
Ash: The Untouchable

Addicted_69 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

6 . Astra Is Difrent From What I Knew

l was relaxing at the corner of the hot springs, leaning agents its walls. I was half asleep, but then I heard someone entering the hot spring on the other side of it. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a familiar mask.

After knowing it was Astra, i closed my eyes, going back to my half asleep state. But a moment later, i was forced to open my eyes again when i heard him saying, " Why are you not flipping up ? "

" If you don'ts shut up, i think i will," I retorted.

Surprisingly after that he didn't say anything and I went back to my half asleep state.

When I opened my eyes again, the night sky was a bit brighter, and if all those trees weren't blocking my view, then I think I would be able to see the sun.

Surprisingly, Astra was still at the opposite side of the hotspring, leaning against its walls just like me. ' I guess it wasn't a dream after all. It's good to know I'm not crazy enough that I started to hallucinate about him. '

" Good morning, princess," he said with a smile. I spared him a glance as I was getting out of the hotspring with my towel on. " It's Silent Night," I responded.

" Sol " This time, I didn't spare him a glance but continued dressing up. When I was almost done, he also crawled out of the hot spring.

His body was covered in fresh bruises, I guess that's why he came to this hot spring. Back then and now, he was probably attacked by a group of assassins sent by the empress.

Since this hot spring does have some natural healing propensities as well as it helps clean out poison from wounds. I know since we also have a few hot springs like these. They are quite common.

After I was done dressing up, I was about to use shadow cloak to turn into a shadow and use my shadow step to get out of here when he asked, " Where are you going ? "

" Why are you asking ? " I was quite surprised why he asked. And I was even more surprised when he answered, " I don't know. "

' I know for a fact that he isn't he a person that would act or say anything based on a feeling. And everything he does must have a reason. '

' This is something new to me. There is no way he remembers the past. So why is he acting like this. He is different from what I know. Does that have something to do with me ?

' It wouldn't hurt to know more as long as I stick to the goal, right? ' I thought as I answered. " I'm going to Evania Academys library. "

To my surprise again, he didn't say anything and just started walking away. After that, I didn't pay him any mind as I continued on my path to the academy.

Today in the evening, I'm going to have to fight one of the students, so I need to be in my top shape. With that, I found my way to the Academys library and went to the very back corner that was hidden behind many bookshelfs.

It was a perfect place it was away from prying eyes, and it was quiet. I made my way to the windowsill and sat on it. After a while, I made myself comfortable as I lay down on it.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep as the windowsill was wide enough, and the sun was shining on my back as I was facing the opposite direction. Making me warm even without my blanked. The windowsill wasn't hard at all as my clothes were thick enough to make me comfy. Oh, how I wish I could stay like this forever.

The joy didn't last long as my mana bracelet that I used started to disperse mana. The mana bracelet works like a clock. That's because there are two small stones in it that always stick to the wall of the bracelet.

The sun stone always sticks to the wall of the bracelet where the sun is, and the moon stones does the same, but it sticks to the moon, as their name suggests. And by knowing what direction the sun and the moon are, I can predict the time.

As to how i made it an alarm, well, I added my mana to one wall of the breaclet and when the sun stone reached it they colided with each other making my mana disperse and when that happened the mana flow around my breaclet become irregular making me notice it and wake up.

Unfortunately, it doesn't really work in the chaos world. As my own mana is constantly disturbing the chaos energy in the area and such a small distribution from the breaclet wouldn't be enough to make me notice it.

After slowly opening my eyes, I again I saw the devil he was sitting silently at the table in front of me reading a book.

' Was I that tired that I didn't even notice him ?

It's not like he can do anything to me here anyway. He would get in trouble for attacking anyone on the Academys grounds. '

After that thought, I didn't pay him more attention as I looked at the position of the sun stone. I discovered that if I don't hurry, I might be late for the fight.

Not to mention, I don't know who I will fight with or what abilities they have since I didn't watch the fights because I was too busy sleeping.

With that, I immediately jumped off of the windowsill and walked around the table as I was going to the exit when I heard, " Where are you going ? "

I didn't have time to entertain him much, so I just gave him a quick and simple reply.

" Fight. " When he heard that, he got up from his chair, leaving the book there and following me from the distance.

' Is he going to follow me around ? ' It's not like I really care, but It does raise some alarms in my head as before I regressed, we were at each other troats.

It didn't take me long to reach the arena. When I arrived, I spotted teacher Hazel, who looked a tad bit anxious. When she saw me, her eyes brightened up as she quickly walked toward me, grabbing my wrist.

" Where were you ? You are late ! " She said while she was still dragging me to who knows where. I was about to say in the library, but I didn't get the chance as she said, " We're here."

She opened a door and pushed me through it while saying. " You have weapons on yourself, right ? You will only need those. " She said as she took my space ring and only premited me to take tools that were essential to my fighting style.

After she was done cheking me. She shut the door in my face as I heard the noise of her high heels from behind the door getting further and further away, and I knew she was already gone.

I was inside a metal room with no light, but that didn't affect me as I could perfectly see without them on. It didn't take long as I could feel moving up, and not long after, I was greeted by a blinding light and the cheers of the crowd.

From behind the metal bars , I could see the same room as I was in, on the opposite side of the arena. The metal bars were pulled in at the same time as I and the other person walked out of our rooms to the wide arena.

" On my right side, we have Sandy ! With one loss and one win, and this being her last battle, " the host announced, even trough this is an academy, they still do this to get money.

The host looked at my side from his platform, which was hovering in the air. I'm guessing that's thanks to a high-grade wind talisman.

" And on my left, we have Silent Night, and this is his first round ! " he announced, and I heard another round of applause.

After the crowd quieted down a bit me and Sandy were already not too far away from each other. After the host saw we were ready to fight, he did not hesitate to announce,

" Fight ! "