

what happens when the love of a woman leaves her? what will happen if she has a son with him but he is not there? what happens when they after some years? How it will affect their son? This is the fanfiction on beyblade which I continued from another fanfiction that got discontinued in year 2006. It is dedicated to all the bey blade fans.

Arohi_Sharyu · Urban
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18 Chs

The None Kidnapper

"Now move it up and down, up and down, up and down...just like this" Hilary lectured for her son. They were standing in the bathroom in front of the mirror and were brushing their teeth or at least Hilary was.

Gou had wanted to do it on his own this time and he had been standing very firmly on it. Hilary had given in, she really didn't want to argue with Gou tonight after what he been experiencing with Kai today, but she was a bit curious. Gou had always adored his father, well the stories of him, and he always wanted to know more about him. She would use the stories of Kai as bedtime stories, since Gou really didn't want to hear about boring stories like Princes rescuing Princesses.

"Mama? Will yu' tell me the stowy about Papa and Bwooklyn?" Gou asked and looked up at Hilary with big puppy eyes. Hilary on the other hand, nearly chocked in her toothbrush when she heard the question. She regained her breath and slowly looked down at Gou; she bent down to Gou's height level and held him by the shoulders, so he would look into her eyes.

"Gou sweetheart, do you know who we met today?" Hilary asked gently. Gou nodded slowly.

"Papa" he said.

"Then… why didn't you go to him? I'm sure he would have loved to tell you that story". Gou looked away and started to stare at something else. Hilary lifted her hand to his chin and turned his head.

"Gou! Why didn't you go to your Papa?" Hilary asked a bit more stern. Gou bit his lip as he, and Hilary, tended to do when he, and Hilary, was nervous. Small tears started to form in his eyes.

"Be-be-because Papa makes yu' sad" Gou said trembling and then started to cry. Hilary gathered the small boy into her arms and held him against her. She tried to calm him down by stroking his back with motherly affection.

"Gou, did you want to meet your Papa?" Hilary asked him in a much more concerned tone and got in response a small nod and sob meaning yes.

"Oh sweetheart, who would tell you something that silly about your Papa, is making me sad?" Gou ceased his crying and withdrew from his mother, he wiped the tears away from his face and in a small voice he said:

"Chawlie told me"

Hilary stared wide eyed at her young son, Charlie must have told Gou long time before they had their conversation about it, but she couldn't believe that Charlie would do something like this to her… to Gou.

Flash back

"I could have met my real father and get to know him, but I turned him down saying I didn't want anything to do with him. I don't want the same thing for Gou. Besides, its not like I'm not telling Gou the truth, I am. I'm telling him about the good things I had with Kai, and one day when he is older and want to know the whole story about his father and me, then he will get to know it, the unrated version I promise, but for now I want my son to like his father... can you understand that Charlie?" Charlie looked a little taken aback by what Hilary just said to him.

"Yeah I understand and I'm sorry it wasn't my intention to hurt your feelings". Hilary smiled and said that it was all right.

Flash Back end

Hilary turned her attention back at Gou, her eyes turned serious and she started to speak to him in a serious tone:

"Gou I want you to listen very careful to me!" Hilary gather the small boy into her arms again, "It's true that your Papa sometimes makes me sad, but…-" Hilary sighed deeply, how was she going to explain this in a way that Gou could understand it. Hilary gazed into his eyes, "Gou, do you remember when you lost your Mr. Teddy Bear and was sad because you couldn't find him" Gou slowly nodded, he remembered that all too well. "And then when you found him you were really happy", Gou nodded again and Hilary smiled, "That's how I feel about your father. At first I couldn't find him and that made me a bit sad, but then I found him and that made me happy…" Hilary sat Gou down on the bathroom floor and gazed deeply into his eyes. "But mostly I want you to be happy, don't worry about me…Mama can take care of herself." Hilary smiled and Gou began to smile with her while letting out a little childish chuckle. Hilary leaned in close to him and wiggled her nose against his, "Now hurry up and put your pyjamas on…before I tickle you" Hilary said in a humorous voice. Gou hurried off in a fit childish laughter, he didn't want his mama to catch and start tickling him.

Hilary stared motionless at the bathroom wall, she hated to lie to her son like that, but right now he was too young to understand the truth. She didn't know how long she had been staring at the wall, but suddenly out of nowhere Charlie's voice startled her.

"Hey Hily is there something wrong? Gou has been calling for you for sometime now…something about a story you were going to tell him…" Charlie's voice trailed off when he noticed Hilary glaring hard at him.

"Why would you tell Gou that Kai is making me sad?" Hilary said slowly, full of mistrust. Charlie face turned tense and he felt like looking away, but he took in courage not to do so.

"Hily…I just thought-" he started to say when Hilary interrupted him.

