
Alien Z

Besides the clone of Superman, Cadmus has one more secret they have been hiding. About a ship that crash-landed in the moon which they retrieved and found a living alien with enough energy signature to make the board of directors to want to turn it into a weapon as soon as possible.

Bloodycak3 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Midnight Chatter

A golden light suddenly appeared on the surface of the moon. The light then transformed into a golden armored cyclops alien, Boros. He looked around in amazement for this was the first time he has ever teleported or been on the moon. It felt very much different than moving from one continent to another, he can personally attest to that.

'The gravity here is almost freeing!' he noticed as he could feel how light his body was. He then looked up towards Earth and couldn't help but be amazed. The feeling of being so far away yet so close to it was ethereal!

'Can't believe my predecessor actually kicked the strongest person in his universe from Earth right here! Saitama's durability must be next level!' he thought as he was using his telescopic vision to see the surface of Earth and it was fucking long!

He reminded himself the actual reason he was in the place so he tore his eyes off the beautiful blue planet above and started flying around. He had to use his X-ray vision in order to find the ship for it might have been buried somewhere. But, try as he might, he could not find it anywhere. He flew a few miles away from the surface in order for his line of vision to be wide and used his X-ray but he got the same results.

'Fucking bastards must have taken my ship too! Should have forcefully ripped the information out of that hulk wannabe's mind,' he cursed.

The ship was very important to him because it could tell him how he got to this place. It can also tell him whether he can get out of this universe using it! He remembered wishing he was out of the place and to be taken somewhere very far away and that's how he found himself inside the ship.

'Fuck, looks like I need help from those kids after all,' he sighed in disappointed. He turned towards the planet and started flying towards it.

He slowly picked up his speed as he approached its atmosphere then dove right through. His whole body was on fire due to his velocity and he was impressed by the armor he had on; it was not even near its melting point. He stopped before he reached the ground, killing his momentum before he shot forward. With no destination in mind he stopped flying when he saw a park. The place was empty for it was in the middle of the night so he sat on a bench.

'At least it's quiet,' he thought to himself. He did not feel like sleeping, eating or even relieving himself; it was quite odd! 'What do you do when you are self reliant?' He picked a few pebbles and threw them to space as hard as he can.

"Hey you!" a drunken voice called out from his left. He turned his head and saw two men barely on their feet holding a shiv each, glaring at him.

"Yes," he answered.

"You're on our bench," the same man said with a hiccup at the end.

"Then go fuck off somewhere else," Boros told him.

"No! For ten years we have lived in this park and this has been our bench! You go fuck off! In fact, go back to whetever planet you came from!" the other man drawled.

"Where I came from, huh? Let me show you where I came from!" Boros restraintly said. He then telekinetically broke the man's neck with just a twitch of his finger. The other man screamt shrilly and tried to run away only for Boros to hold him in place with his telekinesis.

"I thought you wanted this bench?" he asked the man.

"No no no no! We were just kidding!" he said, his drunkenness gone.

"Say, how long has it been since you ate?" Boros asked caringly.

"A day, but I'm fine, you don't have have to give me anything!" the man begged.

"But I have to. I can't leave a man hungry when there's a feast right in front of him. Why don't you dig in like the a animal you humans are!" Boros said before he started to use his biokinesis to slowly, and painfully, transform the man into one of the largest hyenas to ever live. He even changed his sex to female though that did not change the fact he still hand a long schlong. Then, with his telepathy, he made sure his humanity is locked in a doorless cell inside his mind where he could see the horrors he will be doing as an animal.

The hyena looked at Boros cautiously then tiptoed towards the body. When it saw Boros was only looking at it, it started tearing apart the body, relishing on the fresh blood so much it let it splatter on its fur.

"Friends, cleaning each other messes," someone said from behind, making Boros sigh.

"I've had enough of people trying to sneak up on me. If you do not identify yourself then the hyena will be making another new friend!" Boros warned. He heard the man chuckle then walk up front to him. It was giant of a man wearing some traditional clothing with three claw marks on his face.

"Who are you?" Boros asked but he knew who he was.

