
A Mommy For Hire:The heiress must get married.

What does fate have in store for the rebellious granddaughter,Tiana Hamilton and billionaire daddy,Damien Kings? Tiana Estrella Hamilton,the wild heiress to a world recognized multi billion automobile company,is set on a dangerous mission to destroy her grandma. She has it all. Money. Beauty. Brain.  But yet, still had something which she craved for but doesn't intend on admitting it, Happiness. On the run, to avoid a forced marriage set up by her grandma to make her realize the intensity of her action, which was going to destroy everything she had ever worked hard for. She meets Damien Kings, Billionaire daddy who's on the lookout for a perfect motherly figure for his little pea, Daisy. What does Tiana know about taking care of a five year old?But yet,she suggested  an idea that would favour  the both of them. A contract marriage for a year. His daughter gets a mommy,she in turn, gets a husband of her choice  and not that of her gram's but under a condition made by Damien. No feelings attached! What would happen, when a marriage which had been vividly documented to end in a year's time without any feeling attached,ends up getting more realistic, serious and enjoyable for something which was meant to be all an act? How will Damien end up convincing the wild heiress,to give a chance at love when all she had ever experienced was betrayal from said loved ones? How sure is Tiana, that she's not  changing with the time spent with her dramatic daughter,daisy? Would her revenge still come to light?  Would little Daisy still end up having Tiana as her mother after a year is up? Would Damien see Tiana differently, when the contract is over and he's deeply in love with her? What would happen when Nancy, Daisy's real  mother, stands as  a big opposition to the  couples' show  of affection towards each other? Most importantly,is saying 'i do' to Damien Kings, a good decision which she had made or just another repetition of her mother's mistake, which she made in the name of love? Finally,would getting married be the game changing plan that grandma saw as the only way, to calm her rebellious granddaughter down? Find out in this promising story,with numerous funny scenes from our little pumpkin,daisy. Rated 18+ The cover photo doesn't belong to me and all credits goes to the original owner. ~~~~~~~ Other books by the other: *365 Days To Love* *Dangerous Love:Two can Play This Game* *The Ceo's Runaway Babymama* *Instagram ID: IrreplaceableSassy *Discord ID:Jayden222#1882 *TikTok ID: Irreplaceablesassy1 *Facebook ID: Jayden *My Server: https://discord.gg/KGxczvhp

Jayden222 · Urban
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The car halted with a screeching sound, which got the attention of onlookers the moment it stopped Infront of the law firm.

This was all a bad idea.

Kai could tell the moment she saw Tiana's eyes gleaming with happiness after escaping from the house, without anyone's knowledge.

This wasn't what she was  told to do,when the chairlady had put her in charge of making sure that Tiana doesn't cause more problems for her.

Yet,here she was in the car.Which was packed outside of the law firm where her grandma's lawyer was working.

The glee in her eyes was enough reasons,which Kai would have considered trouble and turn the car around and rather let her curse her  for eternity,than to create more problems for herself for what she's about to do.

But she was in the middle of the devil and the deep blue sea right now,she had early promised not to let her down anymore and she had forgiven her…..

No..she slightly forgave her due  to the fact that she found her useful to get what she wants,and also because no one can understand her better than her.

Once she's done with using her,she would get rid of her.Tiana had made it known to her in their last conversation.

So,to avoid her obituary like she promised.she had to endure whatever it is she was doing and follow her like the dog she was.

After all,there never was a moment one would see Tiana without seeing her by her side.She's her handbag.

Back to the sudden uninvited visit that they were about to pay lawyer Gary, Tiana hasn't said the reason for the sudden visit.

She didn't want to tell her,she preferred keeping everything to herself nowadays and that's quite a problem.

If she's not going to let her in on what she's doing, there's no way she's going to help her either and besides,to ensure her safety.it would really help if she starts getting more verbal with her.

She looked at Tiana who hadn't said anything,but rather kept looking outside with her eyes that were covered with dark shades.

She's afraid.

But for Tiana,for what she's about to do.

She had consented to marrying who her grandma wants,yet,what she's doing outside here was what she didn't know.

There's no bribing lawyer Gary.

She knew that.

He's way more scared of her grandma than her,besides if he valued his life.There's no way he would meddle with the chairlady's  will over what a rogue twenty three year old says.

Kai's phone chimed,and she turned to look at Tiana who was checking her nails which she got done  before coming here.

