
Chance Encounters in the Rain

"Chance Encounters in the Rain" is a heartwarming web novel that follows the story of Yuji Kato, an unremarkable high school student who prefers to keep to himself due to past experiences with bullying. One rainy day, he offers his umbrella to a girl, Akane Sato, who turns out to be one of the most popular students in their school. Akane surprises Yuji by becoming his roommate and taking care of him when he falls sick. They bond over music, food, and their shared experiences of bullying. As their friendship grows, Yuji learns to trust others again, and Akane finds a true friend in Yuji. However, their newfound happiness is threatened by Haruto Matsuda and his group of bullies who have their eyes on Akane

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A Melodic Connection and a Lunchtime Proposal

Yuji Kato woke up early in the morning and noticed that Akane was already gone from their room. He got ready for school and headed to the classroom, where he saw Akane and greeted her. Yuji thanked her for taking care of him when he was sick, but he was too shy to say much more.

As they sat together in class, Yuji mustered up the courage to suggest they listen to music on his phone together. They shared his earphones, listening to calm melodies and relaxing music. Akane even leaned her head on Yuji's shoulder, and Yuji gently patted her head, feeling a sense of warmth that he had never experienced before.

After class, it was time for lunch. Yuji only had juice for his meal, but he was surprised to find Akane waiting for him on the rooftop with a lunch box. She had made him another meal, and she expressed her concern for his health.

Akane then proposed a plan that they share expenses and she would cook for him every day - breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Yuji was hesitant at first, but he eventually agreed.