
A Clue about the Thief

Red, Vanessa, Vladimir, and Marvin arrived in the place where the first crime happened. The Computer Laboratory.

The Computer Laboratory has 6 Computer rooms that consist of 100 computers inside each room. The 5 are use for teaching students, while the remaining 1 is use for the teachers in doing work that needed computer.

The computer rooms of the students uses glass on its side where the door is located. Everyone could see the inside of the 5 rooms, and they notice that a lot of computer inside were missing, and only a few remained on each room.

Seeing the scene inside, Red and his squad was shock. Only half of the total computers remained inside the computer laboratory, so it's pretty obvious that this is a huge blow to Dream Academy's CSS(1) student, and others that uses computer on studying.

"Good thing I didn't choose CSS(1) for my major." Marvin said with a sigh of relief. Marvin choose cookery as his major, and cookery doesn't use any computer in teaching, though they use computer in researching the ingredients of a dish.

"Let's split up and choose each room to search!" Red announced before choosing a room.

Red's choice was the computer room of the teachers. Red didn't choose the room for a reason, he only choose it randomly among the 6 rooms.

Soon, Vanessa, Vladimir, and Marvin choose 1 room each. Vanessa choose the room of the grade 7 students, Vladimir choose the room of the grade 8 students, and Marvin choose the room of the grade 9 students.

When Red got inside the teachers computer room, he immediately noticed that it was really different with the students computer room.

It was a mess, a lot of papers were on the ground, even near the trash can. Red is pretty sure that some of the teachers just leave the useless papers on the ground, or throw it on the trashcan, though not properly since a lot of crumple papers were on the side of the trashcan.

Red also noticed that the computers that got stolen was not the same as how the rooms on the students computer room was.

The student's room was perfectly arranged when being stole, basically all computers at the back were stolen while the computer on the front remained.

"Interesting!" Red silently said with a smile.


Soon, the four got out of their rooms and gathered at a table in the computer laboratory.

"Any suspicious things in your rooms?" Red asked while resting his chin on his two hands.

"Nothing suspicious on mine!" Vanessa casually said.

"Same!" Vladimir and Marvin replied at the same time.

"How about yours?" Vanessa asked, it made Vladimir and Marvin looked at Red.

"I'm not sure, but I think the way the thief stole the computers in the teachers computer room is suspicious." Red answered.

"What do you mean?" Everyone asked.

"Well.... Let's take a look! " Red said before he stood up and walking to the teachers room.

Everyone got inside the teachers computer room. Seeing the messy room, Vanessa, Vladimir, and Marvin were secretly mocking the lacking of sense of cleanliness of the teachers.

Vanessa, Vladimir, and Marvin looked around and noticed that Red was right. The cubicles with missing computers was really suspicious, it was like the thief stole the computers randomly.

"Every computers here has a password right?" Vanessa suddenly asked. It seems like Vanessa thought of something.

Marvin thought for a bit before replying "I don't know, maybe James and Leo knows since they're major in CSS(1)"

Red looked at Vladimir. He immediately understood what Red wants to say. Therefore, he left the room and went to look for James or Leo.

"Do you have any idea in your mind?" Red suddenly asked.

"Yeah I got one, but I need to know whether the teachers computers has a password or not." Vanessa replied.

"Why not turn on the computer?" Marvin interrupted. Marvin was thinking that most likely Vladimir will take long before returning, so it's better to turn on the computer to know whether it has password or not.

Vanessa realized that Marvin was right, so she went to one of the cubicles and switch on the computer.

Soon, the computer screen show a small box with the user's name on it. Vanessa clicked on the box and it's screen changed. The answer to her question was the teachers computer has a password.

"I think the thief only stole the computers of the teachers it knew." Vanessa said.

"What do you mean?" Red curiously asked. Red was not a professional in the area of computer, so he was curious about what Vanessa wanted to say.

"Maybe the thief only stole those computers that the password he knew." Vanessa paused to think for a bit.

"That must be it! Since there is a password in every teachers computer, the thief might have thought of resetting the computer before selling it to avoid being trace!" Vanessa said excitingly.

Red and Marvin looked at Vanessa with a smile on their face. They both finally understood what Vanessa wanted to say.

The students computer doesn't have a password on it, that maybe the reason why he just stole the computers near the door because he doesn't need to worry about changing the password of any students computer.

That explains the reason why only the back portion on every rooms computer were stolen, since it's easier to carry the computers on the back which is near the door compare to the front which is far from the door, and because he doesn't need to worry about changing every computers password.

On the other hand, the thief didn't stole computers the way he stole the students computers, since he knew that every teachers computer has different passwords on it, therefore he needed to know the password first before stealing it. This give Red and his squad the clue that the thief is familiar with the computer laboratory. This conclude that their idea of the thief being someone working in Dream Academy is actually correct.

Vanessa and Marvin was in deep thought at the moment when Red suddenly interrupted "How about let's investigate the places where the thief stole those 36inches T.V."

Red and his squad has already found a few clue on the thief, but it's still lacking. They needed to look for more clues to completely solve this mystery, and maybe they can find that clue in those places where the thief stole things.

Happy reading Everyone!

Since today is a holiday in our country, I decided that I will release the 2nd chapter for today this 3:00pm (GMT+08:00).

(1) Computers Software Services.

M_Wcreators' thoughts