
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
470 Chs

Searching For Clues

Over at the city square, there were a lot of people packed into a small place. Evidently, this was the bustling part of the city where people hung out, made deals, etc.

[Mission: Rescue the Ash Phoenix.]

[Mission: Get justice for Henry.]

The fact that he heard the Mainframe's voice meant that they were on the right track. Coming out of the clan compound was really the right choice. He doubted that he would have received more missions from the Mainframe had he stayed put.

He still had yet to find the Main Character, with the Mainframe's vague and useless instructions.


The reason he was doing this was because he still wanted to go back to being a System, after all. Even if he hated those bloody transmigrators and the other useless Systems –

There wasn't a spot where Alec didn't spot a human occupying. As a small human – no – as a human, Alec made a sound of disgust even as he was forced to maintain his smile.

He did his best to shrink his body to avoid even touching someone, their sweat and uncleanliness freaking him out however subtly. Alec did his best to follow directly behind Henry and Philip, who were leaving just the slightest amount of space behind them whenever they moved.

Alec even felt like thanking the Mainframe for putting him into the Neil Clan so that he would have access to all the dodge training that their teacher had put them through.

Alec never realized how much he despised human contact until this moment. Well it wasn't that he despised human contact in general, but from strangers he'd never met before, or were unfamiliar with.

It was strange. Really strange. He didn't recall having these symptoms a lifetime ago, before he had transitioned into becoming a System. So, why were they appearing now?

In Mystik Town, it hadn't been crowded at all. There were a few stragglers here and there, but there was always more than ample space for him to avoid them. Even in the clan compound, he only ever stuck to places where he was sure that there weren't many people. It was just that he'd been doing it subconsciously until now.

Now that he realized that he was doing it, he couldn't help but look at all his decisions in a whole new light. Just how much of his actions had been dictated by a subconscious desire to avoid people?

Alec was faced with the harsh truth, but he still powered on, nonetheless. Mainly because he was already stuck in the middle of all these humans, and he wanted out! As soon as possible. Immediately!

Alec stuck so close to Henry that he was all but clinging on the man's shirt to avoid him leaving without Alec. It was fucking embarrassing, but Alec was willing to put up with it to minimise any stranger's contact. Strange, thinking that Henry and Philip had been strangers to him just a few scant weeks ago, but he supposed seeing Henry so inebriated during their initial meeting set the bar low.

Alec even felt the urge to cling onto Bunbun instead and let the bunny carry him around like he was carrying around Fenrir, but the bunny wasn't big enough for that yet. In the future, perhaps.

Was it weird that he was having thoughts like this as he tried to disassociate from reality? Maybe, but did he care? No. He didn't. Anything to get away from touching the crowd.

Alec was feeling highly uncomfortable in this situation, and it was not decreasing even with prolonged exposure.

Two men and a pale boy ducked into an alley nearby that didn't have anyone else.

Alec immediately let go stiffly, feeling relieved.

Henry took one look at Alec and frowned. The boy was still smiling like usual, but his face was pale, and if he wasn't mistaken – cold sweat?

The initial rage that Henry had been feeling once again as he heard that there was information on the two traitor's whereabouts faded into something softer for the time being – currently, his worry for the boy took top place in his priorities.

"Alec, you should have said something," Philip chided before Henry could even open his mouth.

Henry nodded.

Alec quickly regained control over himself, hugging Bunbun's soft, clean fur, colour returning to his face. "I didn't know about it myself," he said with considerable calm.

He must have convinced them somehow, because the two men didn't say anything else.

"Where do you think they are? I doubt they'll just bring it out here without any thought on where they are. After all, the Ash Phoenix will fetch an insanely high amount of money."

"I've been keeping an ear out and apparently there's a street that houses only high-class goods. They're probably making their way there."

Whilst Henry and Philip's main goal was to find the two traitors, Alec's had to save the Ash Phoenix as well.

They cut a couple of streets using the back alleys, eventually reaching an alley that led into a wide street. Compared to the city square, this street looked a lot higher class. The streets were clean without a single piece of rubbish, and the people walking along the streets wore clothes of fine quality.

Now and then, a few carriages passed by that were pulled using various types of creatures that had been tamed. They all looked majestic and elegant.

Personally, Alec thought that they all just looked stuck-up and pretentious. Everything looked sparkling on the outside, but the back alleys were just as dirty as everywhere else. Just because no one saw them didn't mean that their existence could be denied.

"Let's split up."

The three of them moved independently, with Alec bringing Bunbun and Fenrir along with him. After all, they were registered under his name.

"We're looking for two men who have the scent of an avian type creature on them. Do you think you can sniff them out?"

The resulting answer from the bond that the three of them shared between themselves was a vague uncertain feeling, but they would try.

Meanwhile, Alec thought that there was only one place that those two shady ex-friends of Henry's would go. Not only were they trying to quickly offload the goods and get the money, but they were also trying to fetch the highest price that they could.

Then, following Alec's understanding of various common plot points, they were likely to visit an auction house.

Alec blinked and widened his eyes, taking care to soften his smile even more than usual. Then, he spotted a lady wearing a hat with her hair done up in a fancy hairstyle.

There were various bags being loaded into the carriage she was standing outside of as she sighed with annoyance.

Alec walked up to her silently and 'nervously' tugged slightly on her skirt.

Blanche whirled with murder in her eyes, ready to unleash a barrage of cutting insults that would leave the offender questioning their entire self-worth, but it immediately disappeared upon seeing a child with teary eyes.

Blanche brushed her long skirt behind her as she bent down with both hands placed slightly on her knees. "How may I help you, child?" she said as gently as she could. The poor dear looked like he was about to burst into tears, stoking her motherly instincts.

She had not seen her own child like this for such a long time – where they were still young and innocent and free of earthly worries and problems.

Alec hesitated. Suddenly, he felt like this might not be such a good idea. The lady looked like she was about to kidnap him and hug him tightly while cooing.

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

Top 350: 1 bonus chapter

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