
Chance Encounters in the Rain

"Chance Encounters in the Rain" is a heartwarming web novel that follows the story of Yuji Kato, an unremarkable high school student who prefers to keep to himself due to past experiences with bullying. One rainy day, he offers his umbrella to a girl, Akane Sato, who turns out to be one of the most popular students in their school. Akane surprises Yuji by becoming his roommate and taking care of him when he falls sick. They bond over music, food, and their shared experiences of bullying. As their friendship grows, Yuji learns to trust others again, and Akane finds a true friend in Yuji. However, their newfound happiness is threatened by Haruto Matsuda and his group of bullies who have their eyes on Akane

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The Unnoticed Boy and the Popular Girl: A Chance Encounter that Changed Everything

It was just another ordinary day for Yuji Kato, an unremarkable high school student who preferred to keep to himself. He had experienced severe bullying in middle school, and since then, he had resolved to avoid socializing with anyone in high school.

Yuji had only one friend, Takumi Nakamura, who checked on him occasionally to make sure he was okay. Other than that, he went unnoticed by his classmates, who treated him like a ghost.

One day, after class, Yuji decided to go to the convenience store to buy an umbrella as it was raining outside. There, he saw a girl who was soaked through and looking visibly upset. Without hesitation, he offered her his umbrella and gave her his handkerchief to dry her tears.

The girl was surprised and grateful for Yuji's kindness. Little did he know that the girl, Akane Sato, was one of the most popular students in their school.

As Yuji continued his errands in the convenience store, he couldn't help but think about the girl he had just met. He was so distracted that he forgot to take his umbrella and handkerchief with him when he left the store.

Later that night, Yuji was feeling unwell and had developed a cold and fever. To his surprise, Akane came to his dorm room and introduced herself as his new roommate. She gave him some medicine and cooked soup for him, revealing her talent for cooking.

Akane explained that she came from a wealthy family and chose to live in the school dormitory to experience a more independent lifestyle.

As Yuji recovered from his illness, he couldn't help but feel grateful to Akane for taking care of him. Little did he know that this chance encounter would change his life forever.

However, not everyone was happy about Yuji's newfound friendship with Akane. Haruto Matsuda and his group of bullies had their eyes on Akane and were determined to make Yuji's life miserable.

To be continued.