
Bloodbound Devil (Multi-Cross, DxD, Rosaria Vampire, Seikon no Qwaser)

Carl Bloodriver, an Half-Vampire set on a path of domination. There was nothing truly special about him, apart from his Sacred Gear, the Longinus, Bloodbound Dominion, fabled to be created from the blood of a God. Leading the life of a player, he ends up being stabbed to death, and with a second chance at redemption, he awakens in the body of a Dhampir who was experiecing the process of Eternal Slumber, his fate uncertain. If he messed around with his first life, not amounting to much but a player, maybe in this new life, he would better make the smart decisions. (Insert)(Multi-cross)(Rosario Vamp, Seikon no Qwaser, New Sis Devil, Uzaki-chan, Ikki Tousen, Beelzebub) ======================== - Reviews of any kind are welcomed. - Opinions do matter, especially constructive ones. - Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Vostarian · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

Stirring up the Exorcists (2)

Chapter 15: Stirring up the Exorcists (2)

Hanging up, Carl opened the GPS and put Jeanne's address on the map (Siemensgasse) which. She hung up quickly, wiping away the tears that had begun to fall. The thought of Carl rushing to her aid brought comfort and safety amidst the chaos.

As Carl darted through the streets of Graz with preternatural speed, he seemingly transformed into a stream of blood as he passed along the shadows casted by the buildings. It would have been a waste of time, if he didn't train his Vampiric Powers along with his Sacred Gear.

His movements were swift and fluid, blending seamlessly into the bustling cityscape. With each leap and bound, he covered ground at an astonishing speed, his senses attuned to every sound and movement around him.

'It feels liberating. Previously, I was going at a snail pace because I was drained of my Vitality. Now? The potential of this kid Krassius had to be monstrous that he was ganked by so many Vampire Lords so they could subdue him.'

'Hehe, nothing to worry about, Krassius. Your body is in good hands, I promise. I'll take this potential of yours to the Pinnacle of this World.'

Akin to a superhero traveling on his mission of defeating Evil, Carl also explored his Blood Abilities, but what he didn't think about was that as he traversed the city, his supernatural powers inadvertently triggered an alert within the Cathedral of Graz.

The Ancient Wards within the Cathedral of Graz began to stir with agitation, the Bishop felt a profound sense of unease settle over him. The sacred wards, woven with centuries of divine magic, were designed to safeguard the sanctity of the church and its surroundings from the influence of malevolent forces.

With a furrowed brow, the Bishop paused in his prayers, his attention drawn to the subtle but unmistakable shift in the energy within the cathedral. His senses, honed by years of devout service to the Church, detected the faint ripple of supernatural presence that emanated from the heart of the city.

"Something dark stirs in our midst... Have the Vampires finally moved on with their War for Authority? The Ward was set to respond to High-Level threats."

"What should I do? The Exorcists I have at my disposal are not capable of handling such danger."

"I have to act swiftly and warn the Vatican. We must act swiftly to protect our flock."

Rising from his prayer bench, the Bishop moved with purpose, his robes billowing behind him as he made his way to the sacred chamber where the wardstones were housed. Each step resonated with solemn determination as he prepared to confront the source of this disturbance head-on.

With a solemn reverence, the Bishop raised his hands towards the ancient wards, his old fingers trembling slightly, while the air crackled with latent energy as he tapped into the reservoir of his Divine Power.

"O Holy Mother, protector of the faithful, hear my plea," the Bishop intoned, his voice resonating with authority and conviction. "In this hour of need, I beseech thee to enshroud our city in thy divine embrace. Let thy light banish the shadows that seek to encroach upon our sacred domain."

As he spoke, a soft glow suffused the chamber, suffusing the air with a warm, golden light that seemed to emanate from the very walls themselves. The ancient wards responded to the Bishop's invocation, their intricate runes glowing with renewed vigor as they wove a protective barrier around the Cathedral of Graz.

"Grant us strength, O Mother, to withstand the darkness that threatens to consume us," the Bishop continued, his voice ringing out with unwavering faith. "Bless our city with thy divine protection, that we may remain steadfast in the face of adversity."

His words echoed through the hallowed halls of the cathedral, carrying his prayer to the heavens above, and from there on new changes happened, a Golden Barrier naked to the human eye spread out in the radius of 1km from the premise of the Cathedral.

Meanwhile, outside the Cathedral, Carl stopped abruptly in the face of the new changes triggered by the Holy Barrier that engulfed him, not giving him the chance of escaping out.

