
Angle niger Feather

hah......So all this time.... I have been betrayed by her......and still believe that may be their is hope.... .I ...I thought that...she must be manipulated by something or someone....but .... As Tara fall down on the floor who was a white witch in her previous life felt sore.... She has been betrayed by the saint who she helped and in return she got.... what nothing but pain...... As she suddenly remembered what God of heaven said to her after she died as a witch..... He said.... "This time not just for Satisfaction but live a life with no regret" She figured out that God must knew her true colour.....up until yesterday....she believes that saint is innocent..no to be precious...she want to believe in that.....but ... it's all clear know.....as she wiped her tears from her eyes....... by cutting her left hand's palm... with a knife.. blood flow down from her veins to the magic circle..she is standing over......and said..... "My revenge....I will arvege my death...... " My dear saint.......... The show is just yet to began Do you wanna know how she is able to find saint true personality? or. How is she going to take her revenge? What's going to happen next....for more please read my novel........ """""' Angel Niger feather"""""""

Mint0000 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

chapter --10 Against the temple..

If Martha (marquee) has not said anything thing than its means that...it's true Empress figured that out....then she said.....

Whose side are you on Martha?...


At her words, Martha astonished..and tears flow down through her eyes.... right now she felt pathetic...., miserable than any other one in this whole world....by seeing such a pitiful sight of Martha.... Empress and Emperor both felt uneasy cause the person who is crying in front of them is always like a mother to both of them since childhood... Martha is the only one who helped the most to stabilize her and his position respectively.....

wiping Martha's tears with her cylindrical fingers Empress said....

Martha.... even if your decision is against us....we will not blame you for anything.....so stop crying.... since your son has been off to war ...we have anticipated this much..and also...

After hesitating for a while she continues to speak.....

And whatever your decision...we will respect it.... However, if your decision is against us...I am sorry to say this..... Marquees but....you need to maintain your distance from us..... rather than a devotee you will become an enemy to the imperial family and as well as the people of the Empire... You knew more than anyone else in this whole world.. what temple is up to something..since the beginning..we thought that the Duchess may be of some help since she is your "Daughter in law" but seems like she is perfidy.....

After hesitating for a while Empress continue her words...

Marquees whose side are on you ...

OUR... The Imperial Family or....

The Temple....

.....*..sigh* after sighing a deep breath empress said...

I am sorry Marquees to say this but if you are on the temple's side then please maintain your distance from us....I am sorry to say that to the person I equally respect as my mother... However....As the mother or the Empress of this Empire, I don't lead a path...of my, Empire to ruin....and that's my responsibility...

... (Marquee)

there is an awkward silence left between them. ....only the sound of the breeze winds and dusky noises of the leaf..... rustling

its Marquee who break the silence.....but instead of answering the question, Empress asked...she talk to the Emperor who is left behind in the conversation between two rigid empathy ladies..... well it's obvious that a man cannot interfere in the ladies talk even if he wanted to...because it's useless....

I have been wondering.....why have not you said a single word....your highness...The Emperor... .. marquee said.

*flinch*. ... (Emperor)

even the Empress is worried cause...she knew why her husband had not said anything till now..... Marquee also knew it very well that's why she asked.....just to confirm and as the .... Emperor flinch it's already... confirmed.

As my lord flinches like this... it's meant that my intuition was correct.....Is it not your highness?

Actually..... Marquee...I...I ...apol....I apologise.....intense voice. (Emperor)

...pfttttttt....ha ha hahaha....I am sorry your highness but I just can't hold my laughter..... Marquee said after whipping her tears of joy.....

Emperor's face is blushing now... because of flustered....On the other side empress also can't control her laughter anymore and.....

pfttttttt....."cough**cough* turning her head away from the emperor she put her both hands on her mouth to control it.. however it's already on its peak... at last the three of them ended up laughing over one another ... which ease the mood between them... then suddenly.... Emperor opens his lips to tell the conversation between Duke and the emperor before going to a war...

....since I was a child you always encouraged me and the Duke your precious son....is one of my best friend and classmate.... before when he was off to war I told him that's it's wise if....I can also join him...but he denied it in a stern voice. and punched my face.... he even said that I am out of my mind.....Ahhh ...you know why marquee... it's because he was well aware of the situation about the temple. you know what..he said....

Don't be stubborn your highness.... what we will do if the temple starts Rebellion against us....if we both leave who gonna protect the citizens...have you forgotten your oath....*sigh*...I know how you felt my dear friend, but your highness this is not the time to take action based on feelings.

Duke's words motivated the Emperor who is feeling depressed because of his best friend's news of going to war...but he knows that his friend's obligations are all true....so he made his mind strong because his heart still felt uneasy...

Alright, Duke.... (Emperor)

Come back safe it's an order.
