
A Promise Of Paradise

A universe with different rules. Two beings created with a purpose: to maintain balance. But it isn't always the case; one of them died. But, given a second chance in life, devoid of any memories. As fate intertwined their paths again, they will share another purpose, a journey full of mysteries and hope, that will not only help the mortals but also themselves. Would they choose to embrace their second chance at love, or would they remain devoted friends? Love and duties danced on thin wire awaiting the universe's final judgement.

Tsukyuki · Fantasy
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27 Chs


"So, Xu Jinhai, care to share where you're headed?" Yu Xian asked.

Xu Jinhai sighed, his lips twitching into a rueful smile. 

"Well, my original plan was to find a certain herb to help in the antidote making, but somehow, I ended up tangled in rescuing a fallen divine from an execution. And now I am wanted and wandering through this forest." 

Yu Xian's lips curved into a faint smile. "Wanted, huh? No wonder your germaphobicness decided to take a vacation and hide in a forest."

Xu Jinhai's expression turned wry as he shot Yu Xian a knowing look. "Oh, don't act like you're not secretly enjoying my discomfort."

Yu Xian's chuckle was quiet and unabashed. "Perhaps a little."

Xu Jinhai shook his head. "You're something else, Yu Xian. And to top it off, I'm in the nation of Jinsu, a place that I'm not exactly used to."

Yu Xian's lips quirked. "What's so different about Jinsu?"

Xu Jinhai's gaze became distant, as if he was mentally compiling a list.

"Well, for one, the air feels…different. And some parts of the town seem a bit too dirty for my liking. I mean, I've never been a fan of germs, but here, it's like they're having a party on every surface."

Yu Xian's laughter danced through the air like a gentle melody. "You do have quite the unique perspective on things, Xu Jinhai."

Xu Jinhai shrugged, a mock serious expression on his face but it was still scary if someone don't know him fully. "Hey, germs can be deadly, you know. Besides cleanliness is next to divineness."

Yu Xian's laughter continued to bubble, a first for someone like him. "Divineness, is it? Well, I'm glad to know that your sense of humor hasn't deserted you and I hope your fear of things are improving in a way"

Xu Jinhai huffed, feigning annoyance. He may be germophobic but only to some 'certain things' unlike before. "Well, I can't help it if I have a strong aversion to– " 

His words were cut short by Yu Xian's playful nudge, accompanied by a warm smile.

"Relax, Xu Jinhai. I'm sorry if you find it offending. I think your quirks and unique observations makes you all more endearing."

Xu Jinhai blinked in surprise; his normally keen senses momentarily dulled by the unexpected compliment. His heart gave a tiny, almost indiscernible skip.

"Endearing?" Xu Jinhai echoed, his brows furrowing as he processed the word. "Well, I supposed everyone has their own way of looking at things."

Quickly, Yu Xian shifted his gaze away, his expression regaining its composed mask. "Mn, anyway, we should keep moving. I'll help you find the herb you seek; it might not be far off."

Xu Jinhai gave a small chuckle. "Right, the herb. Let's not waste any more time then."

As they continued to walk, the dappled sunlight playing on the forest floor, the topic of the herb resurfaced. Xu Jinhai's brows furrowed slightly as he recounted the information, he had gathered about the Bloodmoon Blossom.

"I'm looking for the Bloodmoon Blossom", Xu Jinhai explained. "Supposedly, it can break the most powerful curses. But of course, it's not easy to find. It only blooms in the heart of Mistveil forest, and even then, only during a rare celestial event."

Yu Xian's calm gaze remained fixed ahead as he listened, his expression unchanged. "Mistveil forest… Bloodmoon Blossom.", he echoed softly, as if confirming the information to himself.

Xu Jinhai sighed. "And do you know how far the Mistveil forest is? I've been walking since morning searching for that forest"

Yu Xian's lips quirked in a subtle half-smile, his eyes glancing towards Xu Jinhai.

"Funny you should mention that.", Yu Xian said.

Xu Jinhai's steps faltered, and he turned to Yu Xian with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

"What do you mean?", he asked

A serene calm settled over Yu Xian's features as he explained.

"We're already in the Mistveil Forest, Xu Jinhai"


Xu Jinhai's eyes widened in disbelief and he looked around as if seeing the forest with new eyes. He shook his head, his voice a mixture of disbelief.

"Wait, really? But the heart of the forest, the place where the Bloodmoon Blossom grows… it should be far from here then", Xu Jinhai mumbled the last lines.

Yu Xian nodded in agreement. "You're right. The heart of the Mistveil forest is indeed farther ahead. It seems we have quite a journey ahead of us again"

"I guess it'll be interesting again just like our first journey together" Xu Jinhai smiled faintly.

With a nod, Yu Xian's expression remained composed, but a glint of happiness is evident in his eyes. "We'll reach the heart of the forest, Xu Jinhai. And we'll find that herb"

As they continued walking, the Mistveil forest seemed to stretch infinitely before them. 

Finally, dawn broke, casting warm golden hues through the trees of the Mistveil forest, Xu Jinhai and Yu Xian found themselves still walking through the dense forest. Xu Jinhai's gaze scanned the surroundings, his brows furrowing in thought.

