
A Mommy For Hire:The heiress must get married.

What does fate have in store for the rebellious granddaughter,Tiana Hamilton and billionaire daddy,Damien Kings? Tiana Estrella Hamilton,the wild heiress to a world recognized multi billion automobile company,is set on a dangerous mission to destroy her grandma. She has it all. Money. Beauty. Brain.  But yet, still had something which she craved for but doesn't intend on admitting it, Happiness. On the run, to avoid a forced marriage set up by her grandma to make her realize the intensity of her action, which was going to destroy everything she had ever worked hard for. She meets Damien Kings, Billionaire daddy who's on the lookout for a perfect motherly figure for his little pea, Daisy. What does Tiana know about taking care of a five year old?But yet,she suggested  an idea that would favour  the both of them. A contract marriage for a year. His daughter gets a mommy,she in turn, gets a husband of her choice  and not that of her gram's but under a condition made by Damien. No feelings attached! What would happen, when a marriage which had been vividly documented to end in a year's time without any feeling attached,ends up getting more realistic, serious and enjoyable for something which was meant to be all an act? How will Damien end up convincing the wild heiress,to give a chance at love when all she had ever experienced was betrayal from said loved ones? How sure is Tiana, that she's not  changing with the time spent with her dramatic daughter,daisy? Would her revenge still come to light?  Would little Daisy still end up having Tiana as her mother after a year is up? Would Damien see Tiana differently, when the contract is over and he's deeply in love with her? What would happen when Nancy, Daisy's real  mother, stands as  a big opposition to the  couples' show  of affection towards each other? Most importantly,is saying 'i do' to Damien Kings, a good decision which she had made or just another repetition of her mother's mistake, which she made in the name of love? Finally,would getting married be the game changing plan that grandma saw as the only way, to calm her rebellious granddaughter down? Find out in this promising story,with numerous funny scenes from our little pumpkin,daisy. Rated 18+ The cover photo doesn't belong to me and all credits goes to the original owner. ~~~~~~~ Other books by the other: *365 Days To Love* *Dangerous Love:Two can Play This Game* *The Ceo's Runaway Babymama* *Instagram ID: IrreplaceableSassy *Discord ID:Jayden222#1882 *TikTok ID: Irreplaceablesassy1 *Facebook ID: Jayden *My Server: https://discord.gg/KGxczvhp

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CHAPTER THIRTY: Arguments With Adam.

If there was a time to question if Damien had a thing for Maya,it was right  at this moment about the news of her agency covering up her disappearance by claiming she went on a vacation.

What sort of human being were they, to sell off their top model to his mother all because of money?

But the answer to that question should be answered by him, because if he wasn't stupid and had  listened to what Adam had said about this being a bad idea, Maya wouldn't have gone on this said vacation.

A forced vacation with his mother in nowhere land. 

He has not been himself ever since last night,not that his mother was a bad person who's going to hurt Maya.No! She isn't that sort of person.

He's just bothered with the fact that after this,he already fucked up his chances of being friends with her.

If there's anything he had figured out about Maya in these few years of being her fuck buddy,it was the fact that she's hot tempered and she's definitely going to pay him back for what he did.

He wasn't scared of what she might do once she's out of his mother's lair.Nah,it's going to take a whole lot more to bring Damien Kings down and besides,she's not going to act tough with him.

She likes him.Maya has a thing for him,he's no fool not to notice the way she's behaving strangely when she's around him.

She behaves just like him.How could he forgets that he acted so stupid, like some love sick puppy years ago with Nancy,Daisy's mom.

Maya's sudden change should be something he should be worried about,if it was any other of his flings.He would have called it off instantly without blinking an eye.

But here he was thinking of what to do to locate where exactly his mother had taken Maya to, of course,there's no way she could have locked up in the family house with his mom.

His mom's angry look alone,would have Maya peeing on herself from,that would be if she's not having a panic attack already from being kept away like some prisoner.

She wasn't used to all this,being manhandled as if she was some escaped inmate,but involving herself with him had resulted in this.

He knew that his mother wasn't joking when he saw the news  today, that Maya  had left the country to take a vacation after signing an ambassadorial deal with some company.


But now,her agency had covered up her disappearance with her leaving the company,which would have resulted in something else if the netizens paid more attention to the news.

Her fans could have paid extra attention to what is going on,and maybe try protesting to see the picture of her leaving the county being unloaded online.

But no one was talking about anything,not even the fashion company that she was supposed to model their spring collections either.

The extent his mother would go to have him realizing what's awaiting him, if he doesn't act like a man had him for the very first time tired of going to work today either.

He's stressed up about this,and maybe…maybe talking to Adam about this would help.

Adam always have a solution,he's a strategist and a hard thinker and thank goodness for him being his  best friend.He's not going to leave him right now he needed his help.

He put his pride aside  him,and dialed his number while fixing his tie,and luckily for him he picked up on the second ring,but not without letting out a relieved sigh.

If his guess was right,he's sure that Adam would have seen the news and would have suspected that something went wrong.

