

what happens when the love of a woman leaves her? what will happen if she has a son with him but he is not there? what happens when they after some years? How it will affect their son? This is the fanfiction on beyblade which I continued from another fanfiction that got discontinued in year 2006. It is dedicated to all the bey blade fans.

Arohi_Sharyu · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

The City Center

The day had started out very good for Hilary. She and Milo have had a talk about what happened that night with Kai. She was glad that she hadn't wrecked the deal for Milo and the McKinney Corporation.

Milo had pleasantly surprised her by saying that she would receive Charlie as her assistant. That was good news, it meant that she didn't have to go see Kai during the business meetings till the deal was signed and closed. It would provide her with time to get some order in the mess she felt she had in her head and hopefully she would have time to figurer out what she would do about Kai. The words he said that night still lingered in her mind.

"I want you back Hilary! I want you and my son back…I want to know him!"

Kai had made it clear that he wanted to know their son, but did she want Gou to know him? At this point she just didn't know. Hilary shook her head at her herself.

It's time to get some work done and stop thinking about Kai! Hilary thought determined.

Hilary looked at her watch; it was almost time for Gou's play date.

Kai looked at the clock in his office every five minutes or so. He had never tried this kind of anxiety before. All he could think about was Hilary and his son.

Kai smirked at his son's name.

Of all the names Hilary could have picked...she had chosen the name Gou.


Hilary lay lazy in the arms of Kai on the couch in her apartment. She was eating ice-cream and had by manipulating methods managed to get him to eat some ice-cream as well.

"Don't forget your promise!" Hilary heard Kai say as his arm reached over her to put down his empty bowl on the table. Hilary looked up at him innocently.

"What promise?" she asked innocent. Hilary giggled as Kai slowly moved on top of her. He smiled at her seductively.

"Your promise that you would take a shower with me" he whispered huskily and slowly leaned in to kiss her passionately. Hilary returned his kiss with just as much passion. She broke apart and gave Kai a playfully smile.

"I haven't finished my bowl of ice-cream", she said playfully and couldn't help but giggle at Kai's now glaring face. He moved away and instead of lying down beside her, as he had before, he sat up in a sitting position showing that he was upset with her.

Hilary let out a little playfully laugh, "Ah c'mon Kai, I promise when I'm finished with my ice-cream I will do anything you want me to do with you in the shower!" Kai raised an eyebrow at that.

"Anything?" he repeated slowly.

Hilary nodded, smiled and said, "Anything". Kai looked distant for a moment before he turned his attention back to Hilary.

"Even the thing?" Kai asked a bit more seriously. Hilary's smile turned into a seductive one with her eyes gleaming with desire.

"Even the … thing" she repeated. Kai's eyes slowly started to cloud with heavy desire and he could feel a part of himself craving some attention. He had wanted to try the thing with Hilary for a long time now, but every time he brought it up was she always so hesitated about it.

"But till I'm finished with my ice-cream can I asked you a question?" Hilary asked not noticing Kai's eyebrow twitch with a little annoyance and much frustration.


Hilary's eyes lighted up, "I'll take that as a yes, you see, me and Mariah…-"

Wonderful… Mariah, what a way to spoil a mood, Kai thought sarcastically and continued to listen to the rest of what Hilary said.

"…were talking about baby names and what we were going to name our children if we ever are going to have any and I thought that...-"seeing Kai's bored look Hilary decided to get to the point, "Anyway, I was thinking about what you might name your kid?…even if you're not going to have any," Hilary asked and waited in expectation, she had always wanted to know how Kai felt about these things. Kai looked at her and let out a deep sigh. He knew that if he lied about this she would be able to tell and if he didn't say anything she would get mad, and if she got mad there would be no showering and no thing. He started to ponder.

When he didn't say anything Hilary started to wonder if he was ignoring her question, it seemed possible, so she decided to change her strategy.

"You don't have to answer the question if you don't want to-," Kai was pulled out of his thoughts and slowly looked at Hilary who was fiddling with her bowl of ice-cream, she looked back at him with playfulness glittering in her eyes and then stared at the floor, she was up to something…he just knew it. "-But you see, I don't feel especially hungry anymore…" Hilary looked at Kai again with that sweet smile playing on her lips. Kai smirked inwardly he knew what it meant. If he answered the bloody question she'd leave the rest of her unfinished ice-cream, but if he chose not to answer she would eat the rest of her ice-cream and that could take a long time.

He looked at her with clear honesty in his eyes, "If I had a kid. I'd name him Gou"

"Gou?" Hilary asked with a bit confusion. Kai stood on his feet and reached out for her hand.

"Gou means strength" was all Kai said as he pulled Hilary up from the couch and guided her into the bathroom with him to have his (and hers) shower.

