
Alien Z

Besides the clone of Superman, Cadmus has one more secret they have been hiding. About a ship that crash-landed in the moon which they retrieved and found a living alien with enough energy signature to make the board of directors to want to turn it into a weapon as soon as possible.

Bloodycak3 · Anime & Comics
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Nobody spoke for a few seconds before the monster threw down the clone and with a roar, leaped towards the alien. An almost bored look was plastered on the aliens face as he casually sidestepped, causing the monster to crash onto the pod, destroying it in the process. The monster roared in anger and turned to the alien only for him to backslap it, sending it flying into the walls.

"Don't send your ugly breath in my direction. Just saw some scary things, last thing I need is contracting diseases," he said to the monster that only groaned painfully inside the wall. He turned to the four teenagers and his large eye narrowed a little when he saw the Krypton's house of El symbol on Superboy's chest.

'Is that Superman? Was he captured and kept in here that's why he's so weak?' he asked himself then looked at the teenager in a yellow spandex and a lightning bolt symbol on his chest then to the larger teenager with webbed fingers. 'Okay, which universe is this?'

"Who are you people?" he asked out loud. The first to answer was Robin.

"I am Robin. To my right is Kid Flash, Super...Superboy and lastly Aqualad," Batman's protege answered, fearlessly.

'The Dark Knight taught him well,' Zack thought.

"My name's...Boros. I am an adventurer of sorts," he introduced himself. Zack was such an Earthly name he was sure Batman would get suspicious as hell. Since he had taken Boros' form, he might as well go the extra mile and take his name. "So, where exactly are we, Robin and why do you seem like you don't want to fight me unlike your friend?" He pointed to the unconscious monster in the wall far away.

"That guy's not our friend. Also, he is the one that had you locked up in that pod," Kid Flash jumped into the conversation, feverently pointing at the pod behind him.

"What my friend is trying to say is, we came here as a mission to investigate this facility. It is by pure coincidence we found out about this hidden level so we came down here to rescue you," Aqualad answered. Boros turned and looked at the pod.

"Hmm, they kept me in -128°C. The serum was not done making me adapt, the temperature must have made me go to sleep," he concluded before he stopped and wondered how exactly he knew of that. He then turned to the monster inside the wall and outstretched his left hand. He pulled it towards him telekinetically and got hold of it by its neck. He then generated a high voltage through his hand and into its body, shocking it awake with a gasp.

"Why's my ship?" he asked it. The monster was disoriented so he got its attention by another shock. "Why is my ship?!"

"It's in the dark side of the moon!" Robin joined it. "Probably scrapped by the people who found you. Besides, that guy has lost all his intelligence, he injected himself with something that turned him into that. He must have dumbed himself too."

"I'll still get the information I need," Boros said, turning back to the monster before realizing something.

'Robin spoke up because he was becoming uncomfortable with me torturing the guy. I wanna be in friendly relations with the Justice League if they exist so I must put a facade,' he thought before dropping the monster.

"I'll check if the ship is still there. How do you get out of here?" he asked them.

"We made a hole through the floor. Might be the only way out too," Robin answered. Boros noticed Robin was the spokesperson of everyone here which was actually incredible. His respect for the boy grew.

"There might be an army waiting for us up there too so we might need your strength," Aqualad said.

"Don't worry," Boros assured them before lifting them all telekinetically, the monster included. He brought them closer to himself before a golden forcefield surrounded all six of them. He looked up and they all shot to the floor above them only for the barrier to tear through it easily and they continued on.

Floor after floor, they tore through concrete and steel beams like they were wet paper towels. The teenagers also saw when they passed the genomorph army, leaving them wide eyed in surprise. In just a minute, they were outside the building where Boros slowly floated down and released them from his telekinetic hold and force field.

"Is that a full moon?" Superboy suddenly asked, making Boros look at him weirdly.

"This is his first time out of the facility," Robin explained when he saw his look.

"Well, take care of yourselves. I'm going to look for my ship," he said.

"Wait!" Aqualad called out, stopping him. He looked at the finger webbed boy. "We are grateful for what you did for us down there. If you mayhaps don't find your ship and are lost of where to go, you can come back to Earth and we will take you in." Robin looked at him in surprise before he quickly calmed himself.

"Yeah. We can accommodate you to the best of our abilities," Superboy seconded Aqualad. Superboy was half Kryptonian so he was looking for a connection with him.

"I will. But how do I contact you?" he asked. The others turned to look at Robin who sighed in defeat.

"I don't have any spare communicators but, Superboy has super-hearing. I guess if you can use a frequency he can hear then you can call out to him," Robin explained.

"Super-hearing, huh? I have that too. Annoying most of the time," Boros said with a small smile. He had his senses under control thanks to Boros' years of warrior training and battle experience. But, he could imagine how annoying it was for someone who does not have his senses under control. He suddenly turned to the moon and narrowed his eye. He used telescopic vision to see Superman flying from space towards the location they were in. Close behind him was Wonderwoman, Martian Manhunter, Captain Atom, Shazam and two Green Lanterns where one had more heroes in a lantern bubble construct. They were Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Zatarra Zatanna, Hawkgirl and Flash. A few seconds later, Superboy saw them too and then when they were close enough, the rest did. Superman frowned when he saw Boros, wondering whether he's an enemy or not.

"Son of Krypton?" Boros asked. His mind was trying to freak out but he had his emotions iron clad.

"You know of me?" Superman asked in an investigative tone.

"I have read of your planet and know of its houses' coats of arms," Boros said before spreading his right hand forward. Superman suspiciously took the handshake. "Boros, amateur adventurer, part time bounty hunter and planet conqueror."

"You conquer planets?" Robin cried out in shock.

"It's a part time job. It's only so many inhabitable planets out there and most are filled with corrupt leaders. So, I take them down and I turn, it's as if I've conquered the planet," he answered before taking back his hand. "It appears the planet is protected by the Lantern corps, good for you I guess. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to check on my ship."

"We would like you to stay," Batman suddenly said, making Boros turn to look at him.

"Reality is often disappointing," Boros said before he just vanished in a golden light.

"Did he just ghost Batman?" Flash asked Hawk Girl beside him, shocked as everyone else was.

"That was a cool exit!" Kid Flash whispered to Robin who did not dare nod but agreed in his mind.
