
Angle niger Feather

hah......So all this time.... I have been betrayed by her......and still believe that may be their is hope.... .I ...I thought that...she must be manipulated by something or someone....but .... As Tara fall down on the floor who was a white witch in her previous life felt sore.... She has been betrayed by the saint who she helped and in return she got.... what nothing but pain...... As she suddenly remembered what God of heaven said to her after she died as a witch..... He said.... "This time not just for Satisfaction but live a life with no regret" She figured out that God must knew her true colour.....up until yesterday....she believes that saint is innocent..no to be precious...she want to believe in that.....but ... it's all clear know.....as she wiped her tears from her eyes....... by cutting her left hand's palm... with a knife.. blood flow down from her veins to the magic circle..she is standing over......and said..... "My revenge....I will arvege my death...... " My dear saint.......... The show is just yet to began Do you wanna know how she is able to find saint true personality? or. How is she going to take her revenge? What's going to happen next....for more please read my novel........ """""' Angel Niger feather"""""""

Mint0000 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

15th Chapter --- The green bird part -2

He is going back to his master....who is cheering him up underneath...when he took a close look at the destined position....a chubby rabbit came in sight....who is eating hot coals endlessly....he snorted as soon as he saw the rabbit and then he saw a beautiful small girl who is wearing a light green dress and cheerful giggles....

the bird took a steady pace in his speed and landed over Tara's shoulder... she said....

Do you have any problem fitting in this body... like it's a bit shorter than the previous structures...

he shook his head...

she path him on his nape...

Rabi, you did really good work.....

Rabi is laying on the grass his face was hidden behind his big stomach .....he looks like a white furry hamster.... it makes even more adorable....

Tara murmured to herself that now she would be able to get what she want...

Next day::::::::::::::

there are only four days left in Tara's birthday.....this time Empress Bethany