
A wizard in marvel

A Man dies of old age and reincarnate in the world of Harry Potter but it is an AU. a lot happens and the made a choice that changed everything. this is a HP X Marvel crossover, the MC knows the world of HP but not marvel the prologue will help you to understand. I own shit, the HP world and Marvel universe are owned by their respective people. i own only my MC nothing more nothing less. NO Harem or Romance until further notice

hassassein · Films
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Chapter 1 Life like to troll people.

Year 2005 Salem, Massachusetts

Professor Charles Xavier was teaching his young students in his institute, it was a normal day the young ones that were studying with him were the first generation of the institute with the older being Scott Summers with 19 years old and Jean Gray with the same age. Being the two the leaders of the young x-men with others like Kitty, Anna Marie, Evans, Bobby, and kurt being the rest of the team.

They existed more students but some where younger than them also with teachers like Mccoy, Logan, Ororo Monroe, etc. everything was going normal when the profesor felt something and saw when a space crack was opening only to spit a ball of fire that was with colision course to the ousides of the Institute.

"Professor whats happening?" Jean gray asked the professor when she saw the thing that was spited for the crak that was closed seconds later.

"i dont know Jean, call scott and the reast of the team we need to know what happened", giving orders Professor Charles Xavier went to their vehicles and following the trail of destruction that the ball of fire left in its wake.

Reaching the point of contact a few miles ouside the institute in a clearing caused by the explosion Ororo Monroe more known as Storm summoned the rain to stop the fire to prevent the spredint of the same in the forest. After putting down the fire the x men together with the young ones reached the place of impact, only to find a Young man in fetal position, naked and grabing some kind of stick and a bag.

Logan being the most adventurous reached him making sure if he was alive.

"He is alive Charles, injured but alive" Logan told them his conclusions and the professor responded "take him to the vehicles and try to stabilize his contition, also put him in the medical wing and monitour him" telling that he looked at jean and asked " Can you read his mind?"

Jean Gray tried to read his mind only to find herself in a forest that all her instincts were screaming danger so without wasting time she exited his mind and told the professor of what happened.

"I could enter his mind but the only thing I saw was a very big forest and also that for some reason I not dared to enter it, somehitng with in me was warning me that it was extremely dangerous professor"

After hearing his young pupil and knowing of her powers the professor also entered the mind of the young man only to find the same forest but this time he saw something out of sci fi. A humungus Spaceship was hovering in the air and chargind its weapons to obliterate the intruder, like if the professor knew how to run again he bailed out not before seeing how almost was destroyed by that thing.

Stagering a little and touching his head to mitigate the pain of the collision of wills in the mind space he watched how the others were carrying the young man to the institute.

"This is concerning... I can't feel anything from him, but that mind space told me that he is not a simple human"


With a groan a person covered en bandages from head to toe opened his eyes trying to understand were he is.

"where am I? and my master?" "coug... why I can't speak well?" the person was loking for something that can make sense, only to see a white room with the diferent contraptions that exist in the No-maj world. Trying to move he discovered that he was badly injured and as if he was a mummy that saw in one of his expeditions to the Nile in Egypt, well more like he was scaping from said mummy.

"Are you awake?" a voice snaped him from his reverie only to find a man in a wealchair that was loking at him, the man was bald with obvious mark of time in his face, also he was dressed in a three piece suit in color royal blue with a white shirt.

Trying to speak a little he moved what he could of his head and asked the man "Where...cough...am I?" that was hard he think as he was again tired from that simple movement and question only to find that someone or well the man in front of him trying to read his mind.

"You are in the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, a school that i founded with other friends to help youngsters with special abilities, and also my name is Charles Xavier, i know that you can speak well at the moment so i will leave you to rest and i hope that you can recover more so we can talk" said the man or well Charles Xavier.

"Th..Thanks..." I replied, the intrusions or atemps to enter my mind became less and lesss after our conversations, I deemed that it wasn't necessary to messs with the man after all it seems that he saved me.

After he left I started to organize my memoires but no mater how much I can't remember what happened in that hell hole that was Mictlan, only to remember the face of his master when she obtained an object made of obsidian 'well it matters not, what happened, he was happy in the end'

Days became weaks and weaks in months, in that time I started to hear the voices of children, chating, running, being reprimended by their teachers. Also a man with glases and very tall was coming every day to check his condition together with a woman in blond hair and also very young for his standars, altough they apear to not be their real apereances. Also something that he has doing in all that time was to check his contidion, at least 5 broken ribs, dislocation of his arms and legs in certain parts also his femur in his left leg was broken so it was casted, his troat seems to be healing well and he started to speak more but he still can't move his arms well, also his wand and bag of holding are not with him.

After a year and half of constant teraphy he could recover the mobility of his arms and he can speak more easily so he asked Doctor Maccoy if he saw his things only to nod at the reply when he told him that because the state of his condition he couln't have objects but now that he seems to be more healthy they can returned to him.

He discovered that he sufered from severe burns in both arms and legs, together with the torso and parth of his scalp making him look well not good. "nothing that a few potions can cure"

After another weak of waiting and already recovered with full capacity the momevent of his arms and his voice he was seated in his bed when professor charles visited him with his things.

"So, can you answer a few questions?" professor Charles asked me, I answered sure, after all it seems this place is weird but i'm also weird in a sense.

"What's your name?, your age and from where you came?" three questions? Well whatever but I still felt when the profesor tried again to enter my mind and for the bunch of sweet in his bald head its seems that without succes.