
Bloodbound Devil (Multi-Cross, DxD, Rosaria Vampire, Seikon no Qwaser)

Carl Bloodriver, an Half-Vampire set on a path of domination. There was nothing truly special about him, apart from his Sacred Gear, the Longinus, Bloodbound Dominion, fabled to be created from the blood of a God. Leading the life of a player, he ends up being stabbed to death, and with a second chance at redemption, he awakens in the body of a Dhampir who was experiecing the process of Eternal Slumber, his fate uncertain. If he messed around with his first life, not amounting to much but a player, maybe in this new life, he would better make the smart decisions. (Insert)(Multi-cross)(Rosario Vamp, Seikon no Qwaser, New Sis Devil, Uzaki-chan, Ikki Tousen, Beelzebub) ======================== - Reviews of any kind are welcomed. - Opinions do matter, especially constructive ones. - Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Vostarian · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Stirring up the Exorcists (1)

Chapter 14: Stirring up the Exorcists (1)

Before all the fiasco with Jeanne ever happened, Carl returned similarly to his Airbnb but because he wanted to be time efficient, he moved using his Vampiric Agility instead of traveling like a normal human.

In no time, once he got back home, he went to change his clothes with another set he bought at the Mall. He was wearing a well-tailored ensemble that exudes sophistication and charm. He wears a crisp, white button-down shirt, the fabric clinging lightly to his lean frame. The shirt is paired with sleek black trousers, perfectly pressed and tailored to fit him like a second skin. A black leather belt cinches his waist, adding a subtle touch of elegance to the outfit.

Over the shirt, Carl sports a dark charcoal blazer, its structured silhouette adding a refined touch to his appearance. The blazer is adorned with subtle details, such as slim lapels and sleek pockets, enhancing its polished look. The fabric of the blazer is smooth to the touch, hinting at its high-quality craftsmanship.

Completing his ensemble, Carl wears polished black dress shoes, their glossy finish reflecting the ambient light in the room. The shoes add a final touch of sophistication to his outfit, complementing the overall sleek and refined aesthetic.

'Not bad. This is a handsome lad indeed. The clothes fit like a glove, especially now that I regained my muscle mass. Worth spending all of those stolen euros.'

'What do you think, mister Dracul. Looking fresh?'

[Shockingly, pretty good. The quality of clothes in this Era dwarfs the one from my time.]

Carl couldn't help but flash a confident smile in the mirror, before turning around and stepping out from the house, traversing the ground as he used the GPS to get to a photo center to get himself an ID and Passport Photo.

As Carl approached the counter at the photo center, he greeted the attendant with a charming smile. "Good afternoon. I'm in need of some passport and ID photos, please."

The attendant returned his smile, nodding in acknowledgment. "Of course, sir. We can certainly assist you with that. Just a moment while I prepare the camera."

While the attendant readied the equipment, Carl glanced around the shop, his gaze falling on a display of printed forms. Turning back to the attendant, he inquired politely, "Excuse me, would it be possible to print some copies of the documentation forms as well? I have the links ready at hand. I'll need them for my records when I visit the Service Center."

The attendant paused, considering his request for a moment before nodding in agreement, it wasn't uncommon, and seeing Carl take out extra cash for this gesture, it wasn't going to waste the inkcell. "Certainly, sir. We can provide you with printed copies of the forms. How many would you require?"

"Two copies should suffice, thank you," Carl replied with a grateful nod.

With a swift and efficient manner, the attendant prepared the camera and proceeded to capture Carl's photos. As the images were printed, Carl glanced over at the stack of forms, ensuring they were included in his order.

Once everything was ready, Carl thanked the attendant for their assistance and collected both the photos and the printed forms. "Thank you for your help. Have a wonderful day," he said with a polite smile before making his exit, his preparations now complete for the next phase of his plan.

Seated at a small table at a Coffee Shop in the vicinity, Carl carefully spread out the documents he had acquired from the photo center. He picked up a pen and began to fill in the form with his new identity information.

'What surname to pick? I can't go about with 'Bloodriver'. It spells in your face that I might be some terrorist or psychopath who escaped from an Asylum.'

[Child, if you want, I wouldn't mind you using my Surname. Not that I had one like the other Noble Houses in Europe since it wasn't a thing in Wallachia to have one. However, I adapted my nickname into a Surname when corresponding with the other nobles in Europe.]

'Which one, sir? Dracula?'

[That's a patronymic, child. However, for your needs, you can use the Latin Version.]

'Which is? What exactly? I don't know Latin, old man.'


'It's inconspicuous nowadays. The Vampires would jump on my ass in no time. Who knows what connection they have with the Governments of the Human World. I'm scared to even think about that.'

[It's not that bad.]

'Look, I need something german. Not Latin, not Romanian… German. If you can't help, let me think.'