"WELL, don't think then! IT wasn't YOUR decision to make…it was MINE….Do us both a favour and don't interfere with Gou and Kai ever again!" Hilary hissed out. Hilary went to walk past him, but was stopped by Charlie's voice.

"You can't say that! I have been in Gou's life longer than…than that man… I have watched the consequences of what he did to you. Have you already forgotten that it was me who comfort you those nights when you were crying…that it was me who took care of Gou in the middle of the night when you were too tired. I have been more of a father to Gou than Kai." Hilary looked softly at Charlie; he was right in what he was saying…Charlie had been there for her when Kai hadn't.

"I know Charlie…but I can't change the fact that Kai is Gou's father and eventually he will be needing him more than you" Hilary said softly and lay her hand on his cheek, "I'm sure Gou loves you, just like I do, but Gou has never once called you Papa. He has always called you Chawlie", both Hilary and Charlie chuckled and smiled at each other.

"I'm sorry", Charlie apologized

"I'm sorry too", Hilary said likewise.

"You know I always will be there for you…right" Charlie said suddenly. Hilary looked up at him and smiled.

"Just like I always will be there for you," she repeated.

"Good…'cause I'm going to need that… Have you seen the way your ex-boyfriend has been staring at me! God! He looked ready to kill me a thousands time over!" Charlie exclaimed and Hilary couldn't help, but laugh a little at Charlie's expression. "Great, now you're laughing at me! But you won't be laughing when I'm buried 10 feet under the ground, because your ex-boyfriend went crazy". Hilary on the hand couldn't stop laughing at Charlie, he sounded so serious. Hilary ended up laughing all the way into Gou's bedroom.

Next Day: Cristof Lâvskov Academy's Kindergarten

Hilary smiled a small smile as she saw Gou run off with Sasha. She hadn't seen Sonia, but perhaps that was for the best. Right now Hilary didn't feel like seeing her, she was still a bit pissed at Sonia because of the stunt she pulled of in the City Centre.

Well, Gou didn't seem to notice her anymore, he was too caught in playing with Sasha. Hilary slowly back out and left the institution. Charlie and Milo would be waiting for her at the office.

Surprises had never been Hilary's strong side and she almost dropped every file and documents she held in her hands. On her desk and just in the room entirely, stood bunches of flowers. There was especially a big one on her table. With careful steps Hilary walked up to the big bouquet and took out the small card there was attached to it. She read it.

To my dearest Hilary,

(My best secretary ever)

I hopefully wish that you and your son would join me for dinner tonight at 8:00 pm.

Yours truly,

Milo McKinney

Hilary gave an incredulously laugh. What was this all about? Hilary pondered over the card for a minute, just what game was Milo playing?

Maybe he was sorry about the night with Kai… Yes that had to be it. He was sorry about when he blurted out to Kai that he had a son he didn't know of. Hilary smiled.

How thoughtful, but a bit odd way to say I'm sorry, Hilary thought and shook her head in amusement. She gave a small glance to Milo's door, she got that irking feeling that someone was watching her…she shook it odd and decided to go knock on the door, she heard a bit noise, it sounded like a chair had been knocked over. When she heard that small "yeah" from Milo, she walked into his office and closed the door behind her.

Milo watched her the minute she stepped into the office; he gave a small-lurked smile when he saw her reaction.

She's sooooo HOT and the alone-mother image doesn't hurt either! Milo thought to himself, right now she was reading the card, he quickly closed the door when she looked in his direction and a few seconds later, he heard her knock on the door. He tried to get to his chair behind his desk, but managed instead of falling over one of the other two chairs in his office, quickly as he could he pulled the chair back up and sat down behind his desk, while saying "Yeah".

Hilary walked in flashing the card between her fingers. She gave him a slight smile and he smiled broadly back at her.

"If this is your way of saying I'm sorry…then I accept. Where do you wants us to meet you?" Hilary asked.

Milo blinked at her, not once, but three times. Had Hilary just said yes to go out with him, never had he in his wildest dreams ever thought that Hilary would ever say yes to go out with him…but hey, he was Milo McKinney, the ladies man…a man with a big M. And yet he stuttered out his answer.

"Umm…W-why d-don't we meet here and I w-will drive us to the restaurant"

"Okay" Hilary agreed and walked out of the office.

Milo leaned comfortably back in his overstuff chair and grinned to himself.

Oh yes…you Milo my man is on top of the world! She accepted the date because I was…-" Milo sat straight up,

Sorry! Oh Man! Why can't she just be like the normal girls I usually meet, Milo thought with regret and banged his head down into the table.

Tala and Kai were sitting in the car outside the Cristof Lâvskov Academy's Kindergarten. Tala looked over at his old friend and then back at the institute.

"Well, are you ready" he asked. Kai looked at him.

"Why are you picking up your kid so early? It's not even close to 3:00 pm".

