
Bloodbound Devil (Multi-Cross, DxD, Rosaria Vampire, Seikon no Qwaser)

Carl Bloodriver, an Half-Vampire set on a path of domination. There was nothing truly special about him, apart from his Sacred Gear, the Longinus, Bloodbound Dominion, fabled to be created from the blood of a God. Leading the life of a player, he ends up being stabbed to death, and with a second chance at redemption, he awakens in the body of a Dhampir who was experiecing the process of Eternal Slumber, his fate uncertain. If he messed around with his first life, not amounting to much but a player, maybe in this new life, he would better make the smart decisions. (Insert)(Multi-cross)(Rosario Vamp, Seikon no Qwaser, New Sis Devil, Uzaki-chan, Ikki Tousen, Beelzebub) ======================== - Reviews of any kind are welcomed. - Opinions do matter, especially constructive ones. - Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Vostarian · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Stirring up the Exorcists (3)

Chapter 16: Stirring up the Exorcists (3)

Unbeknown to the normal humans of what was happening with the Church, Carl stopped utilizing his Blood Powers to traverse easily the distance between the Service Center and Jeanne's House.

Of what the GPS said that it would take 27 minutes walking, he covered the distance in a flash, shortening the time to only 5 minutes remaining until the destination, and the apartment buildings and houses reminded Carl a bit of London. Yet, it was only a fleeting thought for his current self.

Checking on Jeanne using the Blood Spider, he could see her pace nervously from the room she closed herself in, as she waited for his arrival. 

Her hands were shaking, and her heart pounded in her chest. She could hear Richard muttering angrily downstairs, occasionally slamming doors. The house seemed smaller, more claustrophobic with each passing second.

"Carl," she repeated to herself, "please hurry."

A sudden noise outside caught her attention, it was the Blood Spider that remained for a while in a stand-by state. Making the connection between the small crimson spider with Carl, she rushed to the window, peering out cautiously. There, she saw Carl appearing in a flashy manner morphing out of nothing in front of her house. 

She didn't know what kind of Magic he was wielding, be it Evil or Good, she only knew that relief washed over her when she saw him. 

Her phone buzzed with a text message; it was Carl.

"I'm here now. Everything's okay."

Jeanne's heart fluttered with relief, knowing that help had arrived. She composed herself, took a deep breath, and moved quickly downstairs, unlocking the front door. She knew that Carl would handle the situation professionally, but a part of her wished that things weren't so complicated, that she could handle this problem by herself.

Carl was becoming increasingly important in her life, and she didn't want any unnecessary complications.

As she walked down the hall, she heard footsteps approaching. Richard must have heard the commotion too.

She sensed his presence behind her, turning abruptly to confront him. He had a dark look in his eyes, bordering on dangerous madness. Jeanne flinched involuntarily, taking a step back, bumping into Carl. She felt safe and protected.

"Hey," Carl said quietly, reaching out to touch her shoulder reassuringly. "Everything's going to be fine. I'm here for you."

Jeanne nodded weakly, swallowing the lump in her throat. She knew that Carl would do whatever it takes to keep her safe from harm. A strange thought then surfaced in her mind, making her shudder for a second. 

Carl had arrived to assure himself his meal didn't go bad. There's no way, Carl would be so heartless, afterall, if he was like that, why would he bother to arrive all the way here.

Vanquishing such thoughts from her mind, Jeanne stood closer to Carl, where she involuntarily could smell his familiar scent, a mix of sandalwood and something earthy-spicy. She couldn't help but feel a sense of security and warmth, like a gentle caress against her skin.

"I presume, you're Richard," Carl called out firmly, letting Jeanne to stand close to him, but he wasn't as despicable as wrapping his hand around her waist and assert 'dominance'. 

It was a bad taste move only a 'Tyrone' (player) would do, since at his core, Carl was a 'Good Guy' turned 'Bad' by his failures and deception in love. Still, watching the brown-haired man, noticing that there wasn't anything peculiar about him that should attract Jeanne, he was average at best, nothing to scream 'Handsome'.

At least, to Carl's standards, the man was not worth much, yet, he had managed to grab Jeanne's interest in the past.

Carl noticed that Richard looked up, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. "Who the hell are you? And what are you doing here?" Richard growled, his tone cold and menacing.

But Carl remained unfazed by Richard's aggression, his own voice calm and composed as he replied, "Let's talk."

Richard hesitated, squinting skeptically at Carl.

He crossed his arms defensively, casting a sideways glance at Jeanne. The spider perched atop her shoulder, glaring at him with its unblinking eyes. "So, what do you want to discuss?" he challenged, his voice cold and distant.

Carl met Richard's gaze evenly, his posture unwavering. "Just try to understand why we're having this conversation," he replied calmly. "Your behavior isn't acceptable, and it's time to face the consequences."

Tension crackled in the air, like a silent electrical storm brewing between them.

Richard glared at Carl, his jaw clenching tighter than ever. He could feel the power slipping away from his grasp, and he wasn't ready to let it go.

"Why should I listen to you?" Richard shot back, crossing his arms defiantly. "I've known Jeanne longer than you. We're practically married."

Carl arched an eyebrow, his expression neutral. "Does that give you the right to belittle and disrespect her?" he countered sharply. "You think you're entitled to her because you've known her longer? That's not how relationships work."

Carl folded his arms, staring intently at Richard. His eyes burned with determination, and he radiated an aura of dominance that made Richard uneasy. "You're not good enough for her," he continued. "And you never will be."

Jeanne watched the exchange between the two men, feeling her palms begin to sweat. She wanted to run away and escape the mounting tension, but she couldn't bring herself to leave Carl alone with Richard.

