
War for the North (3) - Music & Magic

Ilmadia's words brought Eldrian great inspiration, but as his mind was about to depart, he paused. Recalling Ilmadia's earlier scoldings, and especially her punch, helped him keep his thoughts at bay and not let them run wild, and then he realized that he always did this. 

He jumped. He was a diver. Once he found inspiration, he ran with it. Becoming tunnel visioned and missing the bigger picture. Not doing due diligence and relying on random luck and his uncanny ability to almost always succeed with that. 

That, however, could not last. And has already started to change. 

So, instead of becoming absorbed in his own thoughts or taking the lead of the conversation, Eldrian smiled and asked Ilmadia to explain further and in more depth.

Wishing to better understand the path she took and compare it to his own thoughts, to see where they differed and what he might be able to learn. And, of course, he would share his own thoughts with her, but only after.