Tala closed his eyes and smirked, "Well, let's just say that's mine and Sasha's secret…but c'mon let's go!" Tala said and went out of the car; Kai followed him with his eyes, then shook his head lightly and went to follow Tala inside the kindergarten.

Kai noticed how some people stared at him and Tala when they walked in. Tala watched and grinned at him.

"Must be some new staff workers", Tala said. Both Kai and Tala saw how some old staff workers quickly reprimanded some of the new incomers. Tala gave a light chuckle.

They went outside to big playground. Hundreds of children were scattered all over the place, thus making it difficult for Tala and Kai to find the children they were looking for.

"C'mon Sasha, let's try again" Gou said as optimistic as he could. Both of the young boys were practicing with their blades, but every time they launched their blades, would the blades only spin for a couple of seconds. Needless to say, both Gou and Sasha weren't very good at blading…yet.

The two small boys had been practicing all morning and now Sasha was very frustrated about not being able to get his blade to spin.

"Nooo…I don't wanna do this anymore, let's play something else". Sasha said frustrated and started to walk away. Gou looked disappointed down at his blade, he really wanted to be good…just like his Papa and his Mama always said that practice makes perfect. Gou suddenly notice that he friend had stopped walking and was looking at something, then a smile broke out on Sasha's face and he began to run.

"Papa!" Sasha yelled out.

Tala turned his head in the direction he heard his son's voice coming from and smiled when his son ran towards him. The small boy immediately latched onto his leg, Tala's hand reached down to ruffle his son's red hair.

Gou watched from a distance how Sasha jumped onto his father's leg, Gou felt a bit of envy towards Sasha and to other children in general. He remembered how he had seen other children jump into their waiting fathers' arms, while he, Gou, didn't have a Papa to do the same with.

But then Gou saw a person there was standing behind Tala, a person he had seen before. Gou's eyes widened a bit…there standing behind Sasha's Papa stood his own. His PAPA was here. Gou bit his lip in nervousness, what was he suppose to do now? His Mama wasn't here to tell him what to do.

Suddenly Gou noticed that his Papa was looking at him and his eyes were trapped in his father's. Small ruby eyes met crimson and Gou stood there as paralyzed.

Kai slowly walked towards his son, his son was just staring at him…

No sign of crying…that's good, Kai thought. He stopped a few feet away, when he saw that Gou took a couple of steps back. His son was still a bit uneasy with him. Kai squat down and softly watched his son.

"Do you know who I am?" Kai softly asked, not really caring about all the other children and workers.

Gou slowly nodded and said quietly, "My Papa". Kai cracked a smile upon hearing his son's voice for the first time.

Gou didn't know what to do, he felt all these emotion within him, he felt bad about not going to his Papa when he first met him, he felt bad about not being able to launch his beyblade the correct way and then there was that feeling of wanting to be in his father's arms. Slowly all the emotion expressed them into tears, there were running down Gou's cheeks.

Great, what have I done to make him cry now? Perhaps I should leave…perhaps he doesn't want to know me at all..Uh-hey. Kai's thoughts were caught short when Gou suddenly launched himself into his father's arms.

Gou wrapped his small arms around Kai's neck and cried. Quickly getting over the small shock, his own son gave him; Kai wrapped his arms around his son's small frame.

"Shhhh Gou, don't cry…don't cry if it's not worth your tears" Kai said softly. Gou pulled back as far as his father's arms would allow him. Kai slowly reached a hand up to wipe his tears away. Gou gazed into his father's eyes.

"I can't launch my blade wright" he said in a sobbing voice. Kai looked down and saw that Gou was holding a blade. Kai looked at him and gave his son a slight smile, while slowly tracing his son's face.

"Don't worry son. I'll teach you" Kai said and was rewarded with a smile from Gou.

"Hey Kai! You wanna leave or what?" Kai heard Tala yell, Kai looked back and gave him a cold look inwardly cursing him for ruining this moment with his son. Kai looked around the place to see of anyone had seen them, it didn't seem like it, everyone were busy with their own things. Kai looked down at Gou and picked him up in his arms.

"I'm coming" he yelled back at Tala and started walking towards him.

"Whewe're we going Papa?" Kai looked down at his son and smiled. He liked this…Papa business.

"Home, we're going home" Kai answered picking up his pace.

Kai looked down at the little boy he held in his arms. Gou was wriggling his body and Kai let him down on the floor. The little boy gazed up at him.

"I hafta get ma' things" he said, Kai looked around; He didn't like it, people were starting to notice him.

"Fine, let's get your stuff then" he said and took the little boy by the hand.

Kai quickly gathered all Gou's things and he smirked with satisfaction when he saw that Gou was able to put it his jacket on by himself.

"Are you ready?" Kai asked with a small chuckle. Gou grinned and nodded.

The two of them walked towards the exit and just when they were about to walk out, Kai heard a voice behind him.

