
A Promise Of Paradise

A universe with different rules. Two beings created with a purpose: to maintain balance. But it isn't always the case; one of them died. But, given a second chance in life, devoid of any memories. As fate intertwined their paths again, they will share another purpose, a journey full of mysteries and hope, that will not only help the mortals but also themselves. Would they choose to embrace their second chance at love, or would they remain devoted friends? Love and duties danced on thin wire awaiting the universe's final judgement.

Tsukyuki · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Bloodmoon Blossom

After four days of navigating through the dense forest, Xu Jinhai and Yu Xian found themselves nearing the heart of this mystical place. The forest had gradually transformed from towering trees and vibrant flora to an even more enchanting landscape. Sunlight filtered through the leaves above, casting dappled patterns on the ground beneath their feet. The air carried the sweet fragrance of flowers and the earthy scent of moss-covered rocks.

The further they ventured, the more the forest seemed to come alive with an otherworldly energy. Strange, luminescent insects danced in the air, casting an ethereal glow in the twilight. The trunks of ancient trees bore intricate patterns, as if nature itself had etched its stories upon their bark.

In the heart of Mistveil forest, they found themselves standing before a large ancient stone. Xu Jinhai looked around, his gaze shifting from the stone to the surrounding flora. Despite the lushness of the surroundings, there was no sign of the Bloodmoon Blossom just yet.

 He turned to Yu Xian. "We're almost done", Xu Jinhai murmured. "But we need to wait until nightfall. The Bloodmoon Blossom only blooms under the light of the blood moon."

Yu Xian nodded in understanding.

The two settled down near the stone and as time seemed to stretch. The forest gradually descended to darkness. Stars began to twinkle and the moon emerged, casting its red glow upon the landscapes. And then, as if in response to the celestial body above, the forest came alive with a soft radiance.

Xu Jinhai's eyes lit up as he watched the flowers around them begin to glow. He looked to the large stone before them, and there, nestled against the base, was the Bloodmoon Blossom. Its petals were a deep crimson, almost black, yet they shimmered under the moonlight.

"You should get it now" Yu Xian said.

With careful hands, Xu Jinhai plucked the flower, its delicate petals cool to the touch.

"We found it…", Xu Jinhai breathed, a sense of accomplishment filled him. 

He glanced at Yu Xian, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "The Bloodmoon blossom. This is the key to breaking the curse."

Yu Xian smiled faintly, "Then you only have to find the last flower. The Moontide lily-"

Yu Xian stopped speaking when he felt an eerie and foreboding energy coming from the flower. The air around them grew heavy, Yu Xian and Xu Jinhai exchanged glances as their instincts warn them.

The flower's glow intensified, casting an otherworldly light that illuminated their surroundings. But as the glow grew brighter, dark figures began to form within the rock where the flower used to be. Fallen divine, their ethereal forms twisted and corrupted, emerged from the rock of the Bloodmoon Blossom. Their eyes glowed with an unholy light and their presence seemed to taint the very air around them. Xu Jinhai's grip on the flower tightened as he tensed, ready to defend himself and Yu Xian against this unexpected threat.

But the ominous situation took an even darker turn. A rift in reality seemed to tear open, and from its depths emerged a creature of incomprehensible terror. It was unlike anything they had ever encountered before, a monstrous being whose appearance defied the laws of nature. Its form shifted and twisted, as if it was a convergence of nightmares given life.

Xu Jinhai looked at Yu Xian, their unspoken connection affirming their readiness to stand against them.

With a swift motion, Xu Jinhai reached into his robes and retrieved his sword, its blade gleaming in the eerie light. Beside him, Yu Xian, he summoned his sword. This was the first time Xu Jinhai had seen him with a weapon. But he had to put those thoughts aside.

Xu Jinhai is the first to attack, his sword danced through the air with graceful precision. Every movement flowed seamlessly into the next, a dance of lethal beauty. He pivoted, twisted, and lunged with controlled power, striking down the fallen divines with calculated strikes.

His strikes were deliberate and measured, aiming not just to defeat his foes but to disarm them of their dark energy as well. Xu Jinhai's expression remained focused, his expression turning back into his usual stoic demeanor.

Beside him, Yu Xian's approach was different. His movements were characterized by raw power and relentless offense. He struck with an immense force, his strikes landing like thunderclaps. His sword sang through the air, each swing slicing through the shadows with deadly efficiency. Yu Xian moved like tempest, leaving chaos in his wake as fallen divine were sent reeling from the sheer impact of his attacks.

