
Avernus Online: Rise of Helpoemer

The story of a man named 'Luke Aaron' who died being dismembered alive because of finding a secret that can change destinies. Now, waking up 10 years back in time, Luke tries making a different path than that of his previous timeline, creating and walking on this path with his Inherent Talent and Experiences supporting and backing him to rise above those whom once he can't even reach near feet of. The Path of Music in the World where warfare is normal among races. The Path with should bring peace now will bring madness, insanity on its way. Follow the story to see either he will make the path or be crushed again by those who follow their own path. Note: The first 3 chapters are short but I have maintained the standard limit of 1000 words each chapter after that.

LittleEmber · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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Hopes of a Big Event

The Lounge was a cozy area with a bar at the front and bookshelves attached to the surrounding walls. Tables and chairs were positioned in the middle of the space.

The room was less crowded than the Guild's Reception; some adventurers could be seen sipping beer or ale while speaking with one another, while others sat alone absorbing information from books.

Luke spotted the man who had helped him earlier; he was sitting by the bar, chatting with someone and holding a large beer mug.

Luke walked up to him and greeted, "Hello, sir."

The man spun around and took a little moment to study Luke's face. He soon identified Luke and said, "Ah! "You're that cautious bard from before."

"Yes, Sir, I am the Bard from the morning. I want..." Luke said.

The apparently drunken guy interrupted Luke in the middle of his talk, saying, "I can tell from your aura that you have grown stronger than before. Do you require any other assistance?"