
The Trail After #10

After the inexplicable incident Hamble and JJ began to distance themselves from me. "What exactly happened that time at the campfire?" I asked Kevin. "Let's not talk about that. I think it'll only bring up some traumas." Kevin whispered in my ear. We walked along an old trail we found outside the forest. We had been walking for days. We reached another small town but this time it had people in it. They stared at us as we walked further in. It looked that of a town still going through their industrial time. The town was vibrate and very festive. Signs were hung, streamers placed across from each building, and there were several places where weird letters was written on with people banging on metal. I assumed they were blacksmiths. But they all stopped what they were doing to join the rest of the civilians in staring at the new group that just arrived in their town. "Kevin should we stop at a place to get some food?" JJ asked. Ann turned towards JJ and giggled. "Silly null, always needing food." Ann used that word a lot whenever she addressed the two. It took me awhile to figure out that it meant low level creature. "Just wait till I power up. You won't be calling me null anymore!" JJ pouted, Hamble and JJ didn't like Ann very much. Honestly, I don't blame them. She's a total prick, and she reminds me of Britney Camwell. Yet, she speaks to me with respect and a happy tone. It was nice to think of her as Britney so I can pretend that all the shit I endured was her way of being apologetic towards me. "Let's stock up on supplies. it'll be difficult to keep moving." Ann looked at me for five seconds then nodded. "You sure like to change things up. Sometimes when I look at you I can't tell if you're really Nina." Ann giggled and trotted ahead of the group. "I'll search for some weapons and learn about this town." She left us with that. The rest of the group started splitting up too. JJ went with Kevin, looking for a good place where books were kept. Which was very surprising to me. Hamble, who didn't want to be left with me went to do something else. He didn't specify what his objective was. Just left with the words of "Think I'll try to find something." Which just left me to myself. Now what? We didn't even discuss a meeting place. I wandered to the shops hoping to find something interesting. The first shop I explored offered clothes. Maybe if I dress like the villagers here they'll be less suspicious of me. "Hello" the sales clerk greeted me. "Hello." I walked further in examining the clothes. "How can I help you today?" The clerk teleported to me. I got used to magic and all things humans couldn't possibly understand. So it didn't phase me when she teleported. I looked at her getting a better view, she had green skin and black eyes. Scary how she looks like she'll murder me. "I would like to find an outfit the blends in. Do you think there's any here." She looked at me strangely. "Nina right? We heard about the famous nymph who strongly resembled humans. Why would you want to blend in?" Nina's reputation exceeded me again. Just how famous is she? "I want a souvenir. Is that a problem?" I intimidated her. "Your intimidation failed. Would you like to try a different approach?" The clerk tilted her head. Well I tried....with the way she answered got me to wonder could this be a game simulation? "I would like to get my request fulfilled." I spoke in a nicer tone. "Request not found. Please state request." It was scary how much she sounded like a robot. "Find me an outfit suitable for this village." When talking to computers, I'm your girl. There was a time in my life where I regarded computers as friends. "Right away." The clerk left to look for an outfit. What a weird place. I browse around looking at the options of clothes they had. Mostly plain clothes and long skirts for females. I wonder how everyone else is doing on their search. I waited for the clerk to come back. "Here you go, the latest fashion trend amongst the village." She handed me a dress with a plain solid beige brownish color. "Oh thanks." I took the dress from her. "Where's the dressing room?" She looked at me confused. Did I say that wrong. "The fitting room?" I asked again. "There is no such thing here." The clerk finally caught on. "How am I supposed to know if it fits me? What if it doesn't?" "Lose weight." She smiled and walked away. I'm more amazed at how this town was semi-advanced and didn't have a dressing room in their stores than the attitude of this clerk. I walked up to the counter to pay for the plain dress. "Is that all?" The clerk asked. "Yes, this is it." I was given money from Kevin and told to use it in moderation. I reach into my pocket and pull out the few coins I was given. I didn't understand the economy system here let alone the currency value. "How much?" I asked hoping she'll point out what was needed to pay. "7 rolls." She kept her hands to herself and smiled. Damn, how much is 7 rolls? And what does it look like? Ahhhhh! I don't like shopping anymore. I don't want to be here now. "Umm...." I said as I tried to remember what Kevin told me about the currency. Ok rolls are like pennies....or was that quarts? "Can you just take what's needed." I handed the clerk the coins I had. "We do not have enough change for you. Would you like to purchase a few more items?" Eh!? This is more troubling than I thought. "You know what never mind." I put the dress down and walked away. I'll wait for Kevin or Ann so that way I can make them do the pesky transactions for me. But....where are we supposed to meet? I continued walking around town going in and out of stores as I pleased. I haven't bumped into anyone from my group. "Hey!" A man's voice shouted out from behind. I turned to see the man and to check if he was shouting at me. "Take your friend and get out of here!" he was a buff man about 8 feet tall with the body of a bodybuilder. He held a small blue skinned girl by the head. "I said I would trade you a null for that. Do you know how valuable nulls are? they're literally slaves." Ann! She was trying to punch him and kick him to make him let her go. Something inside me wanted to join in and fight. Compelling me to fight this man that I never seen before. All because I saw Ann swinging her arms and legs. "Put her down." I said a little angry. Strange, why was I getting mad? I don't know what it was, but a very strange feeling ran up my spine. Leaving me wanting to fight more than ever. "With pleasure." The muscular man threw her down. Upon seeing her face get smashed into the pavement, my body took over and sprinted full speed ahead. The man moved his arm in order to catch me. Yet, time seemed to slow down at that moment. I saw his movements and dodged only to rush in on his blind spot. "One punch there." A voice whispered. I was looking at his open chest and punched that very spot. "Jump." It commanded I did as I was told. I jumped as high as I could. I managed to jump higher than his head. "Twist" The voice spoke again. I knew it wanted me to twist the man's head while I was in mid-air. So I did it. The voice was too compelling to resist. The man's neck snapped beneath my hand. I thought it was going to be hard to twist due to his muscles. However, it was surprisingly easy and a bit fun. This vibrate feeling of aloofness and serenity scared me. In this moment for the first time ever I killed a man. And I don't have the slightest remorse. I somersaulted to the ground safely at the same time his body hit the ground. "Get up." I demanded Ann. She got up laughing. "Nina, don't get too excited. Your eyes are glowing green." Ann threw a creepy wide smile. I blinked in disbelief. What was that? What did I just do? More importantly was the other Nina talking to me or.....? What was I becoming?