
War for the North (2) - Ilmadia's display

"So... How did you do it?" Eldrian asked after a moment of silence elapsed between the two. Having used that time to try to figure out how the meeting later was going to go.

According to the information he had, most of the players here were cooperative with the kingdom and well organized. They had promptly installed a council of sorts, allowing all the guilds to have a voice in how they would work together for large events. Such as what this certainly was. 

Eldrian, as always, was excluded from the player elements. Not receiving the quest to defend the North, only able to take part in the guild quest in a manner similar to how NPCs handle guild missions. 

This meant he could, if he wanted, claim bounties for his kills. Which Eldrian wasn't much interested in. While getting the gold would be nice, normally, he didn't need it. Besides, bounties could be claimed anytime. As long as years hadn't passed in the interim.