
Camp Phoenix (1)

The sight welcoming the failed quest-takers was that of a military encampment. Due to the lack of wood in the Chaos Lands, the players needed to hoard wood from afar.  As a result, the fence was made from stone.

Spells had been used to modify the ground to form the perimeter.  This process had been tedious.

Only Tier 5 spells and above could accomplish the required end result in one go. Other mages had needed to use several different spells. Shape, form, harden, repair. Depending on the earth's quality, failure was often their friend. 

However, they persevered. The sight before the failed quest-takers was the result of their labors. Earthen spikes before a narrow wall, with towers spaced equally around the encampment. 

Separating the players and the wall was a ditch with another layer—no, several layers of spikes preventing them from simply rushing headlong towards the camp.