
Camp Phoenix (2) - Judith

Poking at the monsters from behind a wall of spikes was terribly boring. There was no thrill, no challenge. Naturally, Judith had no plan to follow their terribly boring plan—falling back to the walls, as it always was.

Sure, it reduced the number of deaths. But dying hardly mattered. As long as you didn't go into the negative with your free attributes, everything was fine.

Take a few quests and pronto, you got your levels back. Thinking that only the most elite of players could hold. Most players couldn't complete B-Ranked quests and higher with any semblance of regularity. 

Besides, the free attributes gained from leveling were minuscule. At best, they could be used to push you over the edge to equip a slightly better weapon. There was no reason to hoard levels. 

Due to these reasons, Judith didn't stay in her assigned location. No, she charged out of the ditch, around the spikes, and into the horde. Greatsword flying.