
Ash: The Untouchable

Addicted_69 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

7. Evania Academys Fights

We were clashing at each other, only the sound of her sword and my daggers could be heard. Even though I was once stronger than her, I couldn't forget that right now, I'm not even half as powerful as I once was.

But still, that doesn't mean I'm any weaker than her. Maybe in terms of raw strength, I would lose, but I got agility and speed. Even if my attacks are shalow, it's still better than her who failed to hit me so many times.

She started to use her element, which I predict is earth. A good counter to me, if I must say. The ground was unstable, making me lose balance and almost get hit. My defense is not hight so it would be better not to get hit as her attacks are much more powerful than mine.

I decided to put some distance between us. After all, she already had enough wounds, and soon the poison on my daggers will start to spred.

I dealt my last blows and used shadow steps to move backward as we are forbidden to bring any potions, drugs, or artifacts except our weapons or things that is a core to our fighting style.

That's why I knew I wouldn't get called out at using poison. Since most people watching this fight aren't blind and can see that my fighting style is more of a dodge and attack if u get the chance and then just wait until the poison takes effect.

The girl I was fighting against wasn't blind either, and she had already noticed the poison spreading. I knew because she gathered the mana around her wounds, trying to stop the spreading. Although she failed, it did slow down the spreading of the poison.

She knew she didn't have much time less until she was immobilized, so she gathered her mana and a stone golem apeard. The reason she didn't summon one sooner is because I'm sure this thing caused her a lot of mana to maintain.

The girl and her golem charged at me simultaneously. I pulled out my throwing knives that were attached to a silver threat that is so thin that it is almost impossible to spot as it is to snap.

I threw them at the golem and pulled onto him. The golem tried to pull out my throwing knives while the girl tried to hit me, but she failed misrebly as I was swinging around the golem as the stringhts were attached to my gloves it was almost impossible to hit me.

Every time she tried to hit, she would hit her own golem, and the golem also failed in pulling out my little knives as his hands were too big to do so.

This continued on for a while, and her breathing was starting to get ragged as she finally caught up blood and fell to her knees. Her golem turned into pieces of dirt and stones.

I pulled in my strings that were attached to the throwing knives and put it back to my regular coat as my shadow cloak was not premited in this fight since the cloak was an artifact that was used mostly for escaping then fighting.

" Plese, raise your voices for our winner Silent Night ! " After a moment of silence, I heard loud whistles and claps. I didn't pay them any mind as I took out the antidote and threw it onto the ground right next to the girl who was still coughing up blood.

The metal bars were pulled up again as they were down when I fought with the girl. I stepped inside the metal room again, and in no time, I was out in the hallway where Miss Hazel was waiting for me.

" Congratulations, your last two fights will be tomorrow at 9 am ". ' I thought this was one of those brats that only tried to skip to the graduating class for attention, but we still need to see his next two fights '.

I only spared her a glance and walked away while taking all of my belongings that they confiscated before the fight.

I decided to go to a restaurant and eat some food. I had a steak, and it wasn't really my cup of tea, so I decided to go to a local bakery and have something sweet. I'm not a really big fan of chocolate, so I had a piece of cake.

1 day later.....

I was back at the arena, and my opponent was some fire user guy it took a while, but I defeated him in the end.

Word spred about me skipping the two grades and going directly to the graduating grade, making me a hot topic.

There were a lot of rumors as well as a lot of gueses about my identity. But none of them were even close.

Only a small number of people actually knew about me since my family never bothered to announce my existence to the world and I'm not complaining since I have no responsibility.

That's why to the world, there is only one prince of the Blake royal family. Thinking about family, I wonder how my brother is doing.

Before I get the chance to wonder even more, Miss Hazel came to me saying it's my turn to fight. The fights get harder every time, so I wonder who I will be fighting right now.

When the bars were pulled up, I could see a girl with long silk like white hair tied into a ponytail, and looking at her mask, I immediately knew it was princess Isabella, AKA. ' Flake '.

' She mostly uses ranged attacks rather than her sword, so it will be quite a hassle to get close to her and have a chance to hit her ' I analyzed.

' I didn't use any of my skills in the previous fights, just techniques and my mastery with daggers. '

' The difference between a skill and a technique is that a skill is more like a magic spell that you use so much that can now be used without concentration or making a magic circle, plus it consumes mana unlike techniques. '

' In a technique, you need to use your body and your bloodlines propensity. Occasionally, mix it with your masterd weapon like my shadow step. It's a foot technique that i mostly use for evading since that's a must for an assassin as we fight in a very close range. '

' And a bloodline is something that can go down in your genes, but of course, it's not guaranteed. Like my families bloodline of Darkness. That's also what makes our mana black, and later in life, if you master your bloodline enough, by being able to use it to its fullest potential, then your body will become more resonant with it. Before I came back in time, my blood was black as the result of mastering my bloodline. '

Before I could think about it any further, I heard the hosts voice announce, " On my right here, we have Flake, which has no losses so far ! " the crowd cheered.

" As for her opponent, we have the newbie that has been having a great winning streak, so please give a round of applause to the one and only Silent Night ! "

After a pause, the host said, " This being both of their last fight, so without further ado.... Fight !!! "

When I heard him, I got into my fighting stance, preparing to use my shadow step to evade the incoming ice missiles. After successfully evading, I used my skill chains of darkness that enable me to bring out strong chains from a shadow or a dark place within a 30-meter radius.

I knew the chains wouldn't hold her for long, so I only used them to disurpt her from using another skill. Since I needed to close the distance to 10 meters and another second to cast one of my currently most powerful skills, shadow spikes. I need to end this battle quickly before that monster uses her most powerful skill Ice field.

So, without any hesitation, I summoned shadow spikes.