
Dark Mythic Resurrection: When Beasts Walked the Earth

Legends rise, civilization falls. Myths walk the earth once more. When cracks split open the world, nightmares of ancient lore emerge to lay waste to humanity. Colossal monsters out of fable rampage across the land, sea, and sky. Mighty dragons blacken the heavens with fire, krakens swallow ships whole, and werewolves stalk the woods. The barriers between reality and myth have ruptured, unleashing an impossible apocalypse. In the face of mythic armageddon, scattered survivors must band together to fight back against the supernatural onslaught. A soldier, a scientist, a sheriff, and a girl each find the courage to stand against the beings that legends warned us about. But even united, can they find a way to send the ancient evils back to the stories that spawned them before the beasts extinguish civilization for good? Dark Mythic Resurrection: When Beasts Walked the Earth tells an epic, imaginative tale of ordinary people joining in struggle against creatures of fable and nightmare to determine the fate of humanity. If you crave nonstop thrills and larger-than-life action, this intense apocalyptic fantasy provides a riveting, immersive journey into myth and legend. Read today to experience the beasts of yesterday come to deadly life today in the most exciting mythic clash of all—the war for humanity's future!

King_Wyrtt · Urban
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7 Chs

Panic in Las Vegas

"Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon." Rev 13:11

Mojave Desert - Outside Las Vegas

In the hot desert sun, the Mojave Desert was a huge, rough, and wild area of land that went on and on. The land had a lot of red and gold to it, giving the impression that nature had painted it. There were no sounds of everyday life in that place because it was so quiet.

Out in the middle of this empty space, rough rock formations reached for the sky. The old stone shapes of these formations cast long, ominous shadows, as if they knew secrets that had been hidden for a long time. The scaly spines of the cacti stood like quiet guardians, shining like armor in the hot sun, surviving the harsh environment. They were the guards of this empty realm, and just being there added to the sense of wonder.

The sun beat down on the land like a typhoon, turning the sand into a sea of moving, shiny waves. The air was thin and dry, and it smelled like old desert sand. There was a deep silence, as if the land itself was holding its breath, ready for something that no one could explain to happen.

It felt like time had stopped in that place, and the air was thick with a sense of dread, like secrets were about to be revealed. It was both beautiful and harsh in the Mojave Desert. Its isolation made people feel like they were in the middle of a story from long ago that they had yet to tell.


Sam was a brave fighter who stood out in the rough Mojave Desert as an example of unwavering loyalty. At 25 years old, he was still a young guy whose past was mysterious because of how determined he was.

Living in Las Vegas, a city famous for its flash and glitz, Sam's childhood was very different from the path he had chosen. As a child, he loved hearing stories about knights and heroes, journeys in faraway places, and magical beasts. These stories had given him a fire inside, making him feel like he had a job to protect and serve, just like the heroes in the old stories.

Sam had a strong desire to help others and protect them from the dark forces that were after them since he was a child. His choice to join the service was a clear example of that calling. It was clear from the steadfast determination in his eyes that he felt a deep sense of duty that went beyond his years.

He had committed his life to work as a soldier stationed in Las Vegas, watching over the people who lived there. His job was to keep the town safe and to protect them from danger, whether they were humans or from another world.

Sam's friends saw him as a loyal and trustworthy partner. He was very loyal to his fellow soldiers and cared deeply about the safety of the people he was in charge of. He wasn't just a fighter; he was a sign of hope and strength, a warning that there were people who would fight the darkness.

He was only just starting his trip when he went into the middle of the Mojave Desert. Little did he know that his duty and devotion would be put to the test in ways he could never have imagined. The scary stories he had heard as a child were about to come true, and the hero of the stories would have to face problems he had never imagined.


Strange things were being said about things that were happening in the middle of Las Vegas, a city known for its neon-lit luxury. It began with whispered talks in dimly lit bars and late-night cafes. Like wildfire, rumors went from one person to the next like a dark secret that couldn't be kept inside.

At first, the local news seemed to ignore the strange events going on in the nearby Mojave Desert. But then they started to hint at them. There were reports of strange events, sightings, and meetings with animals straight out of tales and legends. It looked like the line between real life and dreams was getting thinner.

Fear had taken over the city, even though it had a lot going on at night and the streets were always busy. Under the surface, there was a lot of anxiety. People looked at each other nervously and spoke quietly. As the stories and accounts kept coming out, the city, which used to be very busy, started to feel less safe.

Las Vegas, a city known for its exciting shows and endless opportunities, now faces a scary and unknown future. People no longer thought that stories about strange things happening were just made up. They were now a stark and disturbing truth that hung over the city like a storm.


The more Sam heard about the strange things that were said to happen in the Mojave Desert, the less he believed them. He was a logical thinker at heart, so it was hard for him to accept stories about monsters and strange events. His mind was based on reasoning and reason, so these stories seemed like crazy ideas or mass panic.

Sam initially believed that the stories were simply the product of people with busy minds, or perhaps because they resided in a city that enjoyed drama and shows. His fellow troops looked at him with worry, but Sam wouldn't change his mind about being skeptical. He claimed that the stress and challenging circumstances of life in the desert were to blame for the stories. Under such difficult conditions, it was normal for people to see things that weren't there. He thought that was what the problem was all about.

Even though worry and fear were building, Sam stayed calm and collected. He couldn't believe that animals from old stories really existed, and he held on to his doubt as if it were a shield against the rising fear. The poor guy didn't know that what was happening in the Mojave Desert would soon shake his whole world.
