
A wizard in marvel

A Man dies of old age and reincarnate in the world of Harry Potter but it is an AU. a lot happens and the made a choice that changed everything. this is a HP X Marvel crossover, the MC knows the world of HP but not marvel the prologue will help you to understand. I own shit, the HP world and Marvel universe are owned by their respective people. i own only my MC nothing more nothing less. NO Harem or Romance until further notice

hassassein · Movies
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Prologue 2

I Think that the univer and life like to troll people. Why I said that? Well I was born in the H.P. Universe and in some shit AU, I was born in the American continent in the year 1994, so I thougt that evertything was the same as my old world but no, first I became an orphan so I became a ward of the state but in my seventh birthday things whent to shit prety fast and also a few oblivators appeared in that day to stop the mannheim that I was doing.

Because I knew after that event were I was, I was devating were to go because I was sure that the cannon in HP was already over so I decided to fuck it and I went to MACUSA. So I went there and became a member of the Thunder Bird House but, yes a but always exist, the four houses Horned Serpent,Wampus, Thunderbird and Pukwudgie decided to honor me when those fuckers choose to react at the same time. Something that happened very rarerly and i mean something that happened onece every millenia for all i care.

Well continuning, i was doing what every wizard of my age do, trying to study, make a few friends, take clases that were ok etc. But! ok another but, this shit was a fucking AU when i was 18 years old and was graduating i heard that some lord Voldemort was causing hedaches to the magical comunity on England, so i was like WTF!

Well all that shit passed and i graduated and went to Castelobruxo in the Amazon rain forest to explore that place, well my house in Inverlmorny was Thunderbird so i like adventure... so i went there and met a few magical places, almost died when i found a magical river with a lot and i mean a lot o magical insencts that like to eat people, also one time that i was swiming and found a comunity of magical cannivals, when for x or y reason i found a tree that was exuding a really good aroma and running for my life after thaking a branch of said tree because it could not eat me, etc. A few more crosses with death and found someone that make me desire to became her disciple, a Bright Lord!

For fucks sake! i heard of them but i never in all the story that i knew one was in the Amazon rain Forest, so yeah she save me from a bunch of wampus that were after my life after stealing a few things from there. You know the basic, hair, claws, a pup and a corpse of one of them, also the thunderbird that was behind my arse after stealing a few of his tail feathers mmm... i think that the entire amazon forest was after me.

Ohh i forgot to mention that i was a born oclumens how that happened? Well in my first life some lunatic created an a-chip (atom chip) so most new borns were injected with that, what functions it have? nothing fancy like the system novels that a lot of lunicatics like, mine was making posibble to save more information in something called pararel thinking and room partitioning. In simple terms i can do several things in my head at the same time and room partitioning help me in creating several rooms one after the other to help us with the computational work in the brain, so yeah i liked fantasy and all that shit in my first life and decided to create a forest with a heavely protected castle in the center of said forest. Also because i thought that the magical forest were right but also a bit bland i decided to put several rings in there, at first i went from ring 0 (core) to ring 10 (outer ring) so when i was reborn here and started studying magic i discovered that i could still have my pararel thinking and room partitioning so over the years I continued to protect my mind with that until it became so heavely guarded that I even put a Deat star hovering above my mind space.

Well where I was.. ohh yes the bright lord, she was Called Catalina Mercedes de Costa y Pico, yeah I weird name but never ever tell her that she is vindictive as all women are. She was old and I mean that several hundred years old to be exact 341 years old, I think only the Flamels are older, so I was there scaping for dear life of certain death when for accident I entered her territory and all those murderers that were after me stoped in their traks.

How was my first impresion to see her. Well just think that with a slap of the elderly woman she destoryed all my magical equipment and with other knoked me to the moon. Not fun really not funny at all. I was 24 years old. After waiting for my certain death again, she only locked at me trying to legimens me but after seeing my inner world she only left and demanded all my posesions yeah... I was crying because all my thing with me was to creat my own wand after losing my other two in my journey and trust me I shed blood and tears because of that.

Later she told me to follow her so I did that not knowing that a certaint voldylooks was creating caos in magical Britain and also realising that things were going south preaty fast. So he decided to bail out and escaped to the rain forest.

Two days later I was with her explaning the reason of my visit in the amazon forest and that I was trying to creat my own wand because I never felt confortable with the other two that I have, something that she destroyed my last wand with the move of her hand; she offered me to study with her after sheding more tears of blood when she discovered my secret stash with more rare materials.

So here I was studying the magic that she taugh me when that lunatic of vodecunt decided to create caos in the rain forest, only for my teacher to bitch slap him to death, LITERALY!!! yeah a bright lord with more than three hundred years of life and in her four magical maturity was too much for that patetic life, and also because she was to good in what she does, she traked every horocrux of dick face and destroyed them with a slap, again I dont understand why she liked to slap her opponets so much to death.

Later she disaperead for a while saying that she needed to teach a leason to some idiots in magical Britain and left, a few months laters I recived a newspaper with the picture of her slaping the linving lights of DUM DUM Dumbledore, dark families and the ministry of magic. Yeah never mess with her to scary to count. After fixing the problems in the other side of the world she returned and continued my training for another 8 years under her tutelage. When I was 32 years old she told me that for my final exame I need to go to Mexico and find the entrance to the Mictlan.

You know what I did? I run for dear life from that lunatic, how in all the hells I will go to a place that is considered the underworld in Aztec Mythology? Hell no. so I run and run but in the end everything was futile she alwas found me and without a choice I went there to find the entrance, but first I demanded my wand because I don't have one and she never used one. So after a few trashings, slaps, broken bones I convinced her to make me one. Twelve inches, branch of the Life Tree, wampu hair with thunderbird feather tail as a core.

Yeah not gonna lie she robbed evertything magical from me except my bag with most of my money and potions but I still mantained my dignity when I obtained my new wand so armed with everything that I could find in the different magical places in the american continent, I went to find that place.

I found it and I meant it, I found the entrance between Oaxaca and Chiapas in the Lacandona Forest, oculted from evertything the road and after losing my leg and an arm the entrance was in all it's glory a very big fucking abbys, taking a portkey I bailed out and returned with that sadistic witch, after curing me and recuperating my arm and leg I told her where that place was and she went there only to never see her again. Year after year passed and reached my third magical maturity at the age of 50 years I continued to study what she left in her little house.

Another 10 years passed when I decided to find her, well she may be a very petty woman but she was the closest that I have to a mother in this life. So this time more prepared and with more power I went to find her.

Seeing the abyss that was the entrance to that place and armed with all I have I launched myself to it... only to end in another fucking universe!