
Black Clover : The Last Legacy

What if there was a clan that could go toe to toe with devils and elves but forgotten with the passage of time . What if the history of the world is not what its told about. Join the adventure of a boy who is reborn in the world of magic and figure out the true history of the world. Note :Mc will join the Black Bulls Mc in the story only has knowledge till the end of elf arc. Story focuses mainly on the adventures of the protagonist so don't expect romance. (I am writing a fanfiction for the first time so there will be a lot of mistakes)

Immortle_diablo123 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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189 Chs

End of mission and Feelings

Kirin opened his eyes as light from the moon fell on his face.

Looking around he found that he was laying down on a bed made from Julian's mana.

There was a campfire with barbeque around which Julian was sitting and Secre in her human sleeping with her head on Julian's lap.

Kirin moved and sat opposite to them.

"How long was I asleep for?" he asked.

"Around 12 hours" Julian answered.

This made Kirin surprised as he was supposed to be asleep for at least two weeks.

"I know what you are thinking....

After the dungeon, I found that my eyes had become stronger so I was experimenting with forbidden magic.

In one such instance, I tried that on you and canceled out your backlash from forbidden magic." Julian said.

"So your eyes can now cancel out other's backlash too.

Well, that's convenient. " Kirin picked up a barbecue stick kept near him.

"Can you eat too?" Julian asked with amazement.

"Although I wouldn't get any energy from it, I can still enjoy the taste" Kirin replied.

"How is she back to a human then, I am pretty sure that backdoor I used has timed out, " Kirin asked.

"I kind of took Alric's magic from him." Julian opened his palm to reveal five wisps of mana which were red, white, black, green, and purple.

"There were some spells of the Sealing Magic which included the Spell she used so I used the same spell to return her back to human."

Seeing this Kirin started to laugh hysterically.

"That's the best thing I have seen in a while. He tried taking over your body but lost everything instead…He totally deserved it."

"You seem to have a history with him."

To this Kirin revealed that it was Alric who killed Kirin years ago. Since he was not a great spirit, he was not used for experiments.

"So, can the spirit contract still be formed?"

" Yeah, let's do it"Kirin pointed his finger toward Julian's Grimoire and fired a lightning bolt.

As soon as the bolt touched his Grimoire, Julian felt his connection re-established.

"Although I am still a fraction of my peak and will take some time to regain my original power. But worry not, in the current state, I am strong enough to use Spirit Dive." Kirin informed Julian.

" You can switch forms since you are an elemental being?"

"Yes, I can freely change my size.

From my spirit form to an animal to a woman who can take your virginity if you like~" Kirin said, taking the form of Reina.

" Ahem! No thanks. I would rather do it with a human "

"Tsk! Boys these days are no fun~," Kirin said, still in a woman form.

Seeing that he would not get the wanted reaction, he turned back to the male human form.

It stayed quiet for a moment after which Kirin spoke up.

"She has feelings for you …" Kirin said, looking at Secre.

"I know….but I don't know how to respond to them.

She was like a friend to me but she has just gained back her human form so I don't know how to respond to that"Julian said moving his fingers across Secre's hair.

Kirin had no arguments against that.

"While trying to break her Sealing Magic, I accidentally went through her memories.

She didn't really live a life that could be said to be satisfying.

She was a daughter of a declining Noble family who served the Royal Family.

Her entire family was killed in front of her eyes by the Assassin while she could not do anything.

It was the Price who saw potential in her magic and treated her from her shock.

Secre saw the Prince as her savior, and guardian and serve him till the end.

Prince slowly taught her to become normal… have things that she loved… have dreams…think for herself, etc. that didn't include him.

Then the tragic event of the Massacre of Elves took place where she had to seal her master.

Now, she has started to have feelings of her own… choice of her own." Kirin said.

"Let's give her some time, let her live the life she once lived as a human. We can move forward after that. "

After this talk about Secre, they talked some more about random things after which Julian went to sleep.


The next morning, Julian along with everyone started their journey toward Reina's house to complete their mission.

While Secre was sitting behind Julian on a bird made of red flames, Kirin was flying beside them taking the form of a Dragon.

He wanted to use his powers freely after getting them back after a long time.

After flying for some time they reached the site.

Julian knocked on the door but instead of Reina, it was opened by a teen girl.

She recognized Julian by the Black Bulls logo and asked them to come inside.

The girl introduced herself as Eva, Reina's assistant who returned from a vacation a few days ago.

This time Julian was surprised by Reina's house as it looked like a very normal house.

Reina came out to see the commotion and almost pounced on Julian and the male human form of Kirin.

Before she could move ahead, Eva held her by her collar, not letting her move.

"Professor~. What did I say about decency" Eva said, flaring her mana.

"Eee! Don't be so harsh Eva dear. I was not going to do anything. " Reina said profusely, sweating.

Julian, Kirin, and Secre now understood why the rooms looked clean and civil now.

Secre was glad that there was someone to control Reina from doing anything perverted to Julian. She could not allow it.

It was then she realized that she was being too possessive without reason and blushed.

"Is something wrong Secre?"Julian asked, somewhat guessing her feelings from her eyes.


Putting Secre aside, Julian handed down the Spatial Ring full of floating stones to Reina and told her that he got rid of all the Rift hounds in the mine.

Julian had already seen that the door to the dungeon had disappeared so it was safe for mining again.

Reina and her assistant immediately went to work after signing the mission contract much to Kirin's disappointment as he expected a drama to start.

After giving the signed contract in the Magic knights camp and taking his payment, Julian returns back to the base after a long adventure.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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