
Beacons Of The Dark Age

An apocalypse that wiped out 82% of humanities population. Myths that seemed to come out of a kid's story book or folklore and the 'Curse of time' that lingers on every human's skin. In a world ravaged by mythical creatures, where one must kill in order to live and see another sunrise. Vic is born into this post apocalyptic world, where he watches his father succumb to the curse of time. By becoming a beacon, he swore to evolve himself to the limit and destroy the 'void of myths' that had caused suffering and misery to the remaining population.

Overvoid · Fantasy
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28 Chs


Must've been fun Vick who had been wandering the city for over an hour, lampooned as he gazed at a run down theme park.

Having read and seen them in pictures, kids his age would play on the small trains, circling about the place, while having many different kinds of sweets for them to enjoy.

Envy filled his entire demeanor, he was brought up in this world, a world that couldn't even offer dried bread. In this cursed world no one would even remember how to cook a decent meal.

Everyone was either busy trying to look for something precious that they could exchange with other Trancenders for additional time or trying to kill each other.

He gazed at the run down theme park for a few more seconds, before continuing south.

After thirty minutes of walking, a rather old building that resembled a mosque came to view.

It had two wooden doors that sealed an opening that was wide enough for a car to go through.


Standing at both sides of the doors were two burly middle aged men with spears in hand.

"No luck today too, huh?" The man that stood on the left asked, as he observed Vic's solemn expression, still this time he didn't have his usual playerful tone.

"Come on, stop giving the kid false hope, we all know that myths only appear on a full moon, and no one has ever seen one being left behind after the void closed" the other man who stood to the right said, with anger laced in his tone.

"Yeah" Vic answered the first man, while choosing to ignore the second, he walked towards the giant brown doors and pushed them open, before steeping in, as to whether the first man was being playerful or not, Vic didn't care.

He was meet by a well decorated two story building, that had five rooms on each side of the lower floor, opposite the last room on the right was a staircase that led to the second floor.

Walking towards the third room at the left, he could hear murmurs and sense gazes around him, but paid no mind to them as he was well used to them.

Approaching the door he pulled it open, to which a rotting stech hit him, though he didn't appear bothered by it and just walked in.

The room was small and only managed to fit one bed and one set sofa.

"Which game did you play today?"

Vic placed his broad sword behind the couch, and sat down before answering

"Hide and seek"

"Ohh haha, I read that it was one of the best kids game"

"Wait, what happened to your time?" Vic asked as he shot off the couch towards the bed.

Laying on a rather uncomfortable looking bed, was a man, with neatly comed curly black hair, dark brown eyes, and skin dark as a starless night, the man resembled Vic so much so that if it wasn't for their clear age difference, one might have confused one for another.

In his forehead was a red tattoo that seemed to change every second, at the moment it read

0d 6h 4m 45s.

"Where the hell did a whole freaking day go?" Vic asked, with clear anger and worry in his voice.

"Vic language" the man on the bed paused for moment, took a deep breath before continuing "I've told you again and again this is my fate"

"Fuck fate.. sorry, but why now, I told you to hold on a little longer" with tears now streaming down his cheeks, he continued " I'm gonna figure out a way, I'm.. I'm gonna beat this curse and destroy the void"

"I trust you will, but I'm sorry Vic, I won't be there to celebrate"

"Just one more day, why, why did you give it away, I'm sure I could've figured something tomorrow."

"Someone needed it more than I did, look at me, a father who even depends on neighbours for his son's meals" he said pointing at his legs, which were severed at knees length.

He was once a strong Trancender.


One of the full moons, in one of the many battlefields, while fighting for time, he met a girl, one who caught his attention.

After months of pursuing her, he finally stole her heart. In which they decided to raise a family.

Almost everyone would look at her like she was crazy after telling them that she was pregnant, but she couldn't have cared less about their opinions.


Everything was great for about two years after she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.


Inspite that one day out of nowhere she changed, talking about how she wanted to make the world safe fo their child. Till one morning she up and left leaving a note indicating that she was gonna go through the void.

Since then he never heard from her again

Left alone with a child in a world that one was needed to constantly fight for time.

He decided to join a group, in exchange for time they would take care of his kid.

And things went on a smooth sail for a while, but it seemed like nature was constantly trying to snatch every bit of peace he had.

Fighting the myths with the group like usual, he tripped and fell belly flat, leaving an opening for a Tokoloshe, which in turn cost him his legs.

After the incident occurred the group helped him and to an extent tried to feed his son and take care of them.

Despite that there's always a limit to how kind humans can be, and for someone who can't give something in return, they're very cruel.


"They're going to take care of you" stepping back from the memory lane, he said, warm tears and a comforting smile displaying on his face.

"I only want you, I don't want anyone else"Vic refuted, his eyes having turned red from all the crying.

"Come here, I want you to tell me about your day" he said stretching his arms out for a hug.

Vic clawled onto the bed then into his father's embrace.

"I didn't really meet any friends, or play hide and seek" Vic said, his voice barely audible.

"I know"

"You knew" he looked at his father with a surprised face, who inturn looked at him with a questionable look.

"Ohh, right I saw a theme park....."

They went on, and so did time. 0d 0h 4m 0s.

"And then there was this huge thing..." 0d 0h 2m 7s

"It was this huge, bigger than this house.."

0d 0h 0m 30s

"I'm grateful for the time I got to spend with you, son"

0d 0h 0m 0s

With a bright smile on his face, he closed his eyes, never to reopen them again.

Screaming his guts out, with uncontrollable tears running down his cheeks, he hugged his father tightly.


On that moment he swore to become a beacon of the dark ages, and a spell of doom for every myth or anything that would stand in his path for destruction.