She didn't believe that Carl would hurt Richard, but still, something within her trembled when noticing his crimson eyes flashing an icy look at the opposite man that tried to justify himself.

"What are you trying to say?" Richard demanded, his anger boiling at the surface. "That you're better than me? That you deserve her more?"

"No," Carl replied coolly. "Not better. Just different."

Jeanne swallowed hard, her grip tightening on Carl's arm. She could feel the heat radiating off his body, and the comforting strength of his muscular frame. She knew that Carl wouldn't hesitate to protect her, and the knowledge gave her courage. "We're done talking," she stated firmly, her voice trembling slightly. "It's time for you to leave. If you didn't pack your things until then, you better do it now."

"Or else? What?" Richard scoffed, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "Are you kidding me? You'd choose this punk over me?" he spat, his anger rising. "It was only a small mistake. That's not fair!" Richard yelled, stepping forward.

Carl shook his head, holding his ground while his eyes locked onto Richard's. There were multiple thoughts on how to kill this guy that was almost getting into his face. "You're just another loser who thinks they can control someone else's life."

Jeanne's grip on Carl's arm tightened, her heart thumping wildly against her chest. She knew that she had chosen the right side.

Carl was her guardian angel, and he was willing to fight for her. In fact, she felt more secure with him than she had ever felt with Richard. She could trust Carl implicitly, without any doubts.

Carl stepped forward, closing the gap between him and Richard. "Look, I don't want to cause a scene," he announced, his voice low and controlled. "If you're really sorry for what you did, you'll leave her alone. You've done plenty of harm to her, that you should be thankful you're not in the policy custody."

"Leaving. That's the best thing you can do for right now. And having no contact with her starting this moment." Carl said, maintaining eye contact with Richard.

"How dare you speak to me like that?" Richard spewed, pointing a finger at Carl. "I'll show you who's really in charge here."

Jeanne gulped, feeling a knot forming in her stomach. She grabbed Carl's arm tightly, hoping that he would stay calm despite Richard's provocation. Richard continued to spew threats and insults, calling Carl a pathetic excuse for a man, that he shouldn't get involved with another man's women.

That was his last straw. Carl responded calmly, raising his voice to match Richard's increasing hostility. "You know what?" he declared. "I've had enough of listening to your crap."

Carl grasped Richard by the collar, pulling him closer, then he lifted him up effortlessly like he was a pebble on the street. Their faces were inches apart, his fiery red eyes bore into Richard's blue ones. 

Richard's eyes widened in horror as he felt the searing pain of Carl's claws digging into his flesh. He let out a strangled cry, a mixture of fear and agony coursing through his veins.

Jeanne watched in shock as Carl's demeanor shifted, his normally calm and composed facade replaced by a chilling intensity. She had never seen this side of him before, and it sent shivers down her spine.

"Please, Carl," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Don't hurt him."

Carl's grip tightened on Richard's collar, his gaze unwavering, and while leaving in even further, "Do you hear me?" he whispered, his voice low and threatening. "You sure do. Now you listen to me closely maggot," he began, his voice icy that made Richard grit his teeth. "I've put up with your arrogance long enough. I am telling you to leave. Now. This isn't a negotiation, either leave or die."

As Carl's claws pierced Richard's flesh, a dark energy pulsed from his fingertips, coalescing into a sinister form. From the depths of his blood, Carl summoned forth a creature born of his vampiric power, a Blood Parasite, crafted with a singular purpose, to harvest Richard's life essence.

'This one cost me a big chunk of my Mana and Blood Energy. But, its function is hopefully as I willed it to be.'


'What do you want, old man? Don't go preaching to me as if you were a Saint. This one isn't innocent by any means.'

[Stop using your Blood Energy and Mana. You're still under the Holy Barrier]

'So what? I dare them to push me around. I'll dry the whole population of Graz before making waste of this City.'

[You're a maniac.]

'Like anyone who would be in confinement for God knows how long, without a ray of sunlight, a droplet of water, a crumb of bread.'

The parasite materialized as a writhing mass of crimson tendrils, its form grotesque and alien. With a hiss, it slithered into Richard's wound, its barbed appendages burrowing deep into his veins with uncanny precision.

'Asshole, let me give you a parting gift that will be your last.'

Richard winced as he felt a slight discomfort, but there was no immediate pain. Instead, a strange sensation washed over him, like a mild tingling spreading through his veins. He shot a wary glance at Carl, who maintained a calm facade, his expression unreadable.

With each pulsation, the parasite began its insidious work, siphoning away Richard's vitality with quiet efficiency. Though he felt an odd sensation coursing through him, there was no immediate cause for alarm. Richard's brow furrowed in confusion, but he made no move to protest.

Carl watched with grim satisfaction as the parasite worked, its tendrils weaving through Richard's bloodstream with eerie precision. He knew that the process would take time, but he was willing to wait for the results.

With a flick of his wrist, Carl commanded the blood parasite to begin its macabre task. It worked with ruthless determination, its tendrils pulsating with blood energy as it harvested Richard's blood, storing it away for a future reckoning.

Richard gasped for breath, his face contorted in pain as Carl's blood parasite burrowed deeper into his veins. 

Finishing his job with ease, Carl released his hold on Richard, letting him crumple to the ground in a heap. The blood parasite slithered away into the shadows, leaving Richard trembling and weak.

"Consider this a warning," Carl said sternly, his voice echoing in the tense silence. "If I ever catch you near Jeanne again, I won't be so merciful."

Richard scrambled to his feet, his eyes wide with fear. Without a word, he turned and fled, disappearing from the view of the two, even forgetting about his belongings.