
Absorbing the Movie verse

A man reincarnates into a world full of TV shows and movies brought to life! He has to survive these fictions, and overcome the dangerous future. Movie list : Marvel, DC, Dragonball, Jeepers creepers, snakes on a plane, Tremors, supernatural. There will be many fictional universe mashed into one This was originally a MTL of a bad Chinese LN, but I've turned it into my own novel. Original novel is called " I’m a Detective In the Marvel World"

TomTucker777 · Films
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29 Chs

ch. 16 The Hunt (part 3)

The bulletproof SUV roared loudly like an angry lion and within an instant, was smashing through the walls of the house.

The decayed wooden wall had long lost its protective function and was easily knocked down by Nick's car.

With a crash, splintered wood and furniture were sent flying by the car. Finally, with a *bang*, the front of the car slammed into the fireplace before it came to a stopped.

The airbags popped out instantly, and Nick, who had not been wearing a seat belt, had felt the entire impact. Fortunately, he was stronger than an ordinary person, otherwise he would have been concussed by the blow, but he wasn't unscathed.

After after struggling to open the car door, he was able to stagger out before grabbing onto a door frame to support himself. Drawing out his smaller .22 pistol from his back, pointed it around and shouting loudly.

"Beth, don't you keep saying that you want to go home! So now you are back, why don't you dare to show up!? Too guilty to face the fact that you murdered your children in cold blood, you crazy Bitch!"

Before the words fell, a white figure flickered a few times and Beth appeared out of thin air at the entrance of the stairs not far away.

Looking around with an incredible face, she murmured with a melancholy.

"I'm back, yes, I'm home... hmmm, I'm home finally..." The expression on Beth's face was constantly changing, from happy and sad before ultimately landed in angry as she suddenly looked at Nick viciously again, her beautiful clear skin transforming into rotting flesh.

Preparing to make one last ditch attempt, Nick was pointed his pistol at the ghost and prepared to fire when all of a sudden, the decrepit living room that had broke furniture strewn about, was bathed in light as the lights that should have been out of power, turned on.

It seemed that there was insufficient electricity as the lights were dimly lit and flickering constantly.

The laughter suddenly filled the room as both Nick and Beth looked up at the top of the stairs and saw a boy and girl standing their, water flooding out of the second story of the house and down the stairs.

Looking over, Niick saw Beth's hideous and distorted expression disappeared, replaced by an expression of extreme horror and even her body began to tremble in fright.

It looked like a normal boy and a girl, except the two children had blue faces, their bodies were soaked, and water drops was constantly dripping off of their bodies.


The two children stood at the top of the stairs, looking at Beth, and shouting in unison.


Beth shook her head desperately, she turned around to escape, but the two children were upon her in a flash, she was hugged tightly by the two of them.

"Mother, you are finally back... Our family can be together again... Let's go, Mom, Dad is still waiting for us!" The children said as they slowly faced through the floor, down into the ground.

"No!!! No!!!"

Beth screamed desperately, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get free from the embrace of the two children as she slowly phase completely into the ground, disappearing.

Along with her screaming, all the electric lights around the living room exploded into pieces and the small house was plunged into darkness once again.

When Nick flicked on his flashlight, he found that Beth and the two children had disappeared, leaving a puddle of disgusting black goo.

Seeing that the situation had been dealt with, Nick deactivated his snake abilities and human mindset as he began to feel fear once again. Previously he was too angry to feel fear or react to pain, but now he felt like he went ten rounds with Mike Tyson.

'Damn, I wanted to kill and absorb her!' Thinking about absorbing the ghost, Nick came to a disheartening realization

'Now that I think about it, it doesn't really matter since she doesn't even have blood, just bones and ectoplasm! I steer clear from these ghosts and specters, no point in endangering myself with creatures I can't even absorb!' limping over to the dented up SUV, Nick grabbed the radio.


Ten minutes later after receiving Nick's radio, Sam and Dean came upon the scene, staring at the SUV that was now crashed into the small building.

"Jesus Christ, what did you do?" Dean's said after whistling at the damage.

"Can't you see? I finally sent that woman home." Nick said in a huff.

"What happened to you guys? I assumed some mythical creatures showed up and delayed you from helping me." Nick said sarcastically.

"Sorry, we didn't expect your to cut communications in an instant. We had no idea where you'd gone so we drove two laps along Highway 28, but we didn't find you. We were going to notify the police but then we received your radio." Sam said guiltily as he looked at the injured Nick.

"I was just joking, that ghost not only cut off all communications, but she even made my car drive itself and off of the highway."

Nick looked at the SUV in the small building and sighed helplessly. 'This was a new car..... Aunt Holly is going to kill me at the expense report.'

Dean with a gun still in hand at the low ready position, vigilantly scoped his surroundings "What about Beth? How did you kill her?"

"That had nothing to do with me, but her children." Nick said slight sadly.

"After finally arriving at this house, she refused to take a step into it, that's when it hit me."


"If Killing your husband and children could make you an Vengeful Spirit, then surely being murdered by your mother, the one person you could trust in the whole world would also make you a vengeful spirit! Those children must've been terrified and afraid before they died and theyd be pissed off at their attacker."

Nick had a bitter smile on his face "Now that she has finally came home, her child finally got there chance to take her out."

The three of them looked at the house quietly, digesting the experience. After a while, Nick felt the adrenaline beging to wear off and needed to get some rest

" Can I see your car key for a second sam?" Nick asked casually

Sam subconsciously took out the car key: "Sure, why?"

Nick stretched out his hand and snatcher them away "Seeing as how I fought the ghost one on one, you two are responsible for getting my car out."

Sam was taken aback: "What about you?"

"I am going back to the hospital, I think I've got a concussion." Nick was actually planning on going straight back to a motel, and catching some must needed rest.

Nick waved his hand, got into the Sam's rented car and drove off, leaving the brother to take care of the car.

Looking at the car off in the distance and then turning to look at the SUV in the house, Dean sighed and said to Sam very seriously "It's just a car you rented so we could split up, we could just leave his car here Sammy."

"He's an N.I.A agent, he has a lot of power within the government, beside.....I had left a duffle bag of important stuff in the car."

Letting out a deep breath, dean popped open the trunk of his impala "put the car neutral, I'll get the cables. Hopefully we don't have to tow this back to the motel."