"My given name is Vandal Savage," the man introduced himself. He extended his hand for a handshake which Boros took. "Can I take the empty seat next to you?"

"Be my guest," Boros agreed. The Immortal did not wait on ceremony, sat down before looking at the feasting hyena with a little disgust.

"You know surprisingly much about Earth's biology for someone not from here," Savage started. Boros looked at the hyena, a small smile on his lips.

"What makes you think I'm not from here?" Boros countered.

"The fact that one of my men pulled you out of your crashed spaceship told me as such," Vandal answered. Boros looked at him before he scoffed.

"You're awfully stupid to tell me that to my face," Boros said before his eye shone red for a fraction of a second. "Or you are a stupid long lived person who thinks I cannot kill you!"

"Very perceptive of you," Savage laughed. He was still exuding a carefree attitude. "However, I know you cannot kill me. But, that is not why I am here."

"Ah, yes, what sort of blackmail are you here to give me?" Boros asked, seating back. Savage narrowed his eyes.

"I'm here to tell you to leave this planet or you shall face fury you have never faced before!" Savage warned him, sternly. Boros looked at him and almost laughed.

"Fury I have never faced before? That's quite poetic, maybe Biblical. Are you a man of God, Savage?" Boros asked. Savage did not answer, only waiting for him to make his statement. "It is said God made everything on Earth in six days and on the seventh day, he rested. I find it hard to believe an omnipotent being takes six days to create everything. But, what fascinates me is the seventh day."

"You know the Bible?" Savage asked, even more confused.

"My momma always made me read it. Spanked me good if I missed Sunday school. It always fascinated me that God rested on the seventh day. A day we turned into a short holiday of sorts. Schools are closed, streets empty, we take the children to the park and let them play. Sunday!" Boros said before a manical smile dorned his face, his sharp triangular teeth showing. "Do you want to know what I can do in one day?" Savage frowned deeper when he saw that smile. It was the kind of smile he saw on people who are complete psychopaths. Suddenly, he felt a tremor that shook the entire place. It was not only that but the entire world. The sky was suddenly without stars as darkness carpeted the entire planet.

"In one day, I can end an entire civilization! I can keep this darkness all over the entire planet and let it freeze over in a span of three hours! Then, I can just find my ship and leave, no trouble no fuss!" Boros growled. "So, tell me, Vandal, is the entire of this planet ready to die just because you decided to play border control cop?" Vandal was taken aback by this development. But, he was still not panicking.

"Fine, I will return you your ship!" Savage said, glaring at him. Boros looked at him as if he was an idiot.

"Make the call, big guy," Boros urged. Savage took out a phone and called a number. He talked in a language Boros never heard before then hang up.

"Your ship is being brought over now!" Savage informed him. "Bring down the darkness." Boros looked at him intently then scoffed.

"You must have lived for a very long time, haven't you, Savage? Probably so long you think everyone you interact with are stupid braindead monkeys compared to your evolved meteor enhanced brain," Boros said. Savage was startled by the last statement. "Do you know I have a power that lets me have simulate other kinds of superpowers as long as my brain understands their fundamentals. And my brain is comparable to an 11 level intelligence out there. I compute things far faster than what you can think in ten minutes. But, I am surprised at how much you have the Justice League wrapped around your finger they don't even realize!"

"Telepathy!" Savage growled.

"Nah, too obvious.I just hijacked those electromagnetic waves from your phone and traced it to your receiver, Batman! Now, I don't know what you said but I'm sure he is coming right here, right?" Boros asked. Savage just kept quiet. "That's alright, you can keep your little secrets, they don't matter. It's just sad you are keeping mum at the moment. Where you're going there'll be lots of screaming." Savage was about to say something when he disappeared only to appear on the surface of the sun! He did not even get to scream when he was vaporised!

"You done yet, girl?" Boros asked the hyena who barked a yes. "Well, this is good bye then." He started transforming from a one eyed cyclops alien to an ordinary looking teenager. Even his armor changed using molecular manipulation into ordinary clothes. He walked out of the place, a smile on his face for he had gotten an idea of how to contact Superboy. The night was back to normal as the whole world watched in confusion as the darkness receded.