
Dark Mythic Resurrection: When Beasts Walked the Earth

Legends rise, civilization falls. Myths walk the earth once more. When cracks split open the world, nightmares of ancient lore emerge to lay waste to humanity. Colossal monsters out of fable rampage across the land, sea, and sky. Mighty dragons blacken the heavens with fire, krakens swallow ships whole, and werewolves stalk the woods. The barriers between reality and myth have ruptured, unleashing an impossible apocalypse. In the face of mythic armageddon, scattered survivors must band together to fight back against the supernatural onslaught. A soldier, a scientist, a sheriff, and a girl each find the courage to stand against the beings that legends warned us about. But even united, can they find a way to send the ancient evils back to the stories that spawned them before the beasts extinguish civilization for good? Dark Mythic Resurrection: When Beasts Walked the Earth tells an epic, imaginative tale of ordinary people joining in struggle against creatures of fable and nightmare to determine the fate of humanity. If you crave nonstop thrills and larger-than-life action, this intense apocalyptic fantasy provides a riveting, immersive journey into myth and legend. Read today to experience the beasts of yesterday come to deadly life today in the most exciting mythic clash of all—the war for humanity's future!

King_Wyrtt · Urbain
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7 Chs

Shock in the valley

Beneath the expansive expanse of the desert's boundless sky, Sam found himself engrossed in an ordinary endeavor that threatened to disrupt the Mojave's customary tranquility. As the sun descended, its fading light stretched eerie shadows across the arid terrain, enveloping Sam in an aura of suspense. With a resolute resolve reminiscent of that of a battle-hardened warrior, he stealthily traversed the desolate expanse.

There lingered an eerie tension in the atmosphere, eluding Sam's grasp. He strained his eyes, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of the horizon. Every nerve in his body tingled with anticipation, as if something sinister lurked just beyond his line of sight. Everyday tasks were filled with an eerie tension, like the unsettling calm before an impending storm that loomed ominously on the horizon yet had not yet unleashed its fury. It was too close for Sam to fathom that the storm was approaching.

As the task progressed, a spine-chilling howl shattered the eerie silence of the desert. Sam felt a shiver run down his spine as he pivoted and laid eyes upon a sight that defied all reason: a creature straight out of the darkest tales and folklore, a creature adorned with scales and majestic wings, a mythical entity standing resolutely amidst the unforgiving terrain of the Mojave.

He could hear the pounding of terror in his ears as his heart raced. Sam's uncertainty collided with the realm of imagination right before his eyes, fracturing his mundane existence like fragile glass. A chilling surge of terror coursed through the atmosphere, causing a collective gasp to escape from the lips of all who beheld the abomination. In that fleeting instant, their minds betrayed the knowledge instilled during their rigorous training.

As pandemonium erupted, terror seized control. The troops, once serene, now roamed in disarray. Their rigid schedule was unraveling in the presence of the enigmatic. Sam's emotions mirrored those of his companions, a tumultuous blend of terror and bewilderment. The arid wasteland, once a mundane backdrop for everyday activities, now bears witness to the arrival of the peculiar and uncanny.

As the sun descended below the horizon, Sam's arduous training finally started to yield results. He bellowed instructions, desperately attempting to regain control as the situation deteriorated. But little did they know, this was no ordinary military exercise; it was a harrowing clash between the tangible and the otherworldly, where the unexpected arrival of a supernatural entity sent shockwaves through their carefully laid plans.

The Mojave, drenched in the peculiar glow of the descending sun, became the realm where the ordinary and the otherworldly intertwined. Sam's gaze remained fixed on the enigmatic creature, a fantastical being that seemed utterly out of place in a world that had, until now, adhered strictly to the monotonous rhythm of military existence.

As the eerie specter of the entity swayed amidst the arid expanse, Sam's thoughts raced to decipher the enigma that eluded comprehension. The enigmatic creature was a harbinger of transformation, as it rattled not only the realm of nature but also the established hierarchy.

When Sam's ordinary existence and the realm of enchantment intertwined for the very first time, it laid the groundwork for a perilous journey into uncharted territory. The enigmatic beast, slithering into the Mojave undetected, marked the beginning of a harrowing ordeal that would push Sam's courage to its limits, unmask hidden truths, and forever alter his perception of reality itself. The barren wasteland, once a sanctuary of predictable solace, now murmured the impending arrival of an otherworldly presence.