'What the fuck? Has the Vampire Lords found me and the Church went crazy trying to protect the City?'

'What's going, mister? Are we screwed?'

[Calm down, Carl. This is just a Holy Ward. Tsk, nothing has changed since my time, they still use defective gadgets. Stop using your blood essence for a while as those dogs fail in their search.]

'Then? Is it because of me? But… I thought I was some weakling compared to those big shots.'

[It should be fine. Take it as an opportunity to train your senses and evade a Hunt.]

Carl tried to make sense of the situation, and with Nosferatu's remarks, he came to the conclusion that the Churchmen from Graz were big pussies scared of all Supernatural Creatures, and that includes him. 

'Racists. If they pick a fight with me, I'll make sure they get burned hard.'

With Carl having his own ideas about the intentions of the Church, back in the Cathedral, the Bishop swiftly retrieved his phone with a sense of urgency gnawing at him. There were only a handful of incidents when the Ancient Holy Ward activated in the past under his presiding as Bishop of Graz.

It was when Queen of the Vampires lurking in the shadows of Austria and Syria, Carmila Bloodriver, arrived in Graz for an important meeting with the Vampire Lords in the Mountains of Hochschwab. God forbid, it took the Chief Exorcist to put him at ease, saying that the Vampires still upheld their pact with the Vatican.

The old Bishop thought that it was the incidents from 10 years ago repeating all over again, with such an ominous blood essence lurking in the air. It was weaker than from that past incident, but it was better to be precarious.

'Please, God. My Lord, Jesus Christ and Holy Mother. Let it not be that witched Witch. I almost ascended when she confronted me for activating the Holy Barrier.'

His fingers flew over the keys as he dialed the number for the Vatican's office of the Chief Exorcist. Each ring felt like an eternity as he waited for someone to pick up on the other end.

"Vatican, Office of the Chief Exorcist," came a voice on the line, crisp and professional.

"This is Bishop Reinhardt Schönbor of Graz," the Bishop responded, his voice laced with urgency. "I need to speak with Chief Exorcist Vasco Strada immediately. It's a matter of utmost urgency."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, followed by the sound of shuffling papers. "One moment, Your Excellency," the voice replied, before the line went silent once more.

Bishop Reinhardt waited with bated breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he prayed for a swift response. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the voice returned.

"This is Chief Exorcist Strada. What happened to you Reinhardt? Has the Holy Ward activated again by accident?" came an old authoritative voice over the line. "What seems to be the problem?"

Bishop Reinhardt wasted no time in explaining the situation, his words tumbling out in a rush as he recounted the events that had transpired in the city of Graz. 

"I fear that we may be facing a threat, as the news suggests. The Vampires are ready to wage a Civil War. The Carmilla Faction against the Tepes Faction." the Archbishop concluded, his voice grave with concern. "I need your guidance, Chief Exorcist Strada. What should we do?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line as Chief Exorcist Strada processed the information. Then, finally, he spoke after a long sigh, his voice firm.

"Reinhardt, I will dispatch an Elite Team of Exorcists to Graz right away. Give them accommodations. And if the one who arrived in Graz is truly Carmilla Bloodriver, stop worrying for nothing. She was supposed to be visiting her son. Carmilla is a woman that knows accountability, she'll not kill indiscriminately."

"However, if it's not Carmilla or any other Vampire Lords and another Supernatural Creature, like a Stray Devil or a Fallen Angel, it's the job of the operatives to judge the situation." Chief Exorcist Strada declared. 

"In the meantime, remain vigilant. We will handle the situation from here."

The Bishop nodded, a sense of relief flooding through him at Chief Exorcist Strada's assurances. "Thank you, Chief Exorcist Strada," he said gratefully. "Your assistance is greatly appreciated."

As the call with the Bishop of Graz ended, Chief Exorcist Vasco Strada turned his attention away from his desk and strode over to the window of his office, situated within the hallowed halls of the Vatican. 

From this vantage point, he could gaze out upon the magnificent view of St. Peter's Basilica, its majestic domes and towering spires reaching towards the heavens in glory to God.

The old Exorcist, Vasco Strada stood in the dimly lit chamber of the Vatican, waiting for his protegees to arrive, so he could address them with a new mission.

'Either way, be it a Vampire or a Stray Devil, it will be a great test to gauge their progress wielding their Holy Swords.'

