
How To Connect #9

After the successful mission I felt a bit of my magic start to drain. The water spell couldn't have used up so much that I should possibly feel drained. Did that brat learn how to do magic? Is she practicing right now? No, I can feel my magic leaving only to be stored in her. She's not using it yet, but she's curious about it. I looked at Dan who was dissolving the bodies. He gave me a smile and continued doing his work. If Dan can connect to this world from mine then he could do it again.....maybe he could connect me to the other me. I wondered as I walked out of the woods leaving everything behind. I want to know what was going on there for my magic to respond like that. I see the open road and was instantly reminded of my connection with human Nina. We were always connected, just didn't know of our existence. The magic acts like a bridge, we can feel each other and share each other's thoughts. I bet if I focus I could meet her on that bridge. "Dan! Come on out we need to go home for a minute." I called out to Dan who had just finished cleaning up. He came out of the woods chipper than usual. "Does this make you happy?" I referred to our hunt. "It makes me satisfied and smooth. Plus killing those with good fortune helps me locate my brother." Dan helped himself to the blood that had unknowingly splattered on the side of my hand. "I sense you realized something you weren't supposed to." I pulled my hand away from Dan and moved back securing a safe distance from him. "Whether I did is not your business till I involve you." I wiped my hand on my shirt. Did I think too much earlier? If so, I want to know it all. We took a bus to my new house 10 minutes away from the school. There we are able to discuss freely any topic we choose. "So what's the deal with you and your family's background?" I asked sounding more human than ever before. "What's with the sudden interest?" Dan asked while looking away from me. It sounded like he was hiding things. Things I should know about. "No reason, just wanted to know more than what you let on." I joked with him. Dan had showed me his memories, there's no spell that could manipulate your own memories. At least, not that I know of. So I trust in that at least. Yet I get the feeling he was hiding something from me. The both of us continued on our day of searching for his long-lost brother. He had told me that the best places to look would be the park where happiness thrived. However, I have my own opinion in mind. If his brother had truly tried to kill him....He could be in hiding. Or he could've traveled back to Taher to finish the job. Talking to Dan of the idea that his brother was back there sent him in a fizzle of a mood. His emotions towards the topic made no sense but I digest. The holes in his story made me question his motives. Yet, the fact I get to live a different life completely new and with the promise of getting my old life back made a sound argument. I sat down on a filthy bench in some park I let Dan drag me to. Lately my magic has speed up the pace at which it transfers to human me. It has been quite exhausting. I couldn't shake the feeling of keeping such a thing a secret from Dan. So I began thinking of ways to connect with my human self on my own to distract myself from spilling the beans. There has to be a way, otherwise my magic wouldn't be acting like this. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. Picturing Taher and how I left it. While following the small traces my magic left behind. There, I can see a bunch of trees and a group of people. How dare they pester me to show off my magic. An unsettling feeling sprung in my body. As if I was in some sort of danger. Were these low level creatures the cause of my discomfort? I watched as the view changed from a group of low level creatures to my best friend, Ann silently stalking me in the shadows. That girl, she never learned how to completely conceal her presence. I throw an intimidating aura to let her know to back off. My view darkens for a split second. Suddenly I am in control of the situation there. I turn back to face the low leveled creatures who dared to demand anything of me and began fulfilling their request. First the Jack-o-lantern, fire was his weakness. I controlled the fire they had set up, turning it into a dragon only to completely engulf that entitled wax imitation of a human. Next was the fire fairy. A simple water horse would suffice to keep that dummy from tampering with my fire. I charged full speed ahead to him and let my darling of a horse do the work. It was easy work, so easy I felt as though I was bullying them. But then again, they're lasting longer than humans. I knew that if I let my human self have control of my life in Taher my reputation would suffer. That's why I left my spell book with her. Lily was supposed to be with her....what happened to my beautiful book? I turned to my left only to be completely blind sided by an unknown power unable for me to judge. I had the same feeling when I first met Dan. Who the hell are you? I thought to myself. He blocked my magic flow from controlling the other 2. They feel to the ground conscienceless. I saw how my work had been cut short of the actual goal and decided, whoever that man may be, he just drew his last breath. I formed wooden blades from the ground up and began close combat interaction. This man was reading my moves, I hit right and he moved his to his right. I faked left and aimed for his bottom right leg, he evaded. This pointless exchange of moves went on for an hour. If I was using my own body this would be easier. Clashing and evading was not how I fought let alone for an hour, yet the simple joy of not knowing who the victor would be kept me entertained. Such a strong creature existed in Taher? Why have I yet to come across anyone with such a manor there. What luck does the human me have? Such a rare gem in the midst of low level creatures who could never satisfy a proper fight. Although, he never swung an offensive move, he was still able to keep up with me. "You seem to be enjoying this." He began talking to me. I did not feel the urge to comply to his petty conversation tactic, so I stayed silent. "Have you lost your mind? Nina come back to me." He spoke again, this time I felt a sharp pain in my head trying to force me back to my original body. No I want more time! I'm not done with him! I still want to kill him. It is suppose to be a bittersweet ending with me on top. I will not leave yet! I swung another right trying to keep the control under my domain. Fail. Instead I am trapped within the mind space that connects the two of us. Did it connect because we met each other? Or was it always connected? There I met human Nina again. I felt my body pulling me back heavily. There's a limit!? I need to let her know that I am not one to be pushed into anything and to kill that bastard of a guy that clings to her like a moth to a big gulf of fire. Also, if she ever wanted to talk all she had to do was focus on calling to me. At least learn his weakness. "Hello again" I smiled trying to fight the pull my body had forced upon me. "Who are you?" She questioned. Is she daft? "This again, you really need to stop forgetting me." I may be somewhat of an idiot if she is my human form. She took a moment to realize who I was. "Nina?" Well at least she got it on the first try. "Finally, you remembered. Okay we don't got much time." The pull was getting stronger by the minute. I needed to be quick. "Wait, how are you doing over there? Did you manage to kill someone or find anyone?" Goodness me, she talks a lot for someone with the brain capacity of a two year old. "Shut up for once and listen. You have access to my magic right now. However, it's not for show! I never performed for the sake of someone else's entertainment." I wanted to get that point across first. "I called you here to show them why it's a bad idea to pressure you...me to do anything. Yet, I did not account for a two dimensional creature to be roaming around you." I need to get her away from him. So that it would be easier to convince her to kill him. "He's forcing me back to my original body." The pull on me yanked at me once more but this time with much force. "We don't have long. I need you to hold your head up high and kill him." The last part was obviously a lie but, I need to be able to ensure another situation with each other at our throats. "What! Why?" She sounded concerned as though I was telling her to kill the love of her life. "How are you even here? What do you mean force you back to your original body?" Now she was trying to deflect the subject. Does she think she can fool me? "Just do as I say! I'm trying to help you free yourself from....." I found myself staring at Dan. "What did you hear?" I asked as I stood up and dusted the back of my pants. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Dan chuckled a bit teasing me. "It's whatever." I find myself adapting to the language here more and more with each passing day. I wish to go home.