Flashback end

Kai couldn't help but to feel please at Hilary's choice of name. It made him feel that he kinda had some influence in his son's life, even when he hadn't been a part of it…yet.

But all that is going to change. I am going to be a part of you and my son's life Hilary. Kai thought determined and looked at the clock, it was almost time for him to leave.

The city centre hadn't been done justice by Sonia's words. It was huge and definitely only a place rich people would go and do their shopping or other things like getting a massage or eating at the small cafés. Hilary could only watched in awe, she had never in her wildest dreams imagined such a place when Sonia had picked up her, Sasha and Gou at the kindergarten and drove them to this place.

The city centre had a big children facility, where all the various children would play and be watched by the staff while the mothers did their thing. Gou and Sasha had noticed it a long time ago and struggled to get their mothers to release their hands. Hilary and Sonia both smiled at their sons' obvious eagerness.

Hilary smile grew wider as she witnessed Gou's happy face as he started to play with Sasha.

She was so happy that he had found a friend.

"Well Hilary, shall we sit down and let the children be?" Sonia asked and gave Hilary a small tilt with her head in the direction of a small café. Hilary nodded and gave one last glance at Gou, who was too engrossed in playing with Sasha to notice her, and went to follow Sonia. They sat down at one of the tables with a clear view to the children facility.

Behind the counter, the manager of the café instantly recognized one of the women. It looked that she wasn't accompanied by her normal female friends, but by another one he had never seen before. The manager shrugged his shoulders; well the strange woman must be somewhat important for Mrs. Ivanov to even be in her presents.

The manager walked up to the table. Hilary was still watching her son play, but Sonia noticed the manager and she stood and gently greeted him by giving him a small hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Pierre, it has been forever!" Sonia exclaimed dramatically.

"Yes Mrs. Ivanov, you should come by more often".

Hilary was stunned, she was still watching Gou, but at the same time she wasn't.

Mrs. Ivanov...Ivanov isn't that Ta-, Hilary slowly turned her head in Sonia's direction and then snapped back to where their children were playing.

Now I know why Sasha looked so familiar. He is TALA'S SON, which means... Hilary quickly stumbled to her feet. If she had recognized Sasha as Tala's son, then that would mean that Sonia had recognized Gou as Kai's son. Was this the reason to why she had stared so much at her when they met in the kindergarten? And if she was married to Tala, would he know that she was here...would Kai know?

Sonia suddenly noticed Hilary's distress and quickly turned to her, "Hilary is something wrong?" she asked the sweetest as she could. Hilary just continued to stare at her with a wild look.

"Are you married to Tala Ivanov?" Hilary asked quietly. Sonia gave Pierre an apologetic look silently telling him to leave. She sat down across from Hilary, who was still looking at her with questioning eyes. Sonia lowered her eyes for a minute and then looked up again returning Hilary's strong gaze with that of her own.

"Yes... I'm married to Tala" Sonia answered. Hilary nodded slowly and for a few seconds looked down at the table before looking at Sonia again.

"Do you know Kai Hiwatari?" Hilary asked and watched Sonia closely as she nodded with her head. Hilary let out a snort and stood to leave, but Sonia grabbed Hilary's hand, thus preventing her from leaving.

"Please just hear me out" Sonia asked and Hilary could sense the honesty coming from her and therefore sat down again.

"Look Hilary, I'm not out to hurt you or Gou. I'm just doing what I think is best for you", Hilary looked at her skeptically and a bit fearful for what she was going to say next.

"What do you mean when you say you're just looking out for me?" Hilary said a bit harsh.

"Kai is going to be here within the next 10 minutes" Sonia said in a normal tone of voice.

"WHAT!" Hilary cried out and this time stood up and turned to leave. Sonia got out of her chair to follow her and just outside the café managed to get a hold on Hilary's arm.

"Let me go!" Hilary yelled enraged and started to trash with her arm.

"Just listen to me for one sec! You have every right to be angry, but just think about it for one second", Hilary stopped her trashing and with glazing eyes looked at Sonia, "Do you really think he will let you go!" Hilary looked at her confusing as she released her arm.

"What do you mean by that?" Hilary asked still with an angry tone in her voice. Sonia glared at her hard.

"Don't play stupid with me Hilary. You know just as well as me that the Neo Borg men don't let something they want slip through their fingers. When they want something...they get it no matter what they have to do. You and I both know that!" Sonia continued to glare hard at Hilary as she now stood there with uncertain eyes; she looked up at Sonia as she started to speak again.