Carl wasn't a fan of German/Austrian Culture per se, apart from knowing generic stuff that anyone who graduated highschool in the UK School System acquired. Minutes passed, and nothing came to mind. Like heck he would name himself after some classical musician.

Shifting gears, he returned to his first passion, anime. Crunching his memories from his first life, based on the animes that had some remnants of 'German' identity in them, his frowning expression finally lighted up 'Eureka! I got this.'

At the top of the page, he wrote his chosen name, nodding to himself as if approving with the name -Carl Krassius Liebert- It felt strange to see the name written out, but the reminder of the persona it belonged fitted entirely with whom he become, a Vampire, possibly a Villain that wants to destroy the World.

'Not really… I'm long shot before I can even entertain the idea of destroying the World. A Villain? Yep, at times some of my actions are of a douchebag, last night calls me out.'

[That's quite the aspiration, boy. Destroying the World.]

'Yeah, I know. It's impossible, Besides, I was joking as I thought of that guy from the 'Monster'.'

Following the rest of the form, Carl completed the rest of the form, providing false details for his date of birth, place of birth, and other personal information. Each stroke of the pen felt calculated, as he carefully constructed the facade of his new identity.

With a final flourish, Carl signed his new name at the bottom of the form, the ink drying quickly on the paper. As he surveyed his handiwork, a sense of satisfaction washed over him. 

'Good stuff. What do you think, mister? Have I missed anything so far?'

[I mean, you did check on all the empty boxes, so no. However, I have no idea if you're missing something or not.]

'Well, all that remains now is to check if Hypnosis works.'

[It should work as long you don't fuck up the Spell Activation.]

With his forged documents securely tucked away in a folder, Carl stepped out from the Coffee Shop, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the streets of Graz, and without the fear of the sunlight or of God, he started walking in the bustling city.

The bustling city seemed to pulse with life, the sounds of traffic and chatter filling the air as people went about their daily routines.

Navigating the streets with ease, Carl consulted the GPS on his phone, guiding him towards the Service Center where he would undergo the final check into his assimilation and return to the Human World. 

His pace was steady, as he made his way at the building that housed the Amtshaus der Stadt Graz, Carl paused for a moment to take in his surroundings. The imposing building stood tall and grand against the backdrop of the city. Its architecture spoke of a bygone era, with intricate stone carvings adorning its facade and tall arched windows that gleaned in the sunlight.

[Such contrast. It's impressive when I think how far you guys have reached. To build such buildings.]

'Mhm, I can't deny that the Habsburgs had a taste of aesthetics. Unlike those shitty 'Modernist' buildings that have no charm, I'd rather go with this old Style.'

'But, hey. Welcome to the Modern World, old man.'

Steeling himself for what lay ahead, Carl squared his shoulders and entered the building, he was greeted by the cool, dim interior of the Amtshaus. The spacious foyer was adorned with marble floors and intricately patterned tiles, while ornate chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the space.

As Carl settled into the uncomfortable plastic chair in the waiting area, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him. He glanced around the room, taking note of the other individuals seated nearby, each engrossed in their own tasks or lost in their own thoughts.

'Man. I need to be extra careful here… I'll get in trouble if there's some side-effects and she starts going crazy at me.'


His eyes scanned the room, searching for the perfect target. He needed someone who would be more susceptible to his charms and the subtle influence of his hypnotic spell. And then, he spotted her – a middle-aged woman seated behind one of the counters, her attention divided between the computer screen in front of her and the paperwork spread out before her.

Carl observed her for a moment, noting the tired lines etched into her face and the slight slump of her shoulders. She looked bored, perhaps even a little disinterested in her surroundings. Perfect, Carl thought to himself, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

'Hmmm, being mentally drained is akin to a cracked shield. Easy prey for certain.'

With a calculated grace, Carl rose from his seat and made his way towards the counter where the woman sat, his steps purposeful and confident. He approached her with a charming smile, his eyes meeting hers in a silent exchange.

"Excuse me," Carl began, his voice smooth and persuasive. "I was wondering if you could assist me with some paperwork."

The woman looked up from her desk, her expression shifting from indifference to mild interest as she regarded Carl. There was a faint glimmer of curiosity in her eyes as she listened to his request.

"Of course," she replied, her tone polite but guarded. "What do you need help with?"

Carl maintained eye contact, allowing the subtle power of his magic to work their charms. "I just need to submit some documentation," he explained, his words laced with a subtle suggestion. "But I was hoping you could expedite the process for me. I'm in a bit of a hurry, you see."

As he spoke, Carl infused his words with the hypnotic energy of his spell, his voice taking on a melodic quality that seemed to captivate the woman's attention. He watched as her eyes glazed over slightly, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Of course," she murmured, her voice tinged with a dreamy quality. "I'll do everything I can to help you."

With the link established with the Spell, it now become a tag of multitasking, since his main focus become on keeping the hypnosis of the lady, Ms. Helga, while his secondary focus on making sure that the process went smooth enough for him to be successful, and lastly, to ensure that the blood spider kept watch over Jeanne. 