He knew that Maya was last seen with him yesterday,so how the hell did she leave the country immediately without him calling him back to let him in on what  transpires between her and his mother.

At that moment,he felt bad for not  calling him yesterday,after ringing him nonstop to know what's up.

Adam was a true friend,and he cares about him a lot,despite him not being in support of his actions,and right now.He needs his support in knowing what else to do.

But did it matter?

Would he rather listen to what Adam has to say about this or obey his mother by  going on that blind date  that she had set him up with tomorrow?

It made no sense, that he would bring up another solution that doesn't align with that of his mother's.

Here he was, battling with the thought of who to go with his advice, when Adam hadn't spoken a word to him even after he picked up.

He's mad,and it's all his fault.

Why is everyone angry at him?

Firstly his mother,who he's sure would bury him alive if he pulls such a prank on her again.

Then Adam, for not taking his advice seriously but rather listened to his own mind that had caused the problem at hand.

Did he also forget to mention the fact that his princess too was angry at him?She had woken up by herself today rather than him doing that just the way it's been going on for years now.


Well, there's still this rumour about her fighting dirty with  the rebellious granddaughter of the Hamilton's.

He's sure that his  mother was searching the whole Earth for her,but here she was in his house hiding away like some hardened criminal.

The stress added up was enough to buy him a free day to have a good rest, because it's eating him up that Maya is going insane with the seconds that goes by.

He couldn't lie.

This was probably the first time he's deeply worried for someone aside from his family,but that was because he's the one at fault for what she's passing through.

It's not as if he's worried about her like in a worried boyfriend way,no!

This was just the right thing he could do as a human being that got conscience,Maya was a friend and regardless of this happening,if the table was turned around and he was in her position,she would still do the same thing.

"Dude, I'm in huge trouble"He said sitting on top of his bed,while touching his aching temple.

How many times had he gotten a migraine in just a roll of a week,all because of his  mother and her endless obsession to see him married.

"Finally,the loser decided to pick up"Adam teased, chuckling loudly to the irritation of Damien.

If this wasn't his best friend,he would have his ass seriously dealt with for insulting and making a mockery of him.

"My mom took Maya ''He finally spoke up, ignoring his lousy comments about his actions yesterday.

"I saw the news,I guess she likes her to take her out on a vacation leaving the fiance behind"


This was no joke,and  now isn't the right time for him to joke with his present predicament,it wasn't funny.

"At Least you can stop making a joke  out of this, and help tell me what to do,this is Maya Rodriguez that is being held hostage,not some lowlife model!"

He raised his voice at him, an action he would come to regret because this wasn't Adam's fault but his.He had no right whatsoever to raise his voice at him.

"Maybe you should have considered her safety, and all that before you foolishly took her in for a mission impossible,what the hell do you want me to do man?"

"I get to go on this blind date tomorrow in exchange for Maya's freedom "He told him the option.

"And what are you still waiting for, of course you will have no other option but to do that"Adam told him the obvious solution for all these.

There's no escaping his fate,he doesn't want to get married but unluckily for him,He has no say on that aspect.

Daisy is getting a mom,and Andromeda Kings aren't giving him no chance to think he deserved any say in that.

He fucked up the right to do so,all he's got to do  is hope and pray  that he gets lucky to marry someone who Daisy is going to love.

It might be hard.

But that's the only solution in exchange for Maya's freedom,and he knew he wouldn't fuck that chance up.

"Fine,I will do as she says"He finally gave in.

"That's the spirit man,your girl needs her Knight in shining armour to come save her ''Adam teased more,before laughing uncontrollably which is to piss him off more.

"She's not my girl, even Maya hates the thoughts of what we have moving further to that of a real relationship"He told him the truth.

"But you do like her "

"Of course i do like her,but not in the supposed i like her  because she's gorgeous and would make a good wife  kind of way,she's nothing but my …"He paused, not knowing what to say.

"Cum dumpster"Adam completed it,and he found himself laughing at his name for his endearment for Maya.

"Well sort of,but the point is I'm not getting married to any woman my mom sets up for me"He said,"That's a insult to my pride that im nothing but a mommy's boy if i do that,I'm a father Adam"

"Being a dad doesn't make you an adult either,of course you are mommy's boy by not thinking  the way a grown up  would do man"

"Thanks for the compliment,i'm done talking to you"

"Yeah me too,I do  hope you find this lucky girl of yours who's going to sign a contracted marriage with you"Adam sassed back, rolling his eyes at his rudeness.

Like when will he grow up?

"Yeah,I will do just that because I'm not a  mommy's boy  who would do anything and repeat history just because it's my obligation as Daisy's dad"

"Fuck you Damien's Kings!"

"Oh well,fuck you too Adam Grahams!"He said lastly before he felt the call disconnected.


Just a perfect way of getting his support in what he's about to do.

Unfortunately,he's going on that date tomorrow and he's not excited about it.

Not at all.

I don't see the reason why i don't get comments on this lovely story.

they are motivation guys,keep them coming.

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