"Stoppp-" He abruptly stops talking.

"What is- oh..", She asks.



They both look at each other like their eyes are about to pop off their sockets as it quite literally sounded like footsteps, very close to the train at that. 


The both simultaneously turn their heads towards the large dark figure in the door beside them. 



Evidently don't trust me when I say I'll upload regularly

Thanks for reading <3

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