'Damn it. There's a lingering headache soon encroaching in my brain.'

The intensity of Carl's focus only grew with each passing second.

Carl took his folder and began passing to the lady all of his fabricated story, and in her process of checking what he wrote down, and also verifying the photo for both his ID Card and Passport, she points out something vital for this whole endeavor to work.

"I'm sorry, I think you forgot something," Ms. Helga said, breaking him free from his trance. "You need a birth certificate to issue an ID Card and Passport.

'... Really?' his heart skipped a beat as he processed her words, a surge of panic and embarrassment threatened him.

But this wasn't all, Nosferatu's chuckle echoed in his mind, annoying him, as if it was his fault he wasn't a fan of bureaucratic processes. It was a shame, he had meticulously crafted this false story, ensuring that everything seemed legitimate, but then he had to overlook a critical detail… the birth certificate.

'Fuck me. I doubt Krassius even had one to begin with.'

Maintaining his composure, Carl forced a calm smile onto his lips, his mind racing as he scrambled to come up with a solution since he was using Hypnosis not Brainwashing, if the story didn't match the content it would soon crumble before his face.

 "Ah, my apologies," he replied smoothly, his voice betraying none of his inner turmoil. "I must have overlooked that. Is there any way to expedite the process for obtaining a birth certificate?"

Ms. Helga regarded him thoughtfully, her expression softening slightly. "Normally, it can take some time to acquire a birth certificate," she explained, her tone sympathetic. "But since you seem to be in a hurry, I can make an exception and help you with the paperwork. However, I'll need some additional information from you."

"Alright," she murmured, her pen hovering over the paper. "I have most of the information in the forms you've filled, but there's something that is missing. I'll need the names of your parents for the birth certificate."

Carl's heart skipped a beat at the mention of his parents, a detail he had neglected to consider in his elaborate ruse. Frantically, he searched his mind for a solution, his thoughts racing as he tried to come up with a convincing answer.

"My parents..." he began, his voice trailing off as he struggled to come up with a plausible lie. "Unfortunately, they passed away when I was young. I don't have any memory of them."

Ms. Helga's expression softened with sympathy as she nodded understandingly. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said softly, her tone gentle. "I'll make a note of it on the form."

As Ms. Helga finished filling out the paperwork, Carl couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. Despite the initial hiccup with the birth certificate that almost destroyed all of the perception of his Hypnosis, he had managed to navigate the situation smoothly and salvage himself. It was thanks to his quick thinking and powers of persuasion.

'Ahem. It was thanks to my lying skills. I don't even react like normal people when lying. Maybe I'm a sociopath?'

"Thank you so much for your help, Ms. Helga," Carl said, his tone genuine as he flashed her a charming smile. "I really appreciate it."

Ms. Helga returned the smile as she was still under his Hypnosis, her expression warm as she handed Carl a receipt for the documents. "You're welcome, Mr. Liebert," she replied kindly. "Your paperwork should be processed within the next week. You'll receive a notification once everything is ready."

"Excellent," Carl said, taking the receipt and tucking it into his pocket. "I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it."

Then while he was switching his attention from the Hypnosis to the Blood Spider, he saw and heard some things that annoyed him, a maggot was trying to kill his Pristine Cattle. How akin to a farmer discovering that his Wagyu Cow was threatened by some wolf. 

Not long after he willed the Spider to sever the head of that maggot, he frowned seeing how it wasn't capable of doing what he wanted, but the threat of the wound oozing with blood was enough for Carl to calm down. 

Finalizing the process with Helga, and moving away from the Service Center, canceling the link of the Hypnosis now that there wasn't any evidence that would point at him, he received a phone call from Jeanne who got the scare of her life.

'How should I react? She's no longer in danger per se with my full focus on the Blood Spider. Heh, it would be nice to play the Hero once in a lifetime.'

"Hello?" A calm voice answered escaped from his voice, while his expression had a relaxed grin.

"Carl, it's Jeanne." Her voice quavered, "Can I talk to you?"

'Of course, but it is interesting how she thought of calling me first. Have my charms worked such wonders?'

Silence stretched out for a few seconds before Carl responded, "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

She began telling what happened, and for Carl who liked some Drama, it was akin to a Brazilian Telenovela. Yet he couldn't tell Jeanne that she was overreacting, instead he chose the route where he was the concerned and attentive lover. 

Pausing as he listened to her attentively. "Calm down, Jeanne. Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched into his voice. The tenderness of his tone reached through the line, comforting Jeanne.

"I need you here, Carl," she whispered shakily over the phone. "Please come over."

'Ohh, the tears, the waterworks. Women sure can make an art out of crying. It is as if there's different types of crying based on the situation. Never ceases to amaze me.'

He remained quiet for a brief moment, while at the same time, he could hear her quivering, which made him answer softly, "Okay, I'm coming. Be safe until I arrive."