
Alien Z

Besides the clone of Superman, Cadmus has one more secret they have been hiding. About a ship that crash-landed in the moon which they retrieved and found a living alien with enough energy signature to make the board of directors to want to turn it into a weapon as soon as possible.

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Reviewing Powers

Boros had been an avid reader of mangas since he was in highschool and his genre was mainly isekai and reincarnation type shit. What little he knew of DC he knew because of the little movies, memes and gifs. But still, none of them prepared him for the kind of power he was holding. Sentry was known to be a hero whose bounds were not reached by the writers. He had powers he had not even explored yet but the powers he had at the moment were enough to make him one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel universe.

Molecular Manipulation in its self was a power capable enough to make gods kneel and worship you. To restructure the molecular structure of the universe was like becoming a reality warper of a whole new level! That power alone made him be able to create life, restructure a molecule of oxygen into nth metal, turn a whole mountain into gold! The possibilities were endless and they were terrifying in the hands of someone that could not control themselves!

Then came his physical capabilities. They themselves made him into an unstoppable juggernaut. He could not feel the end to his strength and yet knew he could enhance more of it using molecular manipulation and biokinesis. His speed was beyond lightspeed. Thanks to Boros' crazy speed, his was enhanced to a level where light would remain standstill. But he knew there came a problem when it became like this. If he cannot see or hear his target when running then it is a problem. So, he developed a new organ connected to his eyes, nose and ears. Basically, the organ was made to track his targets once he sniffed, saw or heard him. Their own frequency would be separated from all others and that is what he would be following, especially if the target has beyond lightspeed capabilities, cough Thawne cough.

Another overpowered power of his was biokinesis. This power alone made him the worst enemy for any being made of flesh. He could induce cancers at the one millionth stage to a being, watch as their whole body swell with the cancerous abominations inside them and then die. He could also just induce instant death on them where all their organs just cease functioning at the same time. Or he could introduce fast acting rot on them and watch as they broke apart in just seconds. Best of all, thanks to biokinesis, death was just an empty threat to him. He could resurrect a dead person back to life, probably get the information he wanted or earn cookie points. Now that he thought about it, he wondered what Batman would do if he told him he could bring back his parents. Would his will break?

What would happen if he was in prison and decided to tease him with this information, bringing his father back from the dead before instantly killing him when they are united after he muttered his name? He was sure the man would be pissed, so pissed he might even break him out of prison. What about Superman? Telling him he would bring back his father, his adopted father, back, fit as a fiddle with no cancerous tissues in him would surely make him indebted to him! In fact, he was sure the League members have one or two people they wish they could bring back from the dead to atone or reminisce with.

Another ability that was overpowered in its own right was umbrakinesis, the manipulation of darkness. For some low level grunt, this might just be a teleportation means to them but to him, this had brought whole other realm of probabilities! He could enslave people by their shadows, make them his thralls. He could destroy entire worlds just like he had almost done when threatening Savage, cover an entire world with darkness, no heat or sunshine would warm the surface and so, it would freeze over quite fast! He had yet to experiment more of this power but he knew it would make him unstoppable.

Light manipulation was the opposite of darkness manipulation but that would still give him an edge over other beings. He could manipulate light to his own whims at a level none could predict. Is a being trying to locate him, light clones. Is a target trying to hide, a concentrated beam of hard light would destroy the entire place and kill him or reveal his hidey place. He can fire light beams so hot they melt metal. In the case of a being with heightened senses, he could throw a flash bomb of blinding light on their faces, blinding them instantly. In fact, this would work on any being now that he thought about it. This power also made it possible for him to turn into light and move at a frequency very little beings could perceive him thus becoming a very efficient assassin!

Of course be had more powers but he felt those were the ones that can give him an edge in the DC universe. He did not know much about it but he knew this universe was crazy. The biggest bad he could name could be Darkseid but he did not think he would be a threat due to how Superman was always curb-stomping him at every turn. But, reality is often disappointing and he would find it out later. At the moment, be was enjoying an unlimited amount of cheeseburger and fried chicken that he had conjured up using molecular manipulation and they would have make him a star among fast food restaurants.