"We should find a place to rest soon. It's not safe to continue travelling at night especially with the heavy mist", Xu Jinhai said.

Yu Xian's eyes flickers around the forest as if assessing their options. "Agreed. We need to find shelter for the night." 

Xu Jinhai's lips pressed into a thin line as he pondered their situation. "I didn't really think this through, did I? I mean, we're in the middle of a forest with no provisions and no place to sleep."

Yu Xian's response was a matter-of-fact, his expression unchanging. "You always have no plan."

Xu Jinhai shot Yu Xian a dry look. "Wow, thanks for the boost of confidence."

Yu Xian's lips quirked into a faint smile. "Don't mention it."

Xu Jinhai shook his head in mild exasperation. "You know, you could offer a suggestion or two instead of just pointing out my lack of planning."

Yu Xian's tone was nonchalant. "I'm adaptable. I'll manage."

Xu Jinhai raised an eyebrow. "Adaptable, huh? Is that a term we're using now?"

"It worked so far", Yu Xian remarked

Xu Jinhai huffed a half-hearted laugh, his weariness momentarily forgotten as he met Yu Xian's gaze. "Fair enough Well, I supposed we'll just have to rely on your adaptability then."

"Anyway, we can't stay out here all night." Xu Jinhai stated. "Let's keep looking for some sort of shelter."

… …

In the end there's no shelter-

As night descended upon the Mistveil forest, darkness swallowed the landscape. The moon cast faint, silvery beams that filtered through the thick canopy leaves, painting the forest in ethereal glow.

Xu Jinhai's steps were deliberate, each footfall landing with a sense of caution. He used energy to create a small source of light. Beside him, Yu Xian moved with the grace of someone intimately attuned to the night, his movements fluid and soundless.

"This forest seems never-ending", Xu Jinhai remarked.

Yu Xian nodded in agreement. "It's vast, that's for sure. But we're making progress."

Hours had passed and the darkness seemed to play tricks on their minds, distorting shapes and creating illusions in the corners of their vision. But they knew it was all real, the creatures of the forest are lurking around.

"We should find a safe spot to rest", Yu Xian suggested, his voice low.

Their eyes were drawn to the entrance of a cave nestled at the base of a towering rock formation.

"Look there", Xu Jinhai pointed

Yu Xian's gazed followed Xu Jinhai's gesture. "A cave. It might provide us a better shelter"

With cautious steps, they approached the cave's entrance, their footsteps sending echoes inside. The air felt cooler here, unlike to the humid forest outside. They ventured further, the only light coming from Xu Jinhai flicker across the cave's walls.

"It seems safe enough", Xu Jinhai said.

Yu Xian agreed with a nod, his eyes scanning the cave's interior for any signs of danger. "Let's go in and assess the surroundings."

As they stepped into the cave, the silence enveloped them. The cave's walls were damp, and the ground was uneven underfoot.

"We won't have a comforting rest, but it's better than being exposed out there", Yu Xian remarked.

Xu Jinhai nodded.

Yu Xian grabbed a wood and turned it into a torch so that Xu Jinhai would stop using his energy for their source of light. As the dim light of the torch lit up their surroundings, Yu Xian's gaze turned towards Xu Jinhai. His stoic expression softened by a touch of worry.

"Xu Jinhai, are you sure you'll be fine in here?", Yu Xian asked.

Xu Jinhai nodded, offering a small but reassuring smile. "Yes, I'll manage. It's better than outside."

Yu Xian hesitated for a moment, as if debating something within himself. Then, with a resolute nod, he began to unfasten the robes he wore. He removed the outer layer of his attire, revealing the clothing the Xu sibling bought for him. With deliberate movements, he folded the robe and extended it toward Xu Jinhai.

"Here", he said softly. "You can use this as a makeshift barrier between you and the cave floor."

Xu Jinhai's surprise was evident, his eyes widening slightly as he regarded the offered robes. He hadn't expected such gesture, especially given their initial interactions. The fabric appeared soft and well-cared-for.

"You're seriously giving this to me? Are you fine with it getting dirty?", Xu Jinhai asked.

Yu Xian smiled faintly. "Clothes can be cleaned. Besides, it's not like I'm particularly attached to them."

Xu Jinhai's tone was incredulous. "Not attached? They're your robes!"

Yu Xian shrugged. "And? I don't see any problem with it."

Xu Jinhai eyed the robe skeptically. "Well, if you say so… Thank you, Yu Xian."

As Xu Jinhai settled onto the folded robes that Yu Xian had offered, a subtle fragrance enveloped his senses, a fragrance that he couldn't help but associate with the man beside him. It was a scent that carried an aura of mystery, much like the moon on a clear night – both distant and captivating. The fabric beneath him seemed to hold traces of Yu Xian's presence, as if it had absorbed the essence of his being. Xu Jinhai closed his eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply. It was a fragrance he had never smelled before, a mixture of earthiness and a whisper of something more ethereal, much like the moonlight itself.

Both of them had a good night sleep.

yes it's a word :)

Tsukyukicreators' thoughts