As the battle raged on, their distinct styles began to complement each other. Xu Jinhai's deft movements created opening that Yu Xian exploited with his fierce assaults. Ther synergy was evident in their unspoken coordination.

The two managed to kill the fallen divines leaving the creature from Eta Carinae. Before either Xu Jinhai or Yu Xian could react, the monstrous creature struck with alarming speed and ferocity. Yu Xian was caught off guard, his defenses momentarily breached as the force of the blow sent him sprawling.

"YU XIAN!", Xu Jinhai shouted.

Before Xu Jinhai's eyes, the creature seemed to shift with unnatural speed, appearing in front of Yu Xian in the blink of an eye. Its gaping maw opened wide, ready to unleash another attack. Time seemed to slow as Xu Jinhai's heart raced, his instincts urging him to react.

With a surge of adrenaline, Xu Jinhai lunged forward, gathering his energy at the sword. The blade met the creature's dark form just as it was about to strike Yu Xian once more. The clash of steal and darkness reverberated through the forest, the collision of energies creating a burst of light.

Yu Xian seized the opportunity, pushing himself off the ground to go to a safer distance. He readied himself to join for the battle once more.

Xu Jinhai's strikes were fierce and precise, but despite his skills, the creature proved to be much stronger. Even if he gathered all his energy to strengthen his sword it was no use. His movements began to slow, his fatigue beginning to take control.

Xu Jinhai felt himself being pushed back, his feet stumbling.

'I can't hold out much longer… but I'm glad Yu Xian got out.' He thought to himself.

Yu Xian wanted to stand up and help but his body is still recovering.

Xu Jinhai shook his head as he looked at Yu Xian. He doesn't want him to push himself further.

Yu Xian felt his world shatter. He can't let it happen again. His about to witness it all over again.

Just when it seemed that all hope was fading, a brilliant light emanated from the artifact tucked within Xu Jinhai's robes. The dead star glowed with an otherworldly radiance, its energy pulsating with an intense brilliance. The artifact's life seemed to dance and intertwine with the creature's darkness, creating mesmerizing display of cosmic forces at odds.

Yu Xian's sharp eyes caught the glow and he recognized it.


"There's no point in taking it out", Xu Jinhai muttered to himself.

Yu Xian's frustration was evident. "Why won't you listen to me?"

Yu Xian stood up, ready to assist Xu Jinhai.

 Xu Jinhai cast a sidelong glance at him.

"And why don't you just stay down and leave this to me?", Xu Jinhai spoke sharply, a mix of concern and exasperation in his tone.

Yu Xian's mind went blank but he continued watching Xu Jinhai keep the creature on hold. Then, a sudden streak of light streaked across the sky like a comet. It hit the creature with a force that sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

Tsukiyomi Yan made his entrance as the star dusts swirled all over the forest. The guardian's eyes whom usually filled with mischievousness, were now sharp and piercing.

As the creature lunged with ferocious growl, Tsukiyomi Yan's reaction was unfazed; like his bored. With a fluid movement, he summoned forth an aura of celestial energy that seemed to envelop him like a shimmering cloak. His form blurred as he dodged the creatures attack effortlessly, moving with precision that defied mortal limitations.

The strike that followed was an awe-inspiring display of power. Tsukiyomi Yan's hand extended, palm glowed with ethereal radiance. A surge of celestial energy shot forth like a comet, colliding with the creature in a blinding burst of light. The impact was so forceful that shockwaves rippled outward, rustling the leaves of the surrounding trees.

The creature staggered.

"Tsukiyomi Yan?" Xu Jinhai mumbled. 

Tsukiyomi Yan's gazed turned to him. His cold eyes displaying softness and for a moment he smiled at Xu Jinhai.

With another calculated movement, Tsukiyomi Yan channeled his energy once more. His hand seemed to trace the path of a celestial sigil in the air, and a surge of luminous power surged forth. The energy struck the creature with pinpoint accuracy; like he already knows the creatures' weaknesses, causing its form to explode.

Yu Xian looked at the guardian with a deadpan expression.

With the fading darkness, Tsukiyomi Yan's expression remained unfazed. His aura of celestial energy gradually receded, leaving him standing in the clearing with a sense of calm authority.

As the last remnants of the creature vanished into the night, Tsukiyomi Yan's gaze shifted to meet Xu Jinhai's. In that moment, despite his serious demeanor, a soft glimmer of understanding and connection passed between them.

With a nod, Tsukiyomi Yan's form began to disperse into stardust, his presence fading from the physical realm.