
A Heart Without

Legend has it when two moons kiss she will come as the sun watches in envy. Her memories were vague and broken into scattered pieces. She will gain the attention of two men who will do everything they can to win her favor. Just what exactly happened to her, and why doesn't she remember who she is? When Lucian finds her, he wonders just who this beauty is. Hopefully, in time she can discover who she is, and just what her existence means. Preferably before it's too late.

Toxickitteh · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: New Moon, New Love

"I finally found you." A growling voice stirs Lucian from his slumber. He lifts his head and from where he's laying he sees a blur heading towards Nisha on the balcony. Alarmed he hops out of the bed and rushes towards them. The deranged man has Nisha in his hands as Lucian steps closer he sees she has gone limp as the man turns wildly around. Cradling her in his arms as if she was a familiar woman to him. Samson's lips pull back into an intimidating grimace as his eyes narrow on Lucian. His voice echoing as he shouts, "Who are you?" Lucian glares at the man holding Nisha as he takes a step forward as he spreads his legs apart and makes a stance for when the time is right he can move in to take Nisha from him.

Lucian jerks his thumb towards himself, "Who am I?" He says in a mocked tone. "I'm Master Lucian, and I'm the one who found her at her weakest moment." Lucian steps forward taunting Samson with his stance. "And just who do you think you are to touch her like this?" Anger seeping out with venom as he says each word. He calculates carefully whether to lunge at him or not. Deciding to finally make a move he lunges towards Samson and as expected Nisha slips right out of his arms. She falls into a heap by Samson's feet as fury shows upon his face. Just before Lucian can reach him, Samson's eyes glow and within a blink, he vanishes almost as if he was not even there to begin with.

Looking down he sees Nisha laying on the ground. Striding to her as he wonders what this all means. Upon reaching her he scoops her up into his arms and as he turns to take her in the room, her eyes flutter open. "Lucian?" She whispers. Her eyes look bloodshot as if she has not slept in forever. Nisha's body sags in relief as she finds herself in the arms of Lucian. Thank god it's him, otherwise, she wouldn't know how to cope being left in the hands of Samson. She hears his voice rumble as her cheek is pressed to his chest. "Who was that man? I saw the look on your face before you passed out. The look of recognizing someone who caused you agony."

Nisha looks down thinking of how to explain the unexplainable. It's obvious if she was back in her past life, all this would seem to be nothing but a big farce. Something that children would makeup or someone to make a story for others to read. Nisha is still unsure if he thinks she is crazy or if he thinks there is seriously something conclusive going on. Taking a deep breath and remembering what she told herself the last time she admitted something insane. "His name is Samson. I know him because in my past life." She takes a deep breath and a shuddering exhale presumes. "In my past life, he was my boyfriend from middle school up till we graduated. How he came back, is beyond me. As you know. I don't even know what I am or why I am back."

Lost in thought Lucian settles her back on the bed and lifts the covers over her and under her chin. Brushing his knuckles along with her alabaster skin he lets his eyes lock with hers. "Why do you always have uncertainty held in your eyes when you look at me?", he asks as he continues to stroke her cheek.

"I fear that you would think ill of me for the unimaginable things that have evolved around me. Especially in such a short amount of time. I fear that you would turn your back on a whim due to me appearing insane." Nisha closes her eyes and turns her head away from him. Only to have him pinching her chin and turning her head back towards him. When she opens her eyes she sees his lips hovering her own as his warm breath caresses hers, "Fear no more. There is something so captivating about you. I feel as if we were destined to meet. Have faith and time, we shall try and solve what this all means." Standing up he looks down at her, "Now rest some more. It is clear you need much more rest."

Lucian turns to walk out of the room and just before he steps out he hears her sigh softly and in a barely audible whisper he hears, "I think I'm falling for him." He pauses to close the door shut behind him, leaning into the closed-door. A grin spreads across his face. She feels the same way as he does. He hopes that he would not let her down when it comes time to unravel the mystery that seems to shroud itself around her. Walking down the hallway towards his study he figures that he might as well try reading the book that he was reading a while back. Maybe it will have some hidden clue as to what might be happening.

As the door clicks shut, Nish rolls over to face the door. Her thoughts running rampant as her heart flutters every time she nears Lucian. Just the calm and concerned expressions in her eyes are soothing to her soul. Not to mention she can easily get lost in those blue pools of his eyes. Not like how Samson always has been. Always running at the spur of the moment, easily excitable, and very arrogant. It's almost as if Lucian and Samson are complete opposites. Water against fire. Calm against rage. She no longer views Samson as who she once loved long ago in a past life. With her eyes wide open, she now sees Lucian as a man of valor and honor.

With everything that she's been through. How is she to love once more? Will she be destroyed if she loves as carelessly as she had before? She lays in bed as these questions circulate over and over. As her mind is unwilling to yield and let her rest she finally slides out of the bed and sits in the chair sitting next to one of the large french doors. Settling down she takes the soft throw from the back of the chair and wraps herself up as she watches the sun settle down into the lands letting darkness shroud them. She notices just before the Sun winks out that it didn't appear as red as before.

How strange... she thought it was almost always a hint of blood red to it. As if it was so angry. With that thought, an image of Samson appears and she recalls the anger that he had during their brief encounter. Nisha pinches the bridge of her nose as she tries to shake off the mixed feelings she had for Samson. The feeling of dread begins to fill the bottom of her stomach as she wonders if she still loved Samson, or if she will truly fall in love with the one who saved her. She smiles softly as the moon begins to slowly crawl high up into the midnight skies. The radiant glow kisses along her body as if it responds softly with the moon.

Maybe... just maybe she was meant to live this new life. Though she truly wants to know why she was reborn in such a manner, and with the past life memories that have come back in shambles. Pulling the throw up to her chin as she grows heavy with sleep. Nisha wonders if she stays with Lucian hopefully things will be fine. She already knows what it was like being with Samson. Why would she want to live through that all over again?

Finally, after obsessing over Lucian and Samson her eyes grow heavier as sleep takes over her. Just before dreaming takes its place she wonders why her of all people. The most peculiar thing is that she is forced to relive her past while becoming someone entirely different at the same time. Hope is the last thing that springs to her mind as she dreams. Nisha's breathing slows down and her body relaxes as the moon shines down upon her.

Blackness is all she sees as she tiptoes on what feels like water. Up ahead the moon begins to show its brightness and she sees tiny ripples gliding along the surface. It's soo dark even with the moonlight, she wonders just how deep the pools of water go. Smiling softly almost as if in a trance she feels that perhaps the depths of these waters are never-ending. Soon she sees a blue and purple streak shooting from the moon and crashing into the waters, dividing the blue and purple. They stream far from each other and swirls beneath her feet. Her skin glows as the purple absorbs itself into her skin. The blue begins to stream out of the surface of the water as it twirls around her as if protecting her. Then out of the corner of her eye there comes a red stream shattering into the pools as the spot grows red with envy and isolated. Her lips part and her heart races as a perfect circle appears as the color wanes, and she realizes it looks similar to the one that Samson had as a birthmark.

Do you like the story so far? Let me know! I love to hear your input. Happy reading!

Next Chapter: Unraveling at the Seams Part 1.

Just what exactly does this dream entail? Lucian studies the book and finds something interesting out, making sense of the dream Nisha had.

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