

Ocean106 · Fantaisie
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56 Chs

Chapter 34

It's not my fault." He bitterly added. "I was asleep when she disappeared. Do you think I would have let her slip away if I were awake?"

"Who knows maybe it's just another ruse from you!" He bellowed back, as Yiana stepped between them.

"Simon please, stop." She understood his anger, it was certain that he felt that way after learning that he can't do anything to stop the portal and his frustration reacted on his Edam Spell, giving him the urge to exercise his anger. "Alex, don't!"

Alex prepared his battle position ready to defend him from Simon. "Get Away Yiana."

"No, stop." Jack stepped between them as well. "Both of you."

"How can you so certain that Alex has been planning against Amy?" Jon asked. "My lord do you not realized that Alex is in love with her?"


"Yes, it's obvious." Ian pondered. "Oh come on, no one realized that?"

"Is it true?" Simon asked, finally calmed down. "I remembered you always bragged about how stupid human."

"I never realized it, for sure; all I know is that I would do anything to hold her back into my arms." He confessed. "To kiss her again. And to feel her again."

"Very well." Mark clapped his hands. "It's all sorted out then."

"Seems like that you're not the only one to worry about her now." Jon stared at Simon. "And that's a good thing, now you can concentrate on your only one reason."

"We better be finding her now." Simon took for birds what Jon said and glanced away from the latter.

"If she is not here, then where she is?" Delia panted, "I'm exhausted and I need rest; otherwise my beauty will be ruined."

"Really, is that what you care all about?" Jack raised an eyebrow while the other turned to face the worried face of Jamie. He was staring at the wall with another dubious look that gave them the feeling that he knows how to enter.

"Of course, I have to take care of myself."

"Otherwise someone will start craving to have sex with a Shiras again."Delia annoyingly throws some magic powder at him, letting him fall on the ground the next step he took.

"For the last time, I'm telling you, I'm not having sex with that Shiras, for god's sake Delia." Jamie confessed, "and Ian could you not be a brat for once?"

"Hey naughtiness is my mojo!"

"Well, one good thing that we have the prince Jamiz to help us." Alex added.

"Prince Jamiz?" Simon followed his gaze. "Jamie?"

"You are royalty?" Yiana gasped. "Wow! I didn't see that coming."

"Yes, I'm royalty." He confessed.  He walked towards the wall and halted and lightly brushed the ice with his fingers. "I'm the prince of Ngami."

"The heir?" Simon added.

"Yes, sort of." He admitted.

"Alex you knew that?"

"No! But the history yes!" He could tell that they were all confounded. "I read the diary of my father, a long time ago, when I started to understand a little bit. Everything he written in that diary, how my mother died and how he was about to lose everything. I kept the diary carefully in the room of illusion."

"That would explain why you spend so much time in there." Yiana understood. They all were still staring at the latter. "And what about you guys?"

"That Jamie is a prince….Yes." They all agreed. "Actually, we were the one who changed his name. Jamiz, was too obvious. Prince name. So we gave him a modern one. The one that no one would doubt, even if he is working with the council." Ian continued.

"Then you must be the chosen one." Yiana concluded.

"No that's impossible." Alex interrupted with another serious tone.

"Of course not," Simon agreed. "If Jamie was the chosen one, they would have already found the solution a long time ago considering that he has been working with the council itself."

"And he is too old for that." Mark pointed out. He knew that his comment was not welcomed. He smiled and simply added. "I meant to say that the time when all these happened, Jamie, was already working with the council. And he fought to save his sister that night."


"Yes the princess Merilia." A sad tone invaded his face now. "I was meant to protect her, but I was not there."

"Now Now my dear friend, it is no time to hold any regret, we should be trying to get through this wall and save Bewix." Mark proposed.

"The only thing, if you guys know how to open it, why you waited for so long?" Yiana crossed her hands and grinned.

"Well, our dear friend lost the key to it." Mark answered. "To enter we were needing something that would easily let us through, something that was made from the Ngami themselves. In this case the Pen of Glim, an ancient spell that was gifted to our dear friend, when he got his job at the council."

"But I found it."

"Really?How?" Jon asked.

"He left it with Delia." Jack bellowed back.

"What? I thought you said you lost it the time when you battled for your Kingdom." Mark nodded. " You lied to us?"

"No, I didn't know I left it there." He confessed. "The night I was with Delia, is the night my sister returned and everything was messed up. I was too worried that I left without saying a word and I started finding a way to save my sister and her child, but the fact that I was into the council I was not allow to fight for one cause. And I met your father, and asked him to help my sister. Time flew and I completely lost track that I left the pen of Glim with her."

"That is why you never came back?" Delia, found sincerity in his tone. "You were worried about your sister."

"I'm sorry, I know I hurt you." Before he could say any other word, Delia ran to him and threw herself to his arm and pressed her lips to his, not wanting to let go. He didn't pushed her back, though, for deep inside him he knew that he waited for that moment long time ago.