Her dad  had released her credit cards,and thanks to her, there's a score to settle with the King's family over the little drama with the daughter at the mall in Paris.

She's sure she had seen the news,she had always pre assumed that the lady looked rather familiar but the stubborn spirit in her, couldn't let her go anywhere without landing herself in trouble.

But luckily,thanks to her for  the little drama in Paris.it had proven to be useful because the king's household had been on the  search for their runaway daughter.

Why does it always have to be the daughter's?

They are so full of troubles,but when it comes to where Tiana was concerned.Her's was topnotch.

She could have really injured the Manager with her heels she hauled at him back then,and maybe…just maybe she would have ended up having a lawsuit to settle with the manager.

Tiana is impenetrable.

It would only take a miracle,to ensure that it works out between her and the first son of the Black household.

Who knows?

She would eventually end up falling in love with him, and all this madness of hers will stop.

Just maybe?

"He's in"She said with a hard look on her face which didn't surprise Tiana at all.She came down from the car and opened the door, letting the heiress out.

"What's his name again?"She asked, pushing her glasses up ,while keeping a cold look on her face as they approached the building.

"Gary.Gary Winston ''Kai said,taking the business card of the company before shoving it in front of the guards ,who bowed their heads the moment they saw who was standing in front of them.

That's the power she carried.

Just like her grandma, there's this aura she carried that always rendered people  intimated where she was,no matter how sturdy you are.

That's her gift, and  she knew how to use it to her advantage the moment she kicked the door to Lawyer's Gary's office open with her designer shoes.

What exactly has gotten into her?

She's definitely going to receive a punishment,when her grandmother gets to hear of this.

But did she care?


"What the…."Lawyer Gary and the other few colleagues of his that were in a meeting turned abruptly at the commotion at the door.

His words died down the moment he saw Kai,he didn't need anyone to tell him who the other lady was standing besides her.

That's the  Hamilton's heiress.

"What sort of rubbish is this Gary?"One of the men sitting watched from him to the woman,who had a  satisfied smirk on her face that she just liked what she just did.

This was an important meeting that needed urgent review,but Garry's secretary had let in an uncultured female who didn't know the meaning of waiting to see the lawyer.

Rather she kicked the door with her foot,calling the meeting quits the moment she walked into his office.

What a brazen….

"Shhhh"Tiana turned to him,the rather sly lawyer who would rather think through his anus rather than through his head, not to notice the way the others who recognized her didn't say shit.

She turned to Kai,who knew what to do by walking up to the man that had the guts to complain at her impromptu visit.

"I would advise you to apologize to the lady for  your choice of words, she's…."Kai paused, turning to look at Tiana.

This was fun for her.

"Livid"She completed, winking at the man whose face was now changing with a different expression after turning to look at his colleagues.

"With your choice of words"Kai said,and then Lawyer Gary choiced to interfere at that moment.

Good of him to do so, because she's sure that if he hasn't?

Tiana would cause a riff between him and his fellow bunch of overeducated hypocrites,that's what Tiana calls them.

"What a lovely surprise to see you , Miss Hamilton"He went up to usher her to a seat,but not without giving his colleagues the sign to leave.

"I didn't know about your unplanned visit to see me "He laughed wryly,sitting on the couch to face her while giving out a deep breath, that  the matter didn't escalate further with the way Jones was talking about her sudden visits.

He's just too fast in reacting,and sticking his nose into matters that are of no use to him.He should have shut his mouth like the others did, he's lucky her assistant handled everything.

"Am i not invited into your humble abode? Although the interior designer is quite shadowy like the old hag's soul"


Kai sent a glare to her,and it took a while before the lawyer could understand what she meant,before laughing while hoping what she said was meant to be a joke.

"You have a good sense of humor, Miss Hamilton,so to what do i own this sudden visit?"He sat back on his seat, using that opportunity to slip his phone out of his pocket.

Does her old hag know she's here?

Ofcourse,she doesn't.

"You tell me"She said with an amused smile hanging in her lips,and before his very eyes,she crossed her legs on top of his glass center table while throwing the contents on it to the ground.

Oh boy!

This is not good!

"Now,let's hear you spill it out,how you helped granny to find a suitor for me"She ordered,while looking into his eyes with no smile on her face anymore.

At that moment,Lary Gary knew that he was in for a long talk,Her eyes alone scared the shits out of him and for the very first time he regretted being the family lawyer.

He's already gotten used to Catrina's madness,but her granddaughter's own was on another level.

She's craziness herself.