
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

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Ancient writings

Still this time, the universe was really smiling upon them, making it so that only the weakest myths appeared.

As long as any human pushed themselves to the limit, killing one wasn't an issue, despite that, the myths outnumbered them, so much so that the scale was 1:3.

The military and some humans who had the courage to fight, fought with everything they had, for their planet, for their families, they had to win.

The war went on for almost half a day, and finally, humans with their modern weapons, gained an edge over the them.

In addition to that, the 0d 0h 29m hit, what happened after, spelled doom for the entirety of the human population.

And so it began.


When the myths attacked for the second time, the military and the people who were able enough to fight and kill one, their tattoos would instantly change.

Status: alive

Countdown: 0d 0h 29m 29s

After killing one myth.

Status: alive

Countdown:8d 29h 29m

Almost all military personnel and quite a few people had managed to kill two or more myths, before the rest of them turned to specks of light and disappeared, soon as the clock hit midnight.

Immediately after the countdown hit 0d 0h 0m 0s, everyone who had a tattoo engraved on their skinand and hadn't managed to kill a single myth, from world leaders, billionaires underground, women, kids over 12 years, the 'curse of time ' didn't spare any of them.

People all over the world started dropping like flies.

And just like that another 30% of humanity was gone.

Once again chaos roamed earth, pleas of forgiveness from the gods echoed around the globe, and cries from survivors who had lost their parents, wives and husbands lingered in the air.

Despite that the grief this time didn't last long, most survivors were military men and warriors who had already survived two waves, and we're gonna keep on fighting.


Groups came together and new leaders came to light, as they all tried to find solutions before their time ran out.

They figured that once the countdown hit zero it was game over for the person, and this 'curse of time' affected any person with a tattoo on their bodies, that meant anyone above thirteen, without exception.

Though the solution to it was very simple_well not exactly. Kill a myth or take a life of someone and snatch their time, this came to light after incidents of murder started pilling up.

Every man for themselves, was once again the theme of the day.

But it seemed that while the universe had a way of screwing everything and everyone over, it also had a way of equaling things out, even though not fairly.


In one of the pyramids in Sudan, a certain group stumbled upon ancient writings and drawings that indicated the same kind of apocalypse happening over a million years ago, and how they managed to survive it

The group that came upon the ancient writings weren't selfish, using the communication lines that still somehow functioned, they broadcasted their findings all over the world.


There were 9 levels of myths,

Grounded, Awakened, Anomalies, Fallen, Peerless Chaos invokers, Legendary, Great ones, Devianters

Grounded being the weakest, Devianters the strongest.

And just like the myths, humans could evolve 9 times, gaining unmeasurable power in the process.

From a Trancender, Manipulator, Rezer, Tailor, Paragon, Emperor, God, Limitless, to a Singularity.

Every human could manage evolving. Despite that the work they had to put in order to evolve through all the nine levels, and the years of training and dedication was unmanageable.

It is believed that any human who evolves 6 times gain unimaginable power, 7 times turns to a god, 8 and 9 times still remains a mystery.

After the second evolution, depending on the nature and the character of a person, one gains an ability.

The higher you evolve, the stronger the ability becomes.

In order to evolve, one must meet the conditions of each evolution, the higher the evolution the more impossible the conditions

1st evolution: Eat a raw heart of someone you treasure.


That was the only writing on the ancient tablet.


Everyone who had survived the two waves, either by a myth or another unnatural occurrence, had somehow lost a loved one, and so finding a heart wasn't a problem.

Eating it however, was another case. But humans will always be humans, survival at all cost, was a motto engraved in most of their hearts.


Immediately after one consumed a heart, to which most of them did, a surge of energy would course through their entire being, giving them heightened senses, increased strength, speed and durability, atleast five times their original.


A month after, the full moon approached, and once again the giant eye opened, realising the grounded myths, the weakest of the bunch, only this time wasn't like the last, humans were now superior.

Thus the fight went on like anyone would have guessed, with five times their original strength, humans were now fighting on who was gonna kill most of the myths and push their death for another time.

They experienced an overwhelming victory against the myths.

Inspite that, there were those who couldn't kill enough myths, resulting in them attacking their fellow human, for additional time in their lives.


The cycle went on for over two years.

Until they figured out that one can share their time as long as both parties were willing. Inspite of that, it was already too late and the human population had reduced to 25%, and it was to continue decreasing, as no one would willingly exchange their time without gaining something equally precious, and what could be more precious than life.

Twenty more years passed, and the population was still declining, given the fact that no one was really on board with bringing a child in such a chaotic world.

Subsequent to another five years, the population had decreased to a mere 18%, but this time even the number of grounded myths that were being released had reduced, way more than the number of humans who needed the additional time.

And so most humans, instead of killing their breathren, decided to go into the belly of the beast, the void of myths.

Using scientist who had survived through everything, half of the remaining population used hot air balloons and traveled through the void.


A hundred and twenty years have passed since their departure.

Humans back on earth are still waiting for them to come back, while also fighting the onslaught of the grounded myths that keep on reducing as the years go by, for time.