
The New Nina #8

The next few days flown by without a problem from anyone. It was more dull than my previous life. Learn some human things and not question why the history topic only teaches parts of glory and parts of defeat. Never did it teach the whole story of their past. That was the only thing keeping me interested in staying in the area. Dan was searching the area still for his long lost brother. "Are- are you Nina?" A small child approached me. He looked scrawny and very tired. A short fellow with glasses. What is such a small child doing in a high school? "Are you lost? Where are your parents?" I don't have anything better to do at the moment, so I might as well help him out. "No- I...I'm a student here." He mustered through his feeble mouth. "You go here? As in attend this school?" I was baffled, so far I've seen the general population of this school has a healthy fit. Meanwhile, this child-like boy says he is in fact a student. This school is strange. "A-anyway, can you help me please?" I was intrigued to why this kid would come to me to ask for help. Was there word of my assistance being offered to those who asked? "Let's sit down for now. I want to hear all about why you think I would care about your problems." I motioned to a seat in the library so we can get comfortable. "Wow, they were right you have changed." The kid sat down right across from me and began rummaging through his school bag. "You probably forgot all about me but I promised you that I wouldn't. We were lab partners. I helped you cheat on your test so now I'm cashing in that favor you owe me." The audacity of this kid did not match his physical appearance. If he says that I owe him he must've known that before I switched with the human Nina, she was utterly useless to him. "What is it that you desire?" I looked him in the eyes so I can gauge out the truth. In the eyes of humans their desires can be easily seen. All you have to do is look deeply in their eyes. I learned that from Dan. "What are you the devil incarnate? I just need help with some bullies. Here." He pulled out a folder and tossed it to me. I was not inclined to help him, but I did take the burdens of my human life....so I guess taking her out of debt would be most appreciated. I picked up the folder and opened it. In the folder I saw 4 pictures of students. I looked at the distinctive qualities the pictures gave. All male, one had ear-rings, another had dark green hair, while the other two looked similar to each other as if they were siblings. "Do I need to know their names?" This kid is brave. Asking for me to kill 4 students. I was told by Dan that human kids are scared of blood and adults frowned upon it. Even though it was completely natural. I began seeing this kid in a new light. He may be physically weak. But his mind is strong. Plus he's smart enough to get rid of the enemies that stand in his way. "No, that would be unnecessary. Just make sure they won't bully me again." The kid got up and left. I like his style, very cut to the chase and clever. Alright I'll ask Dan to help me find the targets. I walk out of the library to look for Dan. He was standing behind some unfortunate couple who was bickering back and forth. Dan smiled and carried on happily behind them. It looked like he enjoyed it. Their pain is his amusement. "Dan!" I called out. I knew he was up to no good just manipulating the whole argument. "You called." Dan dropped his smile only to sternly look at me. "We got a side quest." I smiled devilishly. A couple of hours passed and the school day ended. Dan and I waited by the entry of the school for our 4 targets. I already informed Dan about human Nina's debt. Dan also agreed that I should take up this small task. Finally, all 4 of our targets appeared together. Smiling and laughing with each other. "So remember, the strategy is to lure them in someplace isolated before we get to do anything." Dan smiled I looked at Dan with confusion in my eyes. Why does he feel the need to repeat everything to me? "Dan remind me again why I listen to you." I joked as I walked away from him only to stop my targets in their place. "Boys." I said seductively. they stopped and stared, good. "Can you fine men help me with....." I thought about how a human teenager going through heat would talk. "A little something down there." I smiled and winked at them. I felt disgusted, such behavior I hope I won't have to succumb to it again. The boys looked at each other and for a minute I thought my tactic would fail. "Lead the way." One of them stepped up. Perfect, things are going according to plan. I threw to Dan a hair flip as a signal. Then began walking away further to nowhere. Once we all reached a suitable place in the woods next to a truck stop I flipped my hair again. This time I smiled. "So you want me to help you with your hair?" One of the boys jumped ahead thinking he would get first dibs. "Come and find out if that's what I want." He didn't hesitate to walk closer to me with a certain bravado clinging to his face. What a fool, it is very easy to trap and kill humans because they lack caution. I couldn't help but get excited. The feeling of being able to kill a new species filled me with a familiar feeling. My first hunt. I was just turning 3 and my father had left me out in the woods to bring back the head of a wild boar. It was very dangerous....yet I enjoyed myself to the fullest. Caught up in the memory of my early childhood I had almost forgotten my surroundings. That boy was touching my chest. I lifted my arms slowly and grabbed his face. Only to twist his neck beyond repair. his body dropped to the floor, lifelessly. The boys behind us stood in place shocked to have witnessed their friend die. Fear slowly creeping up as they decide their next move, one of them opens his mouth about to scream. However, he couldn't muster a sound. Dan had slit his throat for that very purpose. "Was it deep enough?" I asked as I walked over to the remaining two still petrified to move. "Yes." Dan pulled the dark green haired kid and bashed his face into a tree. I grew roots up from the ground and tied up the last survivor. His mind had finally caught up to the situation and in response....the poor kid wet his pants. "How should I kill you?" I pondered. Physical is just boring, and since no other human is around I could use magic. "Please....I-I have money." The kid began to cry. Water! I haven't used a water spell in ages. This should be fun. I raised my hand and called out the water spirit that lays dormant here. "Take." I commanded. The water spirit woke up and choked the life out of its victim. The boy only lasted a couple of minutes without air in his system, I expected him to last a little longer. This reassures me of the levels of humans and their grasp on strength. "Too soon." Dan whispered in my ear. I realized then of my disappointment with the vulnerability of human kind. "Clean up the mess will you." I walked further into the woods. I want to see how my human self is doing.