"And where do you think you are going, hmm" a strict voice said. Kai turned round and saw a small woman with glasses, her grey hair was tied in a knot and she was holding her arms behind her back.

"Excuse me?" Kai said. Gou tighten his hand in his fathers and looked up at him worried. Kai notice it, but didn't look down at his young son, he was busy with a staring contest with Mrs. Lâvskov.

"I said, where do you think you are going?" Mrs. Lâvskov said and looked down at Gou, "This child is not yours to take" Mrs. Lâvskov stated and walked over to take Gou's hand out of Kai's.

Kai kept a firm hold on Gou and stepped in front him, preventing Mrs. Lâvskov to reach him, "You are not taking my son" Kai gritted through his teeth. Mrs. Lâvskov made a stop and looked at Kai through narrowed eyes.

"This is not your son Mr. Hiwatari; this is Miss. Tachibana's son. She is the one who has the custody over Gou Tachibana…If you do not release this boy instantly , I will call the police" Mrs. Lâvskov warned.

Kai took Gou up in his arms and smiled evil at Mrs. Lâvskov; he let out a small chuckle.

"And who do you think the police will believe. Look at him" Kai said and motioned for Mrs. Lâvskov to get a good look at both of them. "Even if you can prove that Hilary is the one who has the custody over our son, it will still take you some time to find the papers!" Kai continued and walked out with a satisfied smirk.

Left inside stood a very angry Mrs. Lâvskov, she knew that he was right about what he said. The boy looked to much like his father and just by knowing the Russian police, she knew that they would take his side.

"And who would blame them" Mrs. Lâvskov said to herself, Kai Hiwatari was one of, if not the most, powerful men in Russia, who would dared to go against him.

Mrs. Lâvskov smiled a little wicked smile of her own, I think I know do know one who dares she thought to herself.

Gou watched in awe up at the big house his Papa lived in. It was much bigger than the place he and his mama had. He had taken of his jacket and shoes and was currently walking with small steps behind his father. Suddenly his father stopped walking and called out for someone, Gou then saw his father stand with his arms crossed and with closed eyes.

Wy' is he doing that, Gou thought, but his attention was then diverted when he saw an old man appear, Gou grasped with his small hands at his Papa's leg.

Kai opened his eyes and gave a slight smile, "Vladimir, this is my son Gou".

The old family butler almost dropped his mouth on the floor when he looked down at the little boy, but quickly he regained his senses, he walked over and crushed down in front of Gou. Gou wanted to go hide behind his father's leg, but Kai held him in place with his hand.

"Why hello there little one" Vladimir said gently and held out his hand, Gou looked up at his Papa for one minute and watched as his Papa gave him a small nod, Gou then looked back at Vladimir and took his hand, slowly shaking it. "There there, no need to be afraid." Vladimir said and looked down at Gou with smiling eyes, "You know, your father was afraid too when he met me the for the first time" Vladimir smiled and Gou smiled with him.

"Vladimir" Kai growled out.

Vladimir stood up and smiled lightly at Kai, "Yes sir".

Kai sighed and shook his head, "I want you to give Gou something to eat. When he's done, I want you to take him down to the training room…I'll be waiting for him!" Kai said and left Gou with Vladimir.

It didn't take Gou a long time to eat he was too excited about learning how to beyblade. Vladimir took him down to the basement, in where Kai had installed a big training room. Vladimir pushed some buttons to some security code and a door opened.

The room was huge; Gou didn't thing he had seen anything so big. He then saw his father sitting in the middle of the room. He was sitting with his eyes closed, arms and legs crossed and a blue beyblade spinning around him.

"Papa" Gou yelled out and Kai opened up his eyes and looked up. He smiled at the sight of his young son.

Mrs. Lâvskov sat her office and dialed some numbers on her phone.

"Yes, hello, I would like to speak to Miss. Hilary Tachibana, tell her it's urgent…It's about her son!"

Hilary picked up her phone; she had been told there was someone waiting to speak to her and that it was urgent.

"Yes, hello Mrs. Lâvskov. Wha-! He did WHAT" Hilary put the phone down and scowled.

Kai, you…you bastard! How bloody dared you! Hilary thought angrily. She looked at Charlie.

"Charlie, tell Milo that I have to take care of some urgent business… I don't have time to explain!" Hilary said and ran out of the office.

Gou had fallen asleep in his Papa's arms, he had been practicing in launching for three hours and that had been hard on the little boy.

He carried Gou into his old bedroom and lay him down on the bed, pulling the covers up and tugged him in. Kai traced the back of his hand over the small boy's face. He was amazed by the small boy's talent.

A real natural, Kai thought to himself. His moment with his son was disturbed by his butler's yelling that there was someone at the door. Kai scowled, who dared to interrupt him at this time.

Kai walked down to the foyer and was met face to face with an angry Hilary.