
A Survivor in a World of Dragons

Noah Eldon, Most have known him as the Drifter, the Wanderer or many more names. He has survived Mutants, Radiation, Rabid Animals, Bandits and more. How will he fare in a world of oversized fire breathing lizards? Pretty good actually, Don't take my word for it though, go read it

KingBarney · Films
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7 Chs

Setting up

*huff* *huff* *huff*

I heaved as I ran through the destroyed landscape, exhaustion and fatigue gnawing away at my body. I had to push though, or else that thing catch me. I don't even want to know what it would do with me.

Spotting a big pile of rubble, I quickly hid behind it while trying to catch my breath.

I'm safe, I'm safe. i tried to reassure myself. I looked behind me to see that it was nowhere to be found.

Thank god it lost me.

I need to get back with the others, we got separated. We will need to be together if we want to ta-


I was interrupted by a ear piercing shriek as the grotesque ant spotted me, it ran towards me while openings it's maw revealing several sharp misshapen teeth inside. 


I suddenly woke up with cold sweat staining my back.

Trying to calm down and slow down my heart rate, I took a long and deep breath to regulate my breathing, I'm safe. The monster isn't here. It was mowed down like grass,

With that comforting thought and the regulation of my breathing, I calmed down enough to assess my situation.

Oh right, I'm stuck in the middle of a deserted island with dragons everywhere. 


I need to come up with a game plan.

The long term goal is getting back to some sort of mainland, It will take a long time to accomplish this because I'm in the middle of a ocean.

Building a raft and sailing is risky because I have no info on how far I need to travel or what other creatures lie out there so let's not think about that right now. Let's set some short term goals first. 

I need to explore this island, search for civilization, discover some types of dragons, set up a new camp, there's almost too much things that need to be done.

Whatever, one step at a time.

Exploring this island is a must to look for civilization or to find a possible camping spot, I ate my fill of fish and water from my inventory then started walking in a random direction, not forgetting to leave some marks on the nearby trees in case I need to find my way back,'

I discover a few useful plants and shrubs along the way which I would need in the future so I dig them out using my hands and a knife.

While trekking I had some time to contemplate.

Is Brand okay? I hope my death didn't affect him too much. Did they manage to kill the mutant? I saw it getting blown up by a rocket during my final moments but it was tenacious, also since I just thought about rockets, what's the technological level of this world? There was no way that we are in th-

I was suddenly brought out of my contemplation because I spotted the river from yesterday but I wasn't at the same spot. This might be a suitable camping spot. There are a lot of trees in the area which means more cover, there is water nearby, and my back is covered by a river incase the natives are hostile, assuming the this island is inhabited in the first place.

All in all, think I found a new camping spot but I still haven't explored this Island fully yet so I quickly continued trekking.

I continued my scouting mission for several more hours before I made my way back into the camp. 

I spotted 2 more types of dragons on this island. In simple terms, I found a peaceful looking fat one that eats rocks and seems to live in groups and a big one that resembles a wyvern, using its wings as legs as well.

Once I gathered enough info about them, I got out of there as soon as possible. I don't want to risk anything. Even with the fat one.

Once I got back to camp, I started building my first shelter. nothing fancy though, It was triangular in shape to deflect rain with moss covering it's roof. The bottom was filled with bundles of grass to make me sleep easier.

As I stood in front of my shelter no my HOME feeling proud, I looked up at the sky, It used to be clear and blue but now it was covered in dark rain clouds. I suddenly heard a clap of thunder from the distance. just in time too. 

I quickly got inside the shelter, hoping that it would with stand the challenge lying ahead.

The storm nattered and wailed on my makeshift shelter but the rood held it's ground.

Hungry from the construction of the shelter, I took out some fish from my inventory to eat and pass the time. The storm quickly passed with my shelter staying intact.

Ez, I thought as I went out of the shelter, Seriously though. I'm suprised that my shelter can take a storm. I smiled as I felt victory.

I continued with adding tiny modifications to the shelter but then I heard the flapping of some wings behind me. I quickly turn my head as I see one of those bipedal dragons looking at me.

Shit!! what could've led it here! I then suddenly recalled something, my meal of fishes! Of course it would attract some a dragon or two! how am I this stupid?!!?

No point to dwell in the past now though, there was hungry dragon in front of me and it was not backing down. I thought as it growled and looked at me, I slowly put my hand behind my back and got a spear from my inventory.

Seeing the weapon. The dragon finally attacked, spines were sent flying from it's tail towards me, I rolled on the ground dodging them and getting closer towards the dragon, The dragon then unleashed it's breath which I barely dodged, I took a peak at where the blast hit.

I see a tree with a hole straight through

That shit's dangerous!! I thought as warning bells rung inside my brain. A second slower and I would've been dead!! There's no fucking way I can compete with that. At least not with a couple wooden spears, so I did the only logical thing a person could do, I bolted.

I quickly ran along the river while making sure to use the trees as cover, I heard the demon screech before taking pot shots at me using it's fire breath and it's spines, It must've not been fast on the ground as it flew instead into the canopy above.

How do I get this fucker of my trail!! It has a good scent of smell because of how it tracked down my fish so there's no way for me to shake it off unless I lose my scent.

It just rained so I jumped and rolled in the mud once I made sure it wasn't watching. I then covered myself in leaves which sticked due to the mud on my skin. I then lied down and stayed as still as possible.

The beast quickly glided below the canopy trying to spot me, confuse on why it's didn't see me, it settled to going on ground looking at the spot where I rolled in the mud, That must've been where my scent stopped, unfortunately, I didn't even move from that spot so it was standing directly above me. It could discover me any moment now so I made the first move.

I took out my knife and stabbed right in the eye making sure to push it as deep as possible, unfortunately though, due to the slippery mud in that stained my hands, it didn't kill the dragon immediately.

After the dragon felt the pain, it went berserk swiping with it's claws and firing it's fire breath randomly, due to it having storm trooper aim though, it game the chance to push the knife deeper which reached it's brain.

It finally took it's last breath almost collapsing on me, I rolled out of the way in time though.

I quickly calmed myself before going back to the drawing board. That was fucking close. I survived by pure dumb luck and I don't like relying on pure dumb luck.

I will think about this later, for now though, what do I do with this body? It will probably attract some predatory dragons so I need to stay away from it, I need to get at least some thing from it's body though or else this entire fiasco would've been for nothing.

Eyeing the spines on it's tail, I pull out my axe and start chopping them off, these are probably really sharp, the bigger ones would be good for some spear tips and the smaller ones can be used for arrows.

After I harvest the spines, I jog back towards the way I came from while picking up the extra spines it shot at me.

After I got everything safe in my inventory, I tucked myself back into my shelter and slept with a spear in my embrace.

Authors Note: Thank you for those who added this story to their collections, please leave some comments about the story so that I know which aspects I can improve.