"I've especially seen the results on how far they are willingly to go. Hilary, I have seen what Kai has been like in these past years and I have heard how desperate he was just to know his son's name. Believe me when I say that he is not going to let you go"

Hilary just stared at Sonia; she didn't know what to say because she knew what Sonia was talking about. She remembered very clearly how possessive Kai had been of her when they had been together. She looked back up at Sonia.

"I appreciate your help, but I'm not thinking on getting back together with Kai anytime soon" Hilary retorted, "and if you don't mind, I think I'll go and get my son and go home"

"Suit yourself", Sonia hissed out and left Hilary.

Hilary pulled out her cell-phone and called Charlie. He agreed to come as fast as possible to pick up her and Gou.

Hilary walked into the children facility to find Gou and saw him sitting all by himself. He looked up at her with a sad face.

"Sasha 'ad to go home" he said sadly. Hilary bended down and gathered her little boy into her arms and slowly brushed his hair affectionately with her hand.

She sighed desperately and looked at her watch. Kai was going to be here soon and she didn't know what to do. Sure she could hide in here among all the children and toys or she could try to sneak out around him. Hilary looked down at her son in her arms.

Sure that's what I want, but in the long run, is that what Gou wants? Hilary thought unhappy to herself.

Didn't Gou deserve to know his father, and didn't Kai deserve to know his son. As long as she stayed as Gou's stability nothing bad couldn't happen to him...right. Maybe she could even find some decent guy to marry and then Gou could have two father figures to look up to. And as time would go by it would be up to Gou if he wanted to stay in contact with Kai. She stood up with Gou in her arms and then noticed someone familiar.

It was Kai and he was currently talking to both Tala and Sonia, they look like they were arguing. Plus they were standing close to the entrance. Hilary gave a sad smile to Gou and placed him down on the floor and bended down in front of him.

"Gou sweetheart, Mama has something to tell you" Hilary said as sweet as she could without sounding on the verge to cry.

"Do you remember when I said that your Papa was lost and couldn't find his way back, and that was the reason why he wasn't with us" She watched as Gou slowly nodded at her, "well, you see, Papa has found his way back and he really wants to meet you" Hilary said as cheerful as she could. She took Gou by his hand, and the two of them slowly started to walk out of the children facility.

As hard as she didn't try to show it Gou could feel that his mother was nervous and so was he, because he remembered something Charlie once told him when he had asked him about his father.

Flash back

You want to know about your Papa? Charlie asked. He was babysitting Gou today, because Hilary had to attend at some business meeting with Milo. Charlie looked around to see if Hilary had come home without him noticing it.

"Well, don't tell your Mama that I told you this...but your Papa isn't lost. He left your Mama all by herself, all alone and that is the reason why your Mama sometimes is sad. Because your Papa makes her sad".

Flash Back End

There were not many things Gou knew in this world, but one thing did he know and that was he didn't like people who made his Mama sad.

Kai couldn't believe what he was hearing. That bloody Sonia woman had told Hilary that he would be here and of course Hilary had left. It had turned into a heavy argumentation between him and Sonia and finally Tala had sent Sonia out to wait in their car.

"Look Kai I'm sorry-" Tala's voice traced off when he noticed Kai murderous glare at him and wisely kept his mouth closed. Kai closed his eyes and folded his arms

Great...How the hell am I going to see them now? Kai thought frustrated to himself.

"Um Kai, it might be a good idea to open those eyes of yours" Tala suddenly said.

"Why!" Kai snapped and opened his eyes to look at Tala. Tala wasn't looking at him, but at someone else, Kai followed his look and his eyes widened at what he saw.

There was Hilary walking slowly towards him and with her a little boy who was holding her hand very tight. His arms unfold at the sight and his attention was completely on the little boy, the little boy who was his son.

They stopped a few feet away, and Kai had to hold in at chuckle as he saw his son trying to hide behind his mother's leg.

Hilary could feel Gou's nervousness as he continued to tug at her skirt, she bended down to comfort him, it was obvious that he was uncomfortable with the situation.

"Gou sweetie, there is nothing to be afraid of, he is not going to hurt you" Hilary tried to say comfortably. Kai could see too that Gou didn't like this at all and he followed Hilary's example by bended down and thereby getting down to the same height level. He could see his son more clearly now.

Kai was amazed how his son looked so much like him, except for his eyes. Gou had inherited Hilary's beautiful ruby eyes and Kai couldn't be anymore proud, he doubted that he had seen anything more beautiful than his son and he instantly regretted that he had not been there to witness his birth.

Hilary had never thought that she would have this much trouble with Gou, her son had always admired his father, so what had change?

Gou didn't like this, he wanted to go home, and he didn't want to be here anymore. Small tears started to form in his little eyes, but then he saw someone coming from the entrance, someone he knew. He broke out from his mother's hold and ran past his Papa and into the arms of Charlie.