

what happens when the love of a woman leaves her? what will happen if she has a son with him but he is not there? what happens when they after some years? How it will affect their son? This is the fanfiction on beyblade which I continued from another fanfiction that got discontinued in year 2006. It is dedicated to all the bey blade fans.

Arohi_Sharyu · Urbain
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18 Chs

Life is a pain in the head

Kai watched in slow motion as his son ran past him and into another man's arms. He couldn't stand the sight and turned his head away from it. He closed his eyes in pain, when he heard the sobs coming from the little boy. He looked at the man again and narrowed his eyes. He had seen that man somewhere. His eyes widened in recognition.

This was the man from that night... the man who had held Hilary too close, according to himself. His insides were a tight knot of pain, rage and a bit of helplessness. He clenched his fists tightly.

He felt pain because it seemed that his son didn't want to know him, he felt rage because this strange man was for the second time holding something he thought to be precious to him, and only him and that bit of helplessness he felt was because he didn't know what to do next. If he neared his son, then the little boy would for certain start to cry more than he did in the moment.

Kai stood up and glared murderously at the man, he was about to take a step forward, when Hilary suddenly materialized in front of him. Looking up at him with her beautiful ruby eyes.

Hilary had been regarding Kai with pity. She couldn't help but to feel for him. All he wanted was to know his son and for his son to know him, and in the end Hilary couldn't deny the truth any longer. If Gou had inherited her looks, then she would have been able to protect him from the outside world since the media world hadn't been able to figure out whether she was in a relationship with Kai or not. But since Gou looked like his father, everybody eventually would be able to put two and two together. And when that day would come, she wouldn't be able to protect Gou from it all by herself; she would need Kai to be there with him.

Suddenly Hilary noticed a change in Kai's behaviour, one that didn't promised goodness. She decided to interfere before something bad happened.

"Kai... he's just..." Hilary struggled to find the words she needed, but it was a bit difficult with Kai's handsome crimson eyes staring down at her, "he's just not use to it. He just needs some time", Hilary said gently. Kai flicked his gaze from Hilary to Gou; his son was in the middle to burry himself deeper into Charlie's chest.

He's scared of me, Kai thought painful. He looked back at Hilary and lifted up his hand and slowly started to caress her cheek. Hilary unconsciously leaned into the touch, noticing this Kai smirked inwardly. At least something about today was good. Kai let his hand drop and let his look wander to Gou before looking back at Hilary.

"Fine" Kai said and went to leave, just as he reached Charlie, Kai slowly reached out with his hand to touch his son, but Gou pulled away by burry himself deeper into Charlie's arms. Kai's face turned into an ice mask, he wasn't going to let this strange man see his pain. The two men's eyes met and the two of them glared at each other with equal hatred.

"Kai wait!" Hilary suddenly called out, and both men broke their glaring contest to look at Hilary. Hilary walked up to them. She pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen from her purse. She quickly wrote something down and handed it to Kai.

"This is our address and phone number" Hilary explained. Kai stared at the small note for a second before accepting it. He gave one last look at his son and left.

Hilary looked at Charlie.

"Let's go home" she said.

Tala watched as his old friend was destroying every item that could be destroyed in the training room. Kai's old butler Vladimir had let him in and told him that Kai was training with his blade. Needless to say, when Tala had entered the room it looked like it was on the verge to collapse.

Sweat was dripping down Kai's exposed chest, he was beyond furious, and the only way to get rid off this frustration he felt, was to blade as if he were facing Tyson again. Finally he stopped and summoned Dranzer back into his palm. Kai had noticed Tala a long time ago, but the need to get all these frustrations out, was the priority on his mind.

"What did you find out?" Kai asked Tala. Tala had in his hand a file; he walked up to Kai and gave it to him.

"Everything" Tala said with a smirk. Kai scanned through the papers, until he reached a certain spot on a page.

Last name: Tachibana

First name: Gou

Born the: 12. November

He was born in November... four days before my birthday, Kai thought with a chuckle. He scanned through the pages a bit more and found with great interest Hilary's educational records and company experience. According to this, Hilary was one the best secretaries in the world of business. Not that it was that much surprising, she had in school been an A-student and she was a hardworking woman, if she wanted something done, then she would get it done.

"Kai", Kai heard Tala's voice and looked up. Tala was smirking, "I'm picking up my son tomorrow... I wonder if you would like to come, after all, your son will be there too and I doubt that he this time is able to hide behind Hilary's leg.

A smirk crept into Kai's features. He would get to see his son again, without any interference from any strangers, Kai frowned and narrowed his eyes, like that man who seemed to be in Hilary and his son's life.

Kai looked down at Suzuka, he would make sure to find out, just what this man's relationship were with Hilary and his son. Kai gripped his blade tighter, oh yes; he was going to find out who that man was!