
A new start in Twilight

saschuytre · Films
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4 Chs

time skips, awaken power, eating robbers

I was in my room, lying down on my bed with my blond hair covering my face. Suddenly, I stood up and looked around, feeling confused. A different memory started appearing in my mind, giving me a headache.

"So, I wasn't dreaming?" I said out loud, my face changing to a look of shock and depression as I realized that I had been reborn as a girl.

I got up and walked towards the mirror to see my reflection. I had golden blond hair reaching my shoulder blades, beautiful blue and green eyes, and a cute face. I stood around 3.6 feet tall. At least I'm pretty, I thought to myself. And I'm very sure that I'm a lesbian - even though I've become a girl, I still love beautiful women.

Going through my memory, I discovered that my name is Anna, my mom's name is Elizabeth, and my dad's name is Jackson. We live in New York City, and both my parents are highly respected lawyers.

Before I could think of anything else, I heard my mom calling me.

"Sweetie, it's time for breakfast. Come downstairs," my mom called

"I'm coming Mom," I called back to her while getting ready for the day.

Walking downstairs, I saw my dad watching TV while my mom was getting the table ready.

"Good morning Mom and Dad," I said to them.

"Morning sweetie," my mom replied.

"Morning princess," my dad said while picking me up and spinning me around.

"Haha, Dad, put me down," I exclaimed while laughing.

Some people may wonder how easily I accepted being a girl and acting like a kid. First, I have a child's body and mind that makes me act this way. And second, my dream was to have parents. In my past life, I was an orphan, and I still have the memory of this body.

After breakfast, my parents left for work, leaving me with my nanny. "Mary, I will be in my room to play," I said.

"Okay, call me if you need anything," Mary replied while cleaning the dishes.

I went back to my room and started thinking about my future. I was born in 1987, so I should be the same age as Bella. I want to see the drama that happens in Forks, so I should arrive a month earlier before Bella gets there. I am not sure if my parents will allow me to go, but that is not my problem now. But that is in 12 years, so for now I will enjoy my new life. 


1 Year later-6-year-old Anna 

Anna's POV:

It has been a year since I regained my memory. During this time, nothing out of the ordinary has happened. My parents believe that I am a genius because I graduated from high school at the top of my class in my previous life. 

I have been researching different animals and their unique abilities. For instance, I learned that the Barn Owl can fly with almost no sound, and Black Panthers have retractable claws that they use to protect themselves from danger. 

A few days ago, I felt a strange energy surge through me, and before I knew it, my power awakened, and I felt stronger. Without hesitation, I shifted into a black cat right on the spot.

I found my senses high and my vision changed, it took me some time to get used to walking on all fours around my room, but after getting used to it, I started thinking about how I felt in my human body then I was standing in the middle of my room naked, it seems my clothes will either fall off or ripped depending on what animal I'm shifting to.

"I have been experimenting with my abilities in the past few days and have discovered some interesting things. When in animal form, I can change my size, and I can understand animal language. Additionally, I have noticed that my healing factor works very well, as I was able to heal from a paper cut in just a few seconds. Furthermore, my adaptation power is strong, as I stayed up almost every night playing with my powers and found out that I don't need more than four to five hours of sleep to feel energized."

In the living room, my mom and I were watching a movie when I suddenly got an idea. "Mom, can we get a cat?" I asked. "Are you going to take care of it? You know your dad doesn't like cats, but do you know why?" My mom asked. "No," I replied. "Well, when he was a kid, he was chased by a cat around the farm when he visited your grandmother," mom said. I couldn't help but laugh at the image of my dad crying and running away from a cat. "Princess, what are you laughing at?" my dad came in and asked. "Dad, is it true that you ran away from a cat as a child?" I asked. My dad looked embarrassed and said, "It was not a cat but a big raccoon that was chasing me." "Honey, stop lying it was a gray fat cat that was chasing you," my mom said while laughing. Looking away, my dad went back to the kitchen.

I enjoy spending time with my family


4 Years later-10-year-old Anna

"Mom, don't worry. I'll be fine by myself. Go and enjoy your date with Dad," I reassured her.

"Are you sure, honey? I can always call Mary to come over," my mom asked, worried about leaving me alone in the house while they went on a date in the city.

"Yes, after all, I'm a big girl now. So go have fun, and don't forget your purse, because last time you forgot it and thought someone had robbed you," I reminded her.

"Okay, okay. Your dad is waiting for me outside. There's food in the microwave if you're hungry, and remember to brush your teeth and go to sleep at 11," my mom reminded me.

"Bye, and have fun, both of you," I said while waving goodbye to them.

"We will be back around 4, so don't stay up," Dad said.

"Okay," I yelled while going upstairs to sleep because I hadn't slept for 31 hours.

1:36 AM

"Are you sure no one is at home?" Thief 1 asked while his partner attempted to pick the lock on the front door.

"Yes, I saw them leave at around 10 and they haven't returned," replied Thief 2. With a 'click,' the door was unlocked. "Let's get in and out before they come back."

Unbeknownst to them, a 10-year-old child named Anna was watching them through her bedroom window.

After rummaging through the first floor, the thieves headed upstairs to search the bedrooms. Upon entering Anna's room, they were confronted with complete darkness, except for two glowing red eyes staring back at them.

"What is that?" stammered Thief 1 as he slowly backed away. The other thief was paralyzed with fear.

Finally, the monster emerged from the room. It was a 7-foot-tall black wolf baring its teeth at them.

"GRRRRRRRRRR," the wolf growled menacingly.

but before the thief who was frozen in fear had a chance to move, the wolf opened its mouth and bit the thief's head off, spraying blood all over the floor.

The wolf just looked annoyed because of the mess that she made, while the other thief was running for his life.

"As the thief fled the house and dashed towards the forest, Anna or the wolf pondered, 'I do not feel any remorse for killing him, but I am irritated by the mess that I have to clean up. Is this because I am in my wolf form?' She stepped outside and thought, 'Maybe I should try transforming into a different animal.'

"I think I lost that monstor," said the thief tiredly. But suddenly, he heard a sound coming from behind him. 'SSSSSSSSSSSSS' What he saw was a huge white snake with red eyes looking down on him.

He attempted to flee, but the snake constricted around him tightly and devoured him whole.


Anna POV:

transforming back to normal, I didn't feel full like I ate a person's whole, 

"After what I just did, I felt numb. It may be because of my shifting power that affected my morals. When I was in my animal form, I felt like a predator hunting its prey, but right now I have to clean the house, put back the things that they took, and clean up the blood and body."

45 minutes later - 2:21 AM

After cleaning everything, the only problem was there was a hole in the back of the house where I burned the dead body, then took the bones and flew into the sky as a golden eagle, flying around the forest and dropping the pieces of it around but I kept the skull where I'll just drop it in the Hudson River because I didn't feel like transforming into a snake again.

Upon arriving home, I felt mentally exhausted from tonight's events. However, I will deal with everything that happened tomorrow, I'm going to sleep.