When the enigmatic materialized amidst the arid expanse of the Mojave Desert, whispers of its otherworldly countenance swiftly propagated, igniting a tempestuous maelstrom of pandemonium and trepidation that transcended the parched terrain. The Las Vegas military base changed from a peaceful haven of labor to a place where people were filled with shock and dread. 

Swiftly, the tale raced through the anxious murmurs of soldiers who had laid eyes on the enigmatic creature firsthand. The enigma of what transpired instilled terror within the confines of the entire establishment. The brave soldiers, who had borne witness to the thing, found themselves at a loss for words when attempting to convey the sheer terror they had experienced. Their eyes bulged with terror as they exchanged hushed whispers about the inexplicable occurrence.

Once a place of mirth and camaraderie, the mess hall has transformed into a sinister abode where hushed tales of the inexplicable are exchanged. The eerie silence fell upon the room as the clattering trays and the murmurs of conversation abruptly ceased. A palpable sense of foreboding hung in the atmosphere, weighing down on everyone present. Every encounter was now characterized by a chilling uncertainty that had broken the pattern. 

Soldiers frantically dashed towards the public screens, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and curiosity. The news stories unfolded before their eyes, each one a puzzle piece in the chaotic jigsaw of their minds. Desperate for answers, they sought solace in the realm of reason, hoping to unravel the enigma that defied all logic. Still, the ghastly images flickering on the screen sent shivers down my spine, intensifying the terror that consumed me. The sheer terror that the mythical creature's visage evoked made it difficult for the news reporters to convey the true gravity of the situation with their words. 

Dread rippled through the military base, seeping into the very fabric of nearby locales. When the inhabitants of Las Vegas caught wind of the spine-chilling tidings, they hastily poured out onto the dimly lit streets, their hearts teetering between a morbid curiosity and an overwhelming sense of dread. The once vibrant city, once a sanctuary of gleaming brilliance and amusement, now found itself ensnared in the clutches of an unforeseen peril, a menace that surpassed the realm of mortal comprehension.

Emergency services found themselves overwhelmed, struggling to cope with the deluge of calls and pleas for assistance. The customary methods of communication became entangled, causing tales to proliferate and spreading terror far and wide. Dread gripped the souls of those who had never fathomed that legends could materialize within their very existence.

As the chaos unfurled its wicked tendrils, Sam, the man who had once been steadfast and true, discovered himself ensnared in the heart of a tempestuous tempest. As he attempted to restore order, his comrades bestowed upon him untamed gazes, mirroring the very terror that consumed his being. Once upon a time, the military base stood tall and proud, a fortress of unwavering discipline. Now, it sat precariously on the precipice of a sheer cliff.

The legendary beast's appearance brought about a terrifying realization as the fear spread: enigmatic powers beyond human comprehension had thrown the once safe and predictable world into chaos. The pandemonium extended far beyond the Mojave; its echoes reverberated through the corridors of authority, resonated amidst the bustling streets of Las Vegas, and infiltrated the unsuspecting thoughts of individuals unprepared for the intrusion of the supernatural into their mundane existence.

The moment that abomination materialized, pandemonium and terror seized control, birthing a realm where the ordinary surrendered to the bizarre. The creature of legend, an omen of mischief, had ignited a chain of occurrences that would challenge humanity's fortitude, unravel the fabric of normalcy, and plunge the globe into an unforeseen calamity.


Sam froze in the shifting grains of the treacherous Mojave Desert, his gaze locked onto the enigmatic being that defied all logic and reality. The thing materialized as a mirage of scorching heat, its scales shimmering under the dying rays of the sun while its wings stretched out, casting eerie shadows upon the barren desert terrain. 

Sam's rational thoughts were gnawing at him with uncertainty. He blinked, his heart pounding in his chest, desperately hoping that the thing before him would vanish into thin air, like a haunting mirage that dissipates when scrutinized too closely. But it remained steadfast, a living embodiment of stories and myths in a realm that had never dared to believe they could be real.

Sam's forehead glistened with a single bead of perspiration, slowly trickling its way down his face. The path before me revealed the sheer intensity of the moment. In the depths of his stomach, terror, raw and unbound, coiled. His training, which had served him well in countless endeavors, vanished into thin air as he beheld the sheer magnitude of the enigma before him.

