
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Wear a Bell

Alec was thinking. There was something that was bugging him nonstop, but what was it? Then, it clicked. Those guys from yesterday…!

The boy headed over to the opposite room, knocking on the door. There was no response. Alec frowned, clicking his tongue. He supposed that it was expected. Though, he had hoped that they would be here so as to avoid having to track them down.

However, did he really expect that Henry, who had come all the way here to find those backstabbers of his, to stay cooped up in the inn at this time of the day? Philip wouldn't be here either because the man felt some sort of responsibility that Henry had suffered so badly.

Alec felt like slapping the both of them up the head. The two of them were blaming themselves for things that were not even remotely their own fault.

Two grown men were behaving like children. And by children, he didn't mean himself, thank you.

Alec made an annoyed sound.

He wanted to try and track down the duo, but that would take too much time.

If it was going to be like this, then he might as well just try and track down the two men who were carrying the Ash Phoenix with them instead.

He was sure that two men that had been scurrying around with a covered birdcage would have attracted more attention as compared to Philip and Henry who were going around to look for people.

Even if Gred and Briggs moved around in the middle of the night where 'no one' was watching, there was always someone who would spot them on the streets. The more one tried to act discreet, the quicker they were noticed.

Not wasting any time, Alec instructed Bunbun and Fenrir to track down Philip and Henry.

"Once you find them, lead them to me. Stick to the back roads and alleys. Don't let anyone see you walking around without a human near you, otherwise the guards will try and capture you."

He got an acknowledging growl from Fenrir. The resulted Awakening from Fenrir after their battle had made the wolf a bit smarter, but he was not yet on Bunbun's level. Tonight, he would Awaken the wolf more.

There went whatever amount of his magical capacity that he'd just barely managed to recover.

Alec himself tracked down Hong Jun. It wasn't hard.

Since he had set the boy loose earlier in the day, he knew where he was likely to be.

Sure enough, Alec managed to track Hong Jun down without any problems.

"Hong Jun."

The pickpocket's frame tensed tightly before relaxing. Hong Jun glared at Alec, annoyed.

"Do you have to sneak up on me every single time?!"

Alec ignored him with practiced ease. "I'm looking for two men. I hear they've been asking around for someone who's able and willing to buy an exotic bird."

Hong Jun paused the part of his brain that crafting the tirade that he had been about to unleash on the younger boy for ignoring him.

"Heh, you've come to the right guy," the pickpocket said smugly, rubbing under his nose, instantly forgetting everything about his earlier annoyance.

Alec resisted the urge to roll his eyes. The entire job detail that he'd drafted the other boy for was for this type of thing exactly, so who was he kidding?

"Anyway," Hong Jun continued. "Word on the street's that those two are bad business. Pulled a knife on a couple of people and tried to use it. There are two or three casualties, so everyone hates their guts."

Alec listened without a change in his expression, which freaked Hong Jun out a bit, causing the boy to speed up what he was saying without any embellishments. After all, the other boy had indeed provided him with a great opportunity, so he was indebted. Not that he would tell him that.

"Anyway, one of the boys said they them heading into the city square. That's where all the bigwigs are. Should be them. How many people would walk around with a bird in the middle of the night?" Hong Jun finished with a shrug.

Alec nodded. "Thank you."

Hong Jun looked at the wall for a brief moment. Just as he gathered enough courage to ask and look back, Alec was gone!

Stunned, Hong Jun looked around and realized that he was all on his lonesome. His face darkened. He only looked away for a split second! Why did he and the two reapers like to disappear like that! How rude!


Henry hit the ground hard, his legs giving out from under him as a hard, furry object slammed into the back of his knees.

With a groan, he got back up. "What the hell, wolf!" he snarled, glaring at the purple alpha wolf. The wolf was lucky he was a Support type, so he was able to heal, Henry thought to himself. Otherwise, he'd skin that wolf alive, Alec's familiar or not!

The wolf tossed his mane in a show of arrogance, trotting back over to the bunny, who was waiting patiently.

Philip snorted. The wolf only ever did that because Henry was always glaring at him like he was thinking about how to skin him alive.

Henry scoffed and turned around to continue looking for the two bastards, Briggs and Gred, only to be tackled yet again.

"Why you-!"

Philip cut off his friend's rant before it continued. While it was funny, the fact that the bunny wasn't stopping the fight between human and wolf was an indicator that they had orders. From Alec. "I think they want us to follow them. Maybe Alec's looking for us."

The two men looked over at the giant bunny, who nodded his head regally.

Henry scowled. "I'll let you off this time," he told the wolf, who gave him a snort.

"No need," Alec said. "I'm here."

Both Philip and Henry just about jumped a foot in the air at his sudden appearance. They could've sworn he wasn't there a moment ago.

The longer they spent in Alec's presence, the more they felt like they couldn't read him. It was like peeling back layers on an onion. They were endless.

"Boy," Henry said solemnly as he got his heartbeat back under control. "We need to get you a bell.

Alec tilted his head. "What will the bell do?"

"Help give us some warning, that's what!"

Alec shook his head, his smile growing. "No. I mean, even with a bell, I'll still be able to move without a sound?"

Alec thought about how he would Awaken the bell so that the bell would stop ringing, ignoring the dubious looks both men gave him.

Henry leaned over to whisper to Philip. "Go buy a bell later to test it out. Wait. Does this mean I got knocked in the back of my knees twice for nothing?!"

"Anyway," Alec continued; his smile more solemn. "I might have a lead on Briggs and Gred."

The joking manner on Henry's face closed off completely, his eyes serious.

"What have you got?"

There wasn't even a stray thought that Alec might be remotely wrong. There was a strange sense of trust that the young boy filled him with that he couldn't say anyone else had inspired in him like this boy here.

"I asked around, and they seem to be heading to the city square."

"Then, that's where we'll go."

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

Top 350: 1 bonus chapter

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