
A Promise Of Paradise

A universe with different rules. Two beings created with a purpose: to maintain balance. But it isn't always the case; one of them died. But, given a second chance in life, devoid of any memories. As fate intertwined their paths again, they will share another purpose, a journey full of mysteries and hope, that will not only help the mortals but also themselves. Would they choose to embrace their second chance at love, or would they remain devoted friends? Love and duties danced on thin wire awaiting the universe's final judgement.

Tsukyuki · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Guardian of the Stars

As the celestial energy dissipated and the echoes of battle receded, a calm quiet settled over the clearing. Xu Jinhai's gaze shifted from the fading stardust of Tsukiyomi Yan to Yu Xian, who stood beside him. Yet, there was something different about Yu Xian's demeanor – a thoughtful distance that hadn't been there before.

Xu Jinhai's brows furrowed with concern, and he turned his attention fully to Yu Xian. 

"You're quiet…" he observed softly, his voice carrying a tinge of worry.

Yu Xian's gaze remained fixed on the space where Tsukiyomi Yan had stood just moments ago. His lips curved into a faint smile, one that held a blend of melancholy and reassurance.

"Sometimes…" Yu Xian began, his tone gentle yet cryptic. "Silence speaks more than words."

Xu Jinhai's confusion deepened. He opened his mouth to ask for clarification, but before the words could leave his lips, Yu Xian turned to him, his gaze meeting Xu Jinhai's with unwavering certainty.

"Remember, Xu Jinhai.", Yu Xian's voice held a comforting weight.

"Even in the quietest moments, our actions can be the loudest reassurances."

Xu Jinhai absorbed his words, a mix of emotion stirring within him. He nodded and looked back at the empty space Tsukiyomi Yan used to be.

"He seemed to be a different person there…", Xu Jinhai mumbled.

Yu Xian's gaze softened as he glanced over at Xu Jinhai, concern etched on his features. He stepped closer, his movements gentle and sure.

Yu Xian gently placed a hand on Xu Jinhai's shoulder. Without a word, he held Xu Jinhai's chin and guided his gaze away from the empty space, as if protecting him from the unsettling remnants of the encounter.

"Look at me… The battle is over, you did well." Yu Xian smiled softly.

Xu Jinhai's eyes met Yu Xian's gaze briefly and for a moment everything seemed to stopped for Xu Jinhai.

"Let's get out of here." Yu Xian said as he placed his hand on Xu Jinhai's shoulder.

Xu Jinhai allowed himself to be led away. Yu Xian's touch was reassuring for him.

As they moved, Xu Jinhai couldn't help but notice how Yu Xian's hand felt warm against his shoulder, a contrast to the lingering chill of the atmosphere. He found himself speechless. They stepped out of the clearing and into the shadows of the forest to leave the place. Xu Jinhai's gaze flickered to their intertwined hands, and for a fleeting second, his fingers tightened around Yu Xian's.

"Thank you" Xu Jinhai smiled softly.

Yu Xian's eyes held a soft understanding, his lips curving into a gentle smile. "We're in this together. No need for thanks."

As they walked through the forest, Xu Jinhai's mind was a whirlwind of emotions and he couldn't help but feel a slight flutter in his chest. All the events that had happened in Jinsu is too much for him.

He stole sideways glance at Yu Xian, who was walking beside him with his usual composed demeanor. Seeing their hands intertwined, send warm flush to his cheeks. He cleared his throat, trying to hide the sudden rush of embarrassment.

In an attempt to regain his composure, Xu Jinhai subtly slipped his hand out from the intertwining grip. He adjusted his waist ornament, his fingers fumbling slightly in his effort to appear nonchalant. He cast a quick glance at Yu Xian, wondering if he had noticed the subtle change.

Yu Xian, seemingly lost in his own thoughts, didn't seem to react to Xu Jinhai's action. However, his gaze shifted towards Xu Jinhai and his lips quirked into a faint smile, as if sensing the shift in Xu Jinhai's mood.

Feeling self-conscious, Xu Jinhai cleared his throat once more and offered a small, slightly awkward smile in return. 