He wasn't in distress like the Bishop, afterall, from his point of view, the Vampires weren't a threat to the Vatican unlike how the Devils and Fallen Angels were. Still, it was better to check on the disturbance than doing nothing, and not long after he called his proteges, two young girls entered his office.

First one to step inside was a young girl with long blue hair, and deep brown eyes that hold a sense of determination within them. She was young, about 15 years old and it was visible that she was in her growth period, her features yet to mature into that of a gorgeous woman.

She was wearing her battle attire, consisting of a sleek, black, skin-tight short sleeve leotard adorned with pauldrons, paired with matching fingerless gloves that extended to her biceps, and thigh-high boots, all embellished with sturdy straps for practicality and style.

Over her battle suit, she wears a hooded cloak in white, accented with gold and blue details, and a Seal of the Vatican embroidery on the cloak's back, symbolizing her allegiance to the Vatican. A crucifix hangs around her neck, a potent symbol of her faith and dedication.

"Have you called us, Teacher Vasco?" inquired the blue-haired girl, glazing at the old features of the tall elder that had the appearance of a Macho-man with his extremely developed muscular build, contradicting his advanced age.

"We're here, Ojisan. Are we sent to catch some bad monsters again?" inquired the second girl to enter the office, with a cheerful personality around her, unlike the serious demeanor of the blue-haired girl.

She was a beautiful young girl with violet eyes, long chestnut hair tied into twintails, each held with a blue scrunchy, wearing the same attire as the blue-haired girl, with only some slight differences that matched with her personality.

They got quiet when the white-haired old macho stood silent on his seat, drawing in their attention, awaiting their orders.

"Irina, Xenovia," Chief Exorcist Strada began, his voice commanding yet tinged fatherly love. "I have a new mission for the two of you, one that requires you to find the cause of the disturbance, be it triggered by a Stray Vampire, Stray Devil or Fallen Angel."

Irina and Xenovia exchanged a glance, their expressions serious as they waited for Chief Exorcist Strada to continue. 

"We have received reports of supernatural activity in the city of Graz," Chief Exorcist Strada explained, his voice low. "Austria is the territory of the Vampires, but with the recent incidents between the two Main Factions of Carmilla and Tepes, a War might be brewing. I don't know when this War will happen, but it's a sign that something is going on in Austria."

"The Holy Ward in the Cathedral has triggered, and this indicates the presence of a powerful supernatural entity within the city limits. High-Class powerful."

Irina's eyes widened slightly at the news, an being with the power of a High-Class Devil, it wasn't common for the apprentice Exorcists to tackle such job, but that was for normal Exorcists, she and Xenovia were the protegees of the Chief Exorcist. 

On the other hand, Xenovia remained stoic in the face of the news, her gaze steady as she listened intently to Chief Exorcist Strada's words.

"We cannot allow this threat to go unchecked," Chief Exorcist Strada continued, his tone unwavering. "Irina, Xenovia, I am tasking the two of you with investigating the situation in Graz. Your mission is to assess the threat level, identify the source of the supernatural activity, and neutralize it by any means necessary."

Irina and Xenovia nodded in understanding, their expressions resolute as they prepared themselves for the task ahead.

"This will not be an easy mission, girls. Don't take your opponent lightly no matter what." Chief Exorcist Strada cautioned, his voice grave, only to lighten up in a gentle tone. "But I have every confidence in your abilities."

With that, Chief Exorcist Strada dismissed Irina and Xenovia, leaving them to prepare for their journey to Graz and the dangers that awaited them there. 

Outside of the office, Irina couldn't contain her excitement as she grasped Xenovia's hands, her violet eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Xenovia, can you believe it? We're going on a mission outside of Italy! This is going to be so much fun!"

Xenovia raised an eyebrow, her expression more reserved compared to Irina's exuberance. "Irina, it's just another mission," she remarked dryly. "We've traveled outside of Italy before."

"Stay focused. Don't forget that we might face our first High-Class opponent."

"Of course, of course," Irina agreed, nodding fervently. "But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the experience, right? I mean, just think about all the new places we'll get to see, the people we'll meet..."

Xenovia's lips twitched into a small smile. "You do have a point," she admitted. "And I suppose a change of scenery wouldn't hurt. Just try to keep your excitement in check, okay? We still have a job to do."

Irina grinned, squeezing Xenovia's hands affectionately. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to rein it in... at least until we're off duty," she teased, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

Xenovia rolled her eyes, but there was a fondness in her gaze as she looked at her cheerful companion. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Irina," she replied, her tone affectionate. "Let's make this mission a success."