The eerie cry of the creature reverberated across the barren desert, jolting Sam from his hypnotic stupor. He felt a shiver crawl down his spine as the eerie melody filled the air—a haunting symphony of the unknown. The sensation of dread swelled with each passing moment, its suffocating grip tightening around the remnants of uncertainty that lingered.

His trembling hands betrayed the facade of composure he had so meticulously upheld throughout countless endeavors. The visage of the mythical creature mercilessly mocked the boundaries of existence, shattering his comprehension into fragments. The barren wasteland, once a desolate canvas of monotony, transformed into a theatrical spectacle that defied the confines of reality, a spectacle that would never find its place within the pages of a military handbook.

Amidst the chaos that engulfed him, Sam's unwavering gaze remained fixated on the mysterious entity in motion. It slithered with an uncanny grace that reminded me that the laws that governed ordinary existence had been shattered. He felt a chilling sense of dread, an unfamiliar sensation for a battle-hardened warrior accustomed to confronting tangible perils.

Sam couldn't decipher the cryptic whispers carried by the gusts of the ancient wind. His mind was struggling to decipher the enigmatic connection between the ethereal and the tangible. The creature's awe-inspiring yet perilous presence was simultaneously captivating and spine-chilling. The line between dreams and reality blurred, leaving Sam trapped in a twisted web of uncertainty. A pivotal moment in history loomed before him, casting a shadow of fear and doubt.

When it came to the myth, Sam's doubt and fear became entangled in the calamity that was unfolding. In the heart of the Mojave Desert, the enigmatic creature had shattered Sam's comprehension, thrusting him into a realm where the known had surrendered to the unfamiliar.


Once upon a time, the Mojave Desert covered a sizable area and was subject to a strict set of laws and an unbreakable military order. Now it became a gruesome battleground, where the boundaries of human knowledge clashed with the terrifying depths of the unimaginable. A cacophony of confusion and uncertainty accompanied the mythical creature's arrival, casting a foreboding shadow across the desolate desert. It was a foreboding sign, signaling the imminent onset of a looming crisis.

A chilling aura permeated the atmosphere, a sinister blend of dread, disbelief, and the uncanny. The military base's once-tranquil routine had been shattered, and now an unmistakable tension hung in the desert air. A foreboding feeling hung in the air, signaling the imminent arrival of a tempest. Yet, this was no ordinary storm, but rather a sinister force born from the depths of folklore and whispered tales, lurking in the recesses of human imagination.

The eerie echoes of the enigmatic entity reverberated across the vast expanse of the Mojave Desert, instilling a sense of unease within the hearts of those who dared to listen. The aftermath of the crisis loomed ominously, casting its eerie shadow upon the nearby military base and stretching its chilling tendrils towards the dazzling lights of Las Vegas. Even the desolate desert, far beyond, was not spared from its malevolent influence. The mundane had morphed into the bizarre, and the impending catastrophe was an unwelcome intruder who slithered into the meticulously orchestrated patterns of military existence.

It sent shivers down my spine, as if an ominous presence lurked nearby, ready to unleash a torrent of malevolence. The very fabric of reality seemed to have undergone a sinister metamorphosis, as if the rules governing our world had been twisted and distorted into something dark and foreboding. The barren wasteland, once a symbol of eerie tranquility, now echoed with the startled gasps of onlookers as the legendary beast materialized before their very eyes. The trouble was brewing like an ominous tempest, poised to engulf all in its path.

When the enigmatic appeared, terror manifested, leaving its mark on the soldiers' brows furrowed and the worried looks they exchanged among themselves. The once tranquil military base transformed into a tumultuous arena of emotions, where uncertainty and dread waltzed hand in hand with the dawning realization that their familiar world was crumbling into chaos.

The otherworldly creature, dispatched from realms far beyond our comprehension, established the atmosphere for a calamity that surpassed the limits of human comprehension. In the vast expanse of the desert, where the ordinary and the otherworldly intertwined, peculiar imprints emerged upon the shifting grains of sand. The arrival of the creature heralded the commencement of the looming catastrophe and denoted the initiation of an expedition into uncharted territory. This perilous expedition would push the boundaries of existence itself, as the foundations of familiarity crumbled in the presence of the uncanny.