"I, um, just needed to adjust my waist ornament", he explained, his voice carrying a hint of embarrassment.

Yu Xian's smile deepened, his eyes holding a glimmer of amusement. 

"Of course,", Yu Xian replied, his tone light. "We had a bit of a journey, after all."

Xu Jinhai nodded, grateful for the easygoing response. As they continued to walk, Xu Jinhai found himself stealing occasional glances at Yu Xian, the memory of their intertwined hands still fresh in his mind. Though his cheeks were no longer flushed, a sense of warmth remains.

Approaching the town of Jinsu, Xu Jinhai's steps become more cautious. He cast wary glances around, his unease growing as he spotted guards patrolling the area. The last thing he wanted was to draw attention to himself, especially after the recent events.

'I swear, I'll fix my reputation here one day.', he thought to himself.

A guard was approaching and Xu Jinhai unconsciously moved closer to Yu Xian, his posture more hidden. Yu Xian's slightly taller frame provided a natural shield, allowing Xu Jinhai to stay hidden from direct view.

"What's wrong Xu Jinhai?", Yu Xian asked.

Xu Jinhai smiled slyly. "Nothing, I just sensed dirt on my side"

Yu Xian nodded. "We're almost there"

Stepping inside the inn, Xu Jinhai finally relaxed his guard a little. The sound of laughter and conversations surrounded them. He followed Yu Xian's lead, staying close but making an effort not to stand out.

Yu Xian turned to Xu Jinhai. "Do you want me to book a room?", he inquired.

Xu Jinhai met Yu Xian's gaze. "Yes, please", he replied.

With a small smile, Yu Xian headed towards the innkeeper. 

Xu Jinhai sighed. "I can't wait to go home…", he mumbled.


"That creature from before… I've never encountered such thing and Tsukiyomi Yan's sudden appearance… This is strange", he added.

Moments later, Yu Xian returned, a key in his hand. "We have a room for the night", he announced. 

"Follow me" 

Yu Xian opened the door to their room, revealing a simple yet cozy space. Xu Jinhai stepped inside, his eyes taking in the sight of the two neatly made beds and a small table by the window.

"Rest." Yu Xian spoke firmly, his gaze steady as he looked Xu Jinhai.

Xu Jinhai nodded as he sat down onto one of the beds. "Thank you, for everything"

Yu Xian's lips quirked into a faint smile. "Rest well, Xu Jinhai" he replied.

"We have much ahead of us…" he added.

"Yea, more ahead of us"

Xu Jinhai's eyes shot open, his gaze quickly darting towards the source of the unexpected voice. There, sitting in a relaxed position on the small table, was Tsukiyomi Yan. His presence managed to catch Xu Jinhai off guard.

Yu Xian's expression, usually one of calm, seemed to shift into a subtle mixture of irritation and amusement. He regarded Tsukiyomi Yan with a measured gaze. 

"You again", he muttered, his voice holding an underlying bitterness.

Tsukiyomi Yan flashed a grin, seemingly unfazed by Yu Xian's less-than-welcoming tone. 

"Oh, come on, young one", he drawled, leaning back on his hands as if he were lounging on a sunny afternoon. "No need to be so cold. Just here for a friendly visit."

Yu Xian's brows furrowed slightly, but he didn't retort. Instead, he turned his attention to Xu Jinhai, his gaze inquiring.

Xu Jinhai, who was stuck between amusement and exasperation at the unexpected turn of events, couldn't help but chuckle.

"It seems you have quite the knack for popping up at the most unexpected moments", Xu Jinhai remarked.

Tsukiyomi Yan's laughter echoed through the room; the sound surprisingly infectious. "Ah, Xu Jinhai, life is too short to be predictable.", he quipped, a mischievous twinkle on his gaze.

Yu Xian arched an eyebrow. "Is there something you want?", he asked.

"I'll be coming with both of you", Tsukiyomi Yan's voice carried a casual tone, as if he had just announced he was joining them for a casual stroll. And yet, it left a